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Attorney- Client Confidenti al Relationship and not discussing

cases with family members

First, I want to thank our clients and their famil y for giving me the
opportuni t y to assist them in their case. I am a legal professional and I have
great pride and confidence in the legal services that I perform for clients
during our relati onshi p as attorney- client. If you have concerns about your
case, please call my office.
Confidenti al informati on includes, but is not limi ted to all informati on
gained in the professional relati onshi p that the client has requested be held
secret or the disclosure of which would be embarrassing or possibl y
detri mental to the client. This includes not onl y the matter revealed by the
client to us, but also the identi t y of what clients have been in to intervi ew.
Therefore, we cannot discuss cases with anyone ecept the client. This
includes even spouses or parents.
!e feel that this case is etremel y important- not onl y to you, but to this
office as well. !e take professional pride in guiding our clients carefull y
through difficul t ti mes to a satisfactory conclusion of their cases.
New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct
"#C $.% Confidenti ali ty of Informati on
&a' ( lawyer shall not reveal informati on relati ng to representati on of a
client unless the client consents after consul tati on, ecept for disclosures that
are impliedl y authori)ed in order to carry out the representati on, and ecept
as stated in paragraphs &b' and &c'. *cri mi nal and illegal acts+
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