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To: Human resource manager

From: Robert Kuriger

Date: April 4, 2014
Subject: or!ers" compensation
As an emplo#ee $or a %uman resource manager o$ a large online retailer & %a'e been assigne( t%e tas!
to compose a report on or!ers" compensation) & %a'e (one %a'e e*tensi'e researc% to $in( %o muc%
t%e compan# spen(s eac% #ear $or or!ers" compensation an( %at are a $e possibilities t%at coul(
%elp t%e compan# earn t%e most mone# possible) +or!ers" compensation allos emplo#ees %o are
injure( on t%e job to recei'e bene$its li!e me(ical e*penses an( lost ages) T%e or!ers recei'e t%ese
bene$its (epen(ing on %o t%e injur# %appene( an( t%e se'erit# o$ t%e injur#) ,an# o$ t%e or!ers
spen( t%eir time pac!ing boo!s, D-Ds, an( ot%er pro(ucts into mailing bo*es, t%en li$ting t%e bo*es
an( placing t%em onto carts t%at t%e# ill t%en mo'e into t%e mailing rooms causing stress on t%eir
.'er t%e past #ear e %a'e $oun( t%at t%e majorit# o$ t%e injuries ere bac! injuries an( t%ese %a'e
been coming $rom or!ers in t%e are%ouse because t%e# spen( t%eir (a#s li$ting an( mo'ing %ea'#
bo*es) A$ter re'ieing t%e companies %istor# o$ t%e or!ers an( mone# $rom 2011/2100 & %a'e $oun(
t%at t%ere %a'e been a total o$ 123 injuries t%at %a'e occurre( it% t%e total cost o$ all t%e injuries as
40)2 million an( still a cost o$ 45)2 million $or all open claims) T%e compan# coul( possibl# %a'e to
pa# out o'er 411 million to or!ers" compensation causing a signi$icant loss in pro(ucti'it# but man#
o$ t%ese injuries coul( be a'oi(e()
Proposed solutions
T%ere are man# (i$$erent items t%at can be use( to %elp t%e emplo#ee"s li$t bo*es $or t%e emplo#ees
suc% as (ollies or $or!li$ts to transport t%e bo*es into t%e mail room) T%e little mone# t%at oul( be
spent on tools to %elp t%e or!ers in t%e are%ouse relie'e stress on t%eir bo(ies an( oul(
tremen(ousl# cut t%e prices t%at are being pai( toar( or!ers" compensation eac% #ear increasing t%e
companies pro$itabilit#)

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