Apes - The Rise of Renewable Energy

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The Rise of Renewable Energy

Part A
1727 MW to worldwide solar energy
Japan and Germany puch for solar installation
Kenya 30000 small solar panel = each produce 12-30 W
Wind Power year 2005 60,000 MW
Wind power doesnt like it because affect the view
Green diesel gasifying biomass and converting these compounds
to long chain carbons
R&D spending in a large biotech company
More should got to alternative energy
Incentives for companies using alternative ideas

Part B
This article is about on alternative energy and how it can produce
energy as coal and gas can. They should numbers that it can work out
and be independent of usinf fossil fuels. It should that solar power in
general can produce 5,000 mega watts which is only .15 % of allsources.
Wind Power has 60,000 MW. People dont like this power because it
ruins the aesthetics, and this is called NIMBY (Not in my backyard).
There are also greenfuels. They are being researched to make the most
useful net energy. There are also plans that there are incentives for
companies. This is a step of being independent of fossil fule
Part C
This is a great start and we can achieve better goals if everyone know
the pros and cons of the fossil fuels and alternative energy. Most of the
people and even my parents sometimes lack in this feld because in
wasnt thought in this field. We should have an educational meeting of
alternative energy. Have incentives for companies using alternative
power. Have votes on community plans that goes with green

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