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Effect of catalyst on the

rate of reaction
What is catalyst ?
A catalyst is a substance which alters
the rate of chemical reaction while it
remains chemically unchanged at the
end of the reaction
Types of catalyst
2 Types :
a) Positive catalyst : Increase the rate of
b) Negative catalyst : lower the rate of
Special characteristics of catalyst
a) It alters the rate of chemical reaction,
b) The amount of product remains unchanged
with or without catalyst,
c) It remains chemically unchanged during the
reaction( the mass and chemical composition
of the catalyst remain the same )
d) It is specific in its action ( only catalyse a
particular reaction )

Special characteristics of catalyst
e) Only a small amount of catalyst is needed to change
in the rate of reaction but increasing the amount will
increase the rate,
f) Powdered catalyst is more effective than lump
g) Catalyst may undergo physical changes
( crystal powder )
h) Most catalyst are transition elements or compound
of transition element

Effect of pressure on the rate of
The reaction involves gaseous
High rate at a higher pressure
Application of the factors
affecting the rate of reaction in
daily life
Burning smaller pieces of charcoal,
Storing of food in a refrigerator,
Cooking of food in a pressure cooker
Cooking of solid food in small size
Application of the factors affecting
the rate of reaction in industrial
Choosing optimum conditions to achieve
- Shorter time of production,
- Higher yield
- Lower cost of production
Costly at high temperature and high pressure ,
catalyst are used to increase the rate of reaction.

The use of catalyst
Enables the processes to be run in a shorter
time, at an optimum temperature and pressure,
The cost of production is lower.
1. Haber process
- Manufacture ammonia
+ 3H
- Mixture of nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas in
the ratio 1 : 3
- Condition : Catalyst : Iron powder
Temperature : 450
Pressure : 200-300 atm

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