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1 Set learning goals

that provide
achievable challenges
for students of varying
abilities and
As a teacher I was able to set learning goals that were both challenging yet
achievable for students. I did this through using strategies that included visible
learning, using different measuring tools for each group that were not
standardised so students had to really think about what they were measuring as
well as when they made predictions within the lesson. I also chose to group
students heterogeneously to increase the student learning abilities thus creating
a learning environment where zone of proximal development was present and
3.2 Plan lesson
sequences using
knowledge of student
learning, content and
effective teaching
There was a focus on behaviour, transitioning from classroom to the undercover
area in a safe manner, as well as getting the students to tell me the expectations
of their behaviour instead of me telling them of what I expect of them.
Transitioning from and to the classroom so the main aspect to be considered
was behaviour in planning the structure of my lesson. Planning for using
different environments as well as scaffolding the position of children within the
groups they worked in e.g. everyone had a role and had to participate actively in
the lesson content.
3.3 Include a range of
teaching strategies.
There was a range of teaching strategies implemented into this lesson plan
through using open-ended questions to elicit prior knowledge as well as the
teacher modeling the activity. I also utilised the use of non-conventional
measuring tools to find the volume, which challenged the students intellectual
development. Each group was given a different measuring tool and at the end of
the lesson each group reported back on their findings so all students stayed
engaged in the class discussion of other groups reporting in their data for us
then to create a graph to represent that data.
3.4 Demonstrate
knowledge of a range
of resources, including
ICT, that engage
students in their
Within this lesson plan I used an interactive whiteboard utilized to introduce
topic as well as using work booklets. I posed a question that was a real world
problem at the beginning of the lesson and this was the base of my planning of
the lesson. This allowed the children to make connections to the real world as
well as showing them an inside to my life and asking them to help me figure out
a problem.
3.5 Demonstrate a
range of verbal and
strategies to support
student engagement.
I demonstrated a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to
support student engagement. Teaching strategies I used included: modeling,
group work, strategies of role/responsibilities allowing the teacher to call on
different children thus increasing student participation as everyone had a role
within the group.
3.6 Demonstrate
broad knowledge of
strategies that can be
used to evaluate
teaching programs to
improve student
This lesson plan demonstrated a broad range of strategies that allowed me to
evaluate my teaching and through this reflect on how I can improve student
learning. I used tools such as reflection, improve students learning Mini Me
Self-assessment of learning and used work booklets as Formative assessment.
3.7 Describe a broad
range of strategies for
parents/carers in the
educative process.
This sub-standard can be evidently seen in Standard 7 where I incorporated a
number of strategies to include parents/carers in the educative process these
were: a weekly newsletter, building relationships with parents/cares through
assisting with parent-teacher conferences, attending and actively participating in
staff meetings, professional development day - CTJ, as well as assisting with
playground duties as well as engaging with the community through direct
involvement with the local parish through liturgies and year level mass. All of
these strategies were put into practice in my last practical experience.

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