Goal Attainment Domain 4

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Goal Attainment

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities; Growing and Developing Professionally

Goal: Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development and makes a
systematic attempt to conduct research in the classroom.
Part One
To attain this goal I participated in several conferences. In the Fall I went to
MiLearnCamp hosted by the Kent ISD. This is a one day camp targeted specifically
at ELA. During this time I had the opportunity to confer with other educators and
administrators about DAILY 5 and CAF. This actually spurred me in beginning a
PLC with the teachers in the building. The DAILY 5 went for several weeks with
teachers at various levels; from beginner to intermediate. The teachers who
attended the most made use of the information and activated some to all parts of
the method. This training also prompted me to take the opportunity to set up
classroom coaching by Laura Ranville. The teachers who were a part of the DAILY
5 PLC were some of the first to volunteer to have her model large group mini-
lessons and small group guided reading lessons. The strategy the teacher wanted
modeled was up to them. Strategies that were chosen varied; cause and effect,
inference, and main idea and details were the most popular. Some teachers also
asked for more guidance in finding student levels and how to manage rotations
I also attended a MiLearnCamp in the spring; it was in the same location. It was
very small, only about 14 participants (not including the volunteers). Here I made
a decision about using tracking. A small group of us were talking about how to
help show growth in writing over time, what to grade, what to focus on and Mark,
the leader and organizer of the Camp, volunteered an example folder of how
various teachers in their county track their students writing. He mentioned that
students have made progress at increasing their ability to sustain their writing and
grow in their content words. Looking at the SIT plan I realized that capturing
students writing growth and evaluating it had not been implemented. So, as
leader in the SIT writing plan, I suggested we keep the collection of writing in
various content areas and introducing tracking as one of next years goals. One of
the ways I observed student growth in READ 180 is in student journals.
Introducing and using the revising and editing guidelines in the R-Book helped.
Several students are now able to produce a strong paragraph, many though still
need to increase their precise words (vocabulary).
Finally, I had the opportunity to attend the MRA in Grand Rapids. Cris Tovani was
the featured speaker. One of the things she stated was that even if students
could read for 50 of their day, that would be 4 hours x 180 days x 13 years= 9,
360; for students to have expertise practice must occur for 10,000 hours.
Students need homework. They need to read outside of the school day. Even
though I assigned homework to the students in READ 180 without the homeroom
teachers support the students struggled with following through on the
assignment. It is really important that there is collaboration when it comes to this

I also attended an Edcamp. This was particularly intimidating, but I refuse to back
down. I actually decided to use Twitter. My friend Mary explained it as at some
point you have to drink the juice well I felt I couldnt put it off any longer. I had
been speaking to several techies about tweeting. I think the thing that was the
most perplexing is Twitters purpose. After looking at many help pieces,
researching online, and talking to many other educators the key to Twitter is
finding a niche. I am already using Facebook so I have a social network in use, the
key finally to Twitter for me was creating a Professional Learning Network. So my
focus is on education, but specifically technology and literature. I wonder, am I
becoming a nerd?

Part Two
A. The success for me in all of the technology training was that it was new. I
like to challenge myself to try new things. I wanted to think about using
technology not as an end in and of itself but as a tool in the classroom. This
is especially true in READ 180, students are on the computer every day. I
remind them of ways the computer can help them and the importance of
using it to help them grow in reading and writing skills. I am also on the
computer and iPad every day. I see how it can make my life richer, even
though it can also complicate it. (When the program fails because of the
server, my page drops, the only way to access my Portfolio is at school,
B. The most frustrating part of learning this new technology was the skills
needed to take steps in success. I was given Camtasia (a video editing
program) at the EdCampLansing as a gift. I have viewed the tutor videos
several times, it is quite the challenge. I think sometimes you just need a
person to help you follow the steps, not just rely on the technology.
C. If I had a chance to begin again I would want to implement Aurasma. It is a
3D program that allows students to view videos, notes, and helpful
information using an Aura (marker).
D. I think I would use it in the Independent and Modeled Reading area. I
would have had students create Book Talks and attach them to the READ
180 books. I also may have let them find information on the internet that
could attach to the informational books using a link.
E. Using more technology has changed the way I work in the classroom and
school. Since learning how to use the iPad (which only began last summer)
it has totally changed my order of business. For example when testing
students on the AimsWeb I switched from paper to technology. The iPad as
a tool has saved time, allowed me to become more mobile, track student
growth, and present materials other teachers needed to learn (using an
iPad toggle and presenter).
F. Focusing on technology has only touched on all the ways I can be more
successful in my craft. I attend these EdCamps and I am amazed at what
people are doing to strengthen student learning by using technology. My
plan is to continue to explore and implement programs and other
technology wonders and bring it not only to my students but fellow
teachers. I was asked if I could do a PLC on iPad use (what a brain burst!)
G. I think that using technology is going to be one of the best ways I can help
my student prepare for their future. Even though I am moving toward the
end of my profession I know that I can help the next generation get ready
by using 21
Century learning.

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