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1 Engaging students to
participate in lessons that are
appropriate to their physical,
social and intellectual
development and
characteristics of students
and how these may affect
I have selected a lesson plan that is very appropriate for year level and the
chosen subject. This has been developed through careful consideration of
students physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of
students and how these may affect their learning. This is evident in the use of
class work, group work and individual work. By starting the lesson as a class I
am able to gauge the ability of students then allow them to break away and
work individually based on their intellectual development as well as their
social development. I then worked with smaller groups to allow them to be
successful learners within a supported environment, as students felt more
confident I would send them back to their desks to work independently.
1.2 Demonstrate knowledge
and understanding of
research into how students
learn and the implications for
I was able to gain a knowledge and understanding of how students learn and
the implications this would have on my teaching after observing the class in
the first 5 x one day a week visits during my professional experience. This
gave me insight into how I could manipulate my learning environment to
support and further each individual in their learning. After establishing that
the class did not work well in groups, I ensured when I did use group work it
was led by the teacher and was utilised to provide extra instruction as well as
scaffolded to provide extra assistance to particular students.
1.3 Demonstrate knowledge
of teaching strategies that
are responsive to the
learning strengths and needs
of students from diverse
linguistic, cultural, religious
and socioeconomic
On my last practical experience I was at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary
School Darra where the community within the school is built upon diversity
with majority of the population attending speaking English as a second
language (ESL). I applied this knowledge and understanding of children's
diverse backgrounds to my lesson plans daily ensuring I was catering to the
diversity of my students. I ensured that I used terms that students were
familiar with in lessons and if I used a new term I would define it clearly and
leave it up on the board for students of ESL back ground to refer to if needed.
I scaffolded lessons through explicit teaching and clear communication of
instructions and expectations to support the diverse linguistic, cultural,
religious and socioeconomic backgrounds.
1.4 Demonstrate broad
knowledge and
understanding of the impact
of culture, cultural identity
and linguistic background on
the education of students
from Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander backgrounds.
Emerging: Refer to Personal Development Plan.
1.5 Strategies for
differentiating teaching for
students from a full range of
abilities can be seen
throughout the lesson plan.
Students are given the opportunity to engage in class work, group work and
individual work. Tasks are manageable for all learners however
gifted/talented learners are challenged through extra tasks to extend upon
their own learning .The lesson also caters for different learning styles
through using verbal and visual aides to assist different students learning
styles within the lesson plan.

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