Leadership & Supervision Certificate

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Course Descriptions

Supervision and Leadership, MGMT 305, 3 credits

Review and understand the characteristics and qualities required for
effective leadership in contemporary organizations; complements traditional
teaching methods with role playing, case studies, and exercises.
Lean Service Enterprise Leadership, MGMT 492, 3 credits
Learn how to design, continuously improve, and lead a lean service
business process initiative. Specific areas of concentration include systems
planning and thinking, human relations skills and Lean Principles.
Electives - Choose two from the following courses:
*Applied Management, MGMT 301, 3 credits
A description and analysis of business activities designed to manage an
organization to efficiently serve employees, customers, and the community.
*Team Dynamics Organizational Behavior, MGMT 302, 3 credits
Explores the fundamental processes and skills essential for the success of
individual and group/team behavior in contemporary organizational settings.

Quality-Operations Management, MGMT 370, 3 credits

The philosophy of continuous quality improvement, process improvement
tools, management and planning tools, teaming, and models for
improvement are taught. Principles of operations management; dependent
and independent demand; forecasting; work measurement; work standards.

Human Resource Management, MGMT 373, 3 credits

Covers the objectives, functions, and organization of personnel programs.
*Negotiations, MGMT 375, 3 credits
The course covers the broad spectrum of negotiations from common
negotiations that occur in everyday life to specific labor-management
*Cases Strategy-Workforce Trend, MGMT 474, 3 credits
The focus is on discussing solutions of core HRM concepts including
strategy, and current trends in the workplace such as changing workforce
demographics, talent management and succession planning.
*MGMT Internship, MGMT 491, 3 credits
Work experience with cooperating employer organizations in business,
industry, government, and education. The work experience is designed to
be relevant to the students' academic pursuits and professional goals.
The Leadership and
Supervision Certificate
is based upon a solid
business curriculum that
teaches real-world skills.
The Leadership and Supervision certificate is designed to
educate students on effective strategies and tools for
managing real-world issues. You will encounter challenges
generated in a variety of complex work environments.
Diverse organizational situations will be used when applying
theory to specific situations. Creativity, critical thinking,
problem solving, and collaboration skills will be nurtured to
ensure that objectives are efficiently, effectively, and ethically
achieved. A practical, action learning approach is incorporated
to further professional development.
This certificate requires only 12 semester hours and all
classes are available in Grand Rapids. To be admitted to this
program, you must have a minimum GPA of 2.35, ACT score
of 16 in English or college level English and an ACT score of
19 or higher in math or college level math.
The certificate program in Leadership and
Supervision at Ferris stands out for a
number of reasons:
Most classes are offered online to accommodate your
busy schedule. Other classes are offered face-to-face
at the Applied Technology Center conveniently located
on the campus of Grand Rapids Community College.
Classes are taught by professional instructors with
direct experience in the field.
Class size is kept small so that you have an opportunity
to get to know your instructors and fellow students.
Leadership & Supervision Certificate
Easy Scheduling Practical Coursework Hands-On Training Skill Building
151 Fountain Street NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Phone: (616) 451-4777 or (800) 998-3425
Fax: (616) 451-4740 | Email: fsugr@ferris.edu

*Offered online only.

Offered in Grand Rapids or online.

For more information, contact Donald Brecken at
brecked@ferris.edu or visit ferris.edu/statewide.

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