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Kazuaki Yuasa, Group manager, Ship & Ocean Engineering Department,
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
KAZUAKI YUASA is the Group Manager of the Ship and Ocean Engineering Department of
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. He graduated from the University of Tokyo and fnished his
master course of the same university. He joined the company in 1977, and since then he has
been working mainly in the principal designing of merchant vessels especially gas tankers as
project manager. He was involved in almost all LNG and LPG projects since 1980.
Kazuhiko Ohtake, Manager, Ship & Ocean Engineering Department,
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd
KAZUHIKO OHTAKE graduated from Nagoya institute of technology and joined Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries Ltd in 1982. He has been engaged in designing ship machinery equipment for
merchant vessels, particularly for BOG@re-liquefaction system for LNGC recently, and now
he is the Engineering manager of the Ship and Ocean Engineering Department of Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, Ltd.
Masura Oka, Senior Engineer, Ship Designing Department, Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Ltd
MASARU OKA graduated with a master degree in Physics from the university of Kyushu
and joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd in 1992. He has been engaged in designing ship
machinery equipment, particularly for LNG carriers, and now he is the senior engineer of the
Initial Designing Section of the Ship Designing Department.
Hiroyuk Ohira, Engineer, Ship Designing Department, Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Ltd
HIROYUKI OHIRA graduated with a Masters degree in Naval Architecture from the University
of Kyushu and joined Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd in 1984. He has been engaged in the
initial design of ships, particularly for LNG carriers and now he is the engineering manager of
initial designing section of the Ship Designing Department.
Subject : Proposals for LNGC Propulsion System with Re-Liquefaction Plant
Review from the World's First Application
Hiroyuki Ohira
Manager, Ship & Ocean Engineering Department
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan
Masaru Oka
Senior engineer, Ship Designing Department
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan
Kazuhiko Ohtake
Manager, Ship & Ocean Engineering Department
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan
Kazuaki Yuasa
Group manager, Ship & Ocean Engineering Department
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan
Discussions on alternative propulsion systems for LNG carriers have taken place over many years, while,
during this time, only steam turbine propulsion systems using gas/oil burning boilers have been
LNG JAMAL, an LNG carrier, is a conventional vessel except for her boil off gas (BOG) re-
liquefaction plant. Since her delivery at the end of 2000, she has been used in LNG transportation
service from Oman to Osaka, with saving boil off loss of cargo.
The worlds first onboard BOG re-liquefaction plant was developed for the profit by mainly
using fuel oil for propulsion and preserving cargo LNG She is equipped with one BOG re-liquefaction
plant using nitrogen coolant in the BRAYTON cycle, with enough capacity to process normal BOG at
laden voyage. The re-liquefaction capacity is adjusted from about 33% to 100% continuously, and its
control is linked to the cargo tank pressure control. Full automation is realized for saving ships work,
not only for normal liquefaction operation during both laden and ballast voyages, but also for system cool
down operation at start-up. No special staff is required for the operation of the BOG re-liquefaction plant.
This paper introduces the "Onboard BOG re-liquefaction plant" with its successful voyage, and suggests a
new alternative propulsion system for an LNG carrier, especially focusing on a multi-diesel engine
propulsion system with a BOG re-liquefaction plant.
1. Introduction
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., (MHI) is a pioneer in liquefied gas carriers, having built the worlds
first large sized refrigerated LPG carrier, the Bridgestone-maru, in 1962. Currently, MHI holds the top
market share in the construction of both large sized LPG carriers and LNG carriers.
Since 1983, MHI has constructed nineteen (19) Moss spherical tank LNG carriers and is designing nine
(9) LNG carriers including three (3) membrane type LNG carriers. MHI introduced the so-called second
generation LNG carrier concept, characterized by a lower boil-off rate (BOR) with a forcing vaporizer
system, applying it in the Australian North West Shelf project in 1989. This concept has since become
the world standard because of its economical merits and operational flexibility.
MHI has also been studying Gaz Transport membrane tank LNG Carriers in detail since a license
agreement in 1973, in order to realize more advanced membrane ships. In 1999, MHI was awarded the
contract for the membrane LNG carriers of a Malaysian project as the lead yard. These membrane ships
are now under construction at the shipyards.
In this paper, MHIs technical development of the worlds first application of a boil-off gas (BOG) re-
liquefaction plant and a proposal for a new alternative propulsion plant for the future will be explained.
2. Technical development of Mitsubishi LNG carriers
MHI introduced LNG technologies for the Technigaz membrane system in 1969, the Moss spherical tank
system in 1971, and the Gaz Transport membrane system in 1973.
Since then, MHI has undertaken many activities such as:
first generation LNG carriers;
second generation vessels with the Moss spherical tank system;
135,000 m
LNG carrier with a very low BOR of 0.10%/day;
Gaz Transport type membrane LNG carriers for a Malaysian project;
first BOG re-liquefaction plant on an LNG carrier;
145,000 m
LNG carrier for a SNOHVIT project; and
environmental friendly LNG carrier.
An outline of these matters is explained below.
2.1 First generation LNG carriers
In 1983 and 1984, as the first generation LNG carriers built in Japan, MHI delivered the Banshu maru,
the Echigo maru and the Dewa maru.
The principal dimensions and hull form were selected to optimize their resistance, propulsive
performance, maneuverability, and fuel economy. Their hull form and rudder area were determined on
the basis of hull behavior analysis.
Through these experiences, MHI obtained its quality control method in the design and building of LNG
2.2 Second generation LNG carriers with the Moss 4 tank system
In 1986, MHI was awarded the contract for a second generation LNG carrier with the Moss 4 tank vessel
as the lead yard, and delivered a 125,000 m
vessel to the Australian North West Shelf Project in 1989.
