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Robert Kuriger

14 March 2013
As technology a!ances "e ha!e ecie to start using e#$ail to eli!er our co$%anies ne"sletter an
it "ill be eli!ere e!ery $onth online instea o& bi$onthly by $ail but i& you li'e you "ill be able
recei!e the %rint !ersion o& the ne"sletter but there "ill be an annual hanling &ee o& (30) *hen
orering ne" ite$s liste in the ne"sletter o&& the co$%anies "ebsite there "ill be a 10 %ercent
iscount) +& you "ish to cancel your subscri%tion &or the ne"sletter you "ill ha!e to in&or$ the
*ith the ne"sletters being eli!ere online this "ill $a'e ha!ing access to these al$ost any"here at
anyti$e "ith a co$%uter- la%to%- tablet- or e!en %hone) .hese changes "ill also $a'e the ne"s letter
a!ailable e!ery $onth so you "ill be able to 'ee% u% on current ne"s an recei!e 10 %ercent iscounts
on your ne/t %urchases) +& you ha!e any 0uestions &eel &ree to sen an e$ail an + "ill re%ly bac' as
soon as %ossible)

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