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Apes in a Box

Natural Gas
Mixture of gases
Mostly methane
Found above conventional crude oil deposit

Natural Gas burn off
Oil deposit from a pipeline to NG = gas burn off waste product

Synthetic natural gas
SNG created from coal gasification
Low net energy
Uses 50% more coal than burning coal

Russia 25% reserves
Middle east large amount
US less than 4% already use worlds NG production

Advantage of NG
Large reserve remain
Less air pollutant
High net energy compared to other fossil fuel

Low net energy LNG liquefied natural gas
Release C02
Difficult transport
Pipeline infrasture not that modernize

Types of coal
4 categories Peat
Older coal higher carbon content = more energy
Less air pollution from = when burn
Sulfur impurities

Partially decayed plant material
Formed in wetland bags
Burn for cooking fuel
Used by scoth whiskey distilleries and industrial scale in Ireland and Findland

Light (browm coal)
25 -30% carbon
Lowest quality
gulf Coast and northern plains

Bituminous (soft coal)
Most commonly found
35- 86 % carbon
Harder and shiner

Anthracite (hard coal}
86 97 % carbon
Highest quality
Very hard and shinny

Shale Oil & Tar sand
Shale oil deposits contain kerogen solid mixture of hydrocarbon
Extracted by crushing heating the rock to separate oil
Shade oil reserves
70% of shale oil reserve worldwide is in U.S

Existing infrastructure can be use
Easy to transport
Large domestic reserves

Low net energy by energy and water is used
High disturbance of land
CO2 N0X S0X emissions

Tar Sands
Viscous mixture sand, clay, water, bitumen
Obtain strip mining mixed water = heat to separate bitumen
= synthetic crude oil

Canada 75% worlds tar sands reserves
U.S Russia, Venuzuela, Columbia, Nigeria small reserves

Advantage Disadvantage
Large potential reserve low net energy be extracting bitumen
Oil infrastructure can be used use water
Easy to transport land disruption habitat loss = surface mining
It emits C02 N02 S02

-produce heat and pressure act on decayed organic matter over million of years
-consists pf hydrocarbons with sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen
-time is a lot need

Fractional Distillation
Oil would go FD where it separated the oil by boiling point

High net energy
Domestically available
Little Land disruption in mining process

C02 S02 N0x emmissions
Oil spills
Net energy decreasing invested in oil production

80% depletion between 2050 2100
Hubbert Curve it look like a concave down
Parabold increasing = peaks = no more resource

OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
Controls 60% of crude oil reserve
Saudi Arabia controls 20%

Burning wood more energy the wood
Used for cooking and heating
Coposing 2/3 feet there would be tress that would grow back

Inexpensive high energy content
Easy transport available
Less smoke than wood or doing
Renewable if managed properly

Charcoal production is hazardous to worker
Charcoal smoke unhealthy to breath

Burning plant material / animal waste
Ex: charcoal burning wood to remove moisture
Advantage higher energy than wood
Disadvantage negative impact on respiratory system

Garbage power
-burning gargabe directly produce steam for electricity
-landfills that capture the methane
-readily availability
-requires development transportation

-alcohol produced by fermentation of plant material
USA use corn
Brazil use sugarcane
Advantage cleaner burning, domestic availability
Disadvantage food going to produce fuel

Removing oil from plants or algea
Advantage high net energy better mileage than diesel. Lower C02 and C0 emissions.
Disadvantage land use for fuel instead of food. Higher N0X emissions than diesel.
Algea grown tanks little land
Advantage food prices wont directly affected

Burning solid biomass- wood plant material dung
Advantage local availability low cost development
Disadvantage indoor air pollutant , erosion, habitats disrupted

Electricity generation
Turbine generator electricity
Convert a force
Rotational movement
To make generator
Spin to make

Ways to spin :
Steam wind water

Ways to make steam
Coal = heat up water to spin generator
Oil = heat up water to spin generator
Burning biomass = heat up water to spin generator
Natural gas = heat up water to spin generator =
Geothermal = using heat up water to produce steam
Nuclear plant = fission reaction atoms splitting

Geothermal Power
Using heat stored underground to produce electricity
Small percentage of worldwide energy production

Cooling homes
Use to cool the home. Putting out the hot water or fluid and go through the dirt to make it cold.

Heating homes (depends on season)
Cold air goes through a tunnel of tube then becomes hot.

Generating electricity
Similar to heating homes but it is around 100 200 ft down.- hot water that becomes steam to spin the
Advantage lower greenhouse emission
Disadvantage subsidence
-start up cost high
-very deep well expensive

Hydroelectrical Power
Moving Water electricity production
Hydroelectrical dams
Tidal energy

Advantage high net energy
Reservoirs can be used recreation
Water diversion for irrigation

Disadvantage high initial cost
Disruption of fish mignition
Cause eutrophication and anoxia in the downstream

Nuclear Power
Control nuclear fission
Uranium mined enriched
Nuclear react and heat from reaction to heat water to make steam to make electricity

Australia 30%
U.S 4%
Small reserves scattered everywhere
Emit little C02
Low risks of nuclear incident

Low or even negative net energy yield
High cost pf building power plant
Toxic radioactive waste

Solar Power
Photovoltaic cells- solar panels
-thin layers of silicon imbedded with metals sunlight strikes the PV cells electrons are produced to make
Advantage :
No direct emission
Expandable portable
Little maintenance

High start up cost
Most have battery or be grid connected requires sunlight

Passive solar
Directly use to heat air or water
Face the windows south or have greenhouse that has cents up (hot air)
Down ( cold air) to heat your house
High net energy
Little disruption
Low or no emission

High initial cost
Only work when sun is shining

Wind power
Wind mill turned by power of the wind
Turbine connected to an electrical generator that produces electricity as long as turbinw spinning.

Many sites suitable for wind farms
High net energy
No direct emissions
Land can be used for other purposes

High initial cost
Turbine require Maintenance
Minor noise pollution
Can kill birds

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