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Kaylee Hendry

Biology 1010

Trisomy 21-Down Syndrome
Humans normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell, divided into twenty three pairs.
Two copies of chromosome twenty one, one copy inherited from your father and one inherited
from your mother. Together they form one of the pairs. Chromosome twenty one is the
smallest human chromosome. When chromosome twenty one contains three chromosomes
instead of two making it trisomy, is a condition known as Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a
chromosomal condition that is associated with intellectual disability, a characteristic facial
appearance, and weak muscle tones while an infant. This condition is most often caused by
trisomy twenty one. Trisomy twenty one means that each cell in the body has three copies of
chromosome twenty one instead of the usual two copies.
There are many symptoms that are associated with Down syndrome and can widely be
recognized by merely looking at the person. Down syndrome symptoms vary from person to
person and can range from mild to severe. The head may be smaller than normal and
abnormally shaped. For example, the head may be round with a flat area on the back. The inner
corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed. Some other characteristics of Down
syndrome are; excess skin at the nape of the neck, flattened nose, separated joints between
the bones of the skull called sutures and single crease in the palm of the hand. Physical
development is often slower than normal. Most children with Down syndrome never reach
their average adult height.
Children may also have delayed mental and social development. Common problems
may include: impulsive behavior, poor judgment, short attention span and slow learning. As
children with Down syndrome grow and become aware of their limitations, they may also feel
frustration and anger. Many people question and are concerned with how long their Down
syndrome child lives as an adult. Life expectancy for people with Down syndrome has increased
dramatically in recent decades from 25 in 1983 to 60 today.
There is no cure for Down syndrome; its just a condition that someone is born with
because of getting that extra chromosome that is not needed. Behavioral training can help
people with Down syndrome and their families deal with the frustration, anger, and compulsive
behavior that often occur. Parents and caregivers should learn to help a person with Down
syndrome deal with frustration. At the same time, it is important to encourage independence.
Special education and training is offered in most communities for children with delays in mental
development. Speech therapy may help improve language skills. Physical therapy may teach
movement skills. Occupational therapy may help with feeding and performing tasks. Mental
health care can help both parents and the child manage mood or behavior problems. Special
educators are also often needed.

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