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Class : 1 Malaysia

Date : 21 April 2011

Time : 07:20-08:20am (1hour)
Focus : Reai!" (Day 2)
Theme : #orl o$ %tories
Topic : Dilly Duc&'s Dou"h!ut ((!it ))
1. Warm Up/Set Induction Students Actions
Sound the Letter
Teacher as&s pupils to *ump up a! o+! a!
prete! to scratch their ,oy a! say the
pho!eme -i-.
/upils *ump up a!
o+! a! sou! out the
pho!eme -0- +ith
2. Developing Phonemic Aareness Students Actions
a! "ear It
Teacher co!ti!ues the story alou (Dilly
Duc&'s Dou"h!uts) alo!" +ith the pupils.
Teacher sho+s the +or cars 1ti!2 pit2 pi!'.
Tell pupils to sou! the meial positio!
pho!eme -i-.
Teacher as&s 3uestio! a,out the story.
Thcr: #here i Dilly Duc& a! Dotty Do"
loo& $or the ou"h!ut4
Clss: They loo&e i! a pit.
/upils sou! the
pho!eme -0- +ith
/upils a!s+er the
#onnect Sound/S$m%ols Students Actions
%! Sa$ It
As&s pupils to repeat-say alou the +ors
a! say the sou! $or -t- -i- -!- a!
co!ti!ue +ith the +ors -pit- -pi!-'
As&s them to put the sou! to"ether to
ma&e !e+ +ors. 56plai!s the 1arm ,le!i!"'
metho to o this acti7ity.
8e6t2 place a letter car +ith -i- o! the
,oar a! ha7e pupils to say say the letter
a! sou! the pho!eme -i-. A the
letter -!- a! say the sou!. /lace
9le!s the pho!emes
i!to +ors a! say
poi!ters-$i!"ers u!er the letters a!
,le! them to"ether to say the -i!-. #rite
the pho!o"ram i! o! the +hite,oar.
Repeat a"ai! the sou!s $or the pho!o"ram.
A the letter 1,' to the ,e"i!!i!" o$ :i! a!
,le! the +or.
c! &ead It
Teacher emphasises other $amily +ors +ith
the rime 1i!'
e.".: ,i!2 $i!2 chi!
Tchr: -,-i--!- #hat's the +or4
A! co!ti!ue +ith the other !e+ +ors.
Teacher uses the ;#or Family %lie< $or
the acti7ity.
d! Write It
Teacher istri,utes +or&sheet +ith the
acti7ity $illi!" i! the correct letter.
Fill i! the correct letters.
1. = i!
2. =i!
, t p $
Teacher e!s the lesso! +ith a +or "ame.
Teacher sho+s +or cars +ith the pupils
+ith a! +ithout the pho!eme -i-. 5ach time
they come across cars +ith the sou! -i-
they +ill sou! the pho!eme a! 7ice 7ersa.

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