Conventional LNG carriers were of a 5- or 6-tank design to maintain basic performance easily, but a 4-
tank ship is much easier to operate, maintain and repair. It also leads to a reduction in BOR and in the
initial investment.
The BOR in a conventional LNG carrier was 0.25%/day. Studies were conducted to optimize the BOR
under overall operating conditions for this project, and it was determined to adopt a BOR of 0.15%/day.
A booster fuel during a ships high speed can be chosen from fuel oil or fuel gas, whichever is more
economical at the time.
To allow for a difference in the vertical transformation of the cargo tank and pipe tower, the bottom part
of the pipe tower incorporates flexible construction.
In order that the heat ingress from the skirt part is reduced, a stainless steel thermal brake is inserted
between the aluminum alloy skirt and steel skirt.
Horizontal stiffeners are also adopted in the skirt parts for design refinement and for cooling down
2.3 135,000 m
LNG carrier with a very low BOR
Succeeding and developing the design know-how from the previous LNG carriers, MHI has realized the
135,000 m
Moss spherical tank type LNG carrier EKAPUTRA, which was the largest LNG carrier in
the world at the time and on which a very low boil-off rate (BOR) of 0.10%/day was realized for the first
time in the world.
A five-tank system was selected in this case and considering the results of the systematic study, which
was carried out in various combinations of tank sizes and principal dimensions, a smaller diameter (35.74
m) was selected for Nos. 1 & 5 tanks and a larger diameter (38.62 m) for Nos. 2, 3 & 4 tanks. The ship
was confirmed during the sea trial to have the expected propulsive performance and praised highly for
having a superior hull form and high efficiency propeller.
2.4 Gaz Transport membrane LNG carriers for a Malaysian project
In 1999, MHI was awarded the contract for the membrane LNG carriers of a Malaysian project as the lead
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) has developed dramatically during the past two decades in all
engineering fields where fluid flow phenomena takes place. CFD is used not only for research purposes
but also for the design of hull forms and propellers in the field of ship hydrodynamics.
The CFD code can predict not only the flow field but also wave patterns, resistance, pressure distribution
on a hull surface, and self-propulsion factors. These calculations result in important information for the
improvement of a ships hull form.
Sufficient strength of the inner hull and insulation structure is particularly important for membrane LNG
carriers, and must be maintained throughout the vessels life. The basic strength of the inner hull has
been verified in the global stress analysis by the Finite Element method for the entire hull model that
c o mp l i e s wi t h LR SDA ( s t r uct ur al des i gn as s es s ment ) pr ocedur e.
The fatigue strength of the inner hull and contiguous structure, which is one of the most important
features of the membrane LNG carrier, has been verified by hot spot stress assessment using a fine-mesh
F.E. analysis that conforms to LR FDA (fatigue design assessment) notation. The fatigue strength of
square corners, as stress concentration parts, has been verified, as well as that of the hopper. In addition,
the Discrete Analysis Method (DISAM), which has been developed by MHI, was carried out using the
same F.E. model. DISAM performs a simulation of direct wave pressure, and long-term prediction of
stresses on the specific trading route of a subject vessel, taking the complex effects of several dynamic
load components into account.
2.5 First BOG re-liquefaction plant on an LNG carrier for the 21
In 2000, MHI delivered a 135,000 m
LNG carrier for the Oman Project. This ship, which incorporates
high safety, reliability and economical performance with innovative technologies, deserves to be the LNG
carrier of the 21
Special features are as follows.
Radar- t y p e l e v e l g a u g e
A radar-type level gauge is experimentally installed in the No. 5 cargo tank and is expected to reduce
maintenance work. As approved level gauges, both a capacitance-type and a float-type level gauge
are also installed. Nowadays, a radar type level gauge is installed on an LNG carrier as standard
I n t e g r a t e d b r i d g e s y s t e m
For a safe voyage, navigational information is centralized by integrating the navigational equipment,
and providing a split level wheelhouse with a 360 degree view.
S t r e s s m o n i t o r i n g s y s t e m
The acceleration of the ship and stress on critical parts are monitored. With this monitored data,
external forces assumed in the design can be verified and the service life of the hull accurately
B O G r e - l i q u e f a c t i o n s y s t e m
All natural BOG can be re-liquefied by this system, which has been firstly adopted in the world for
LNG carriers. BOG can be also used as fuel, the same as for conventional LNG carriers. This
system allows the ship to be operated in the most economical way with regard to fuel cost. This will
be explained in detail below.
In this paper, the alternative propulsion system is suggested especially focusing on that combined with the
MHI developed BOG re-liquefaction plant, which has the possibility to improve the cost of transportation
drastically, and to simplify the ships propulsion system including BOG handling.
3. Onboard BOG re-liquefaction plant on LNG JAMAL
Osaka Gas, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Chiyoda Corporations, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have
developed a new concept LNG carrier, the S/S LNG JAMAL, built at MHI and delivered at the end of
2000. Her propulsion system is of conventional steam turbine with dual burning boilers, but she is also
equipped with the worlds 1
onboard LNG boil off gas (B.O.G.) re-liquefaction plant.
After her delivery, she has been mainly engaged in the LNG transportation from Oman to Japan on
monthly round trip voyages. Since a single carrier is used for the Osaka-gas/Oman project, highest
reliability and redundancy is required. The basic design concept was to provide the same function as a
conventional vessel, in the event during the carrier runs into problems on the BOG re-liquefaction system
Normally, BOG re-liquefaction is done all through the laden voyage, and also for ballast voyage to
maximize the benefit of LNG transportation. All through the voyage, the cargo tank pressure is
maintained by BOG re-liquefaction plant. The BOG re-liquefaction plant is completely stopped during
loading/discharging. In her work pattern, the system is required to start/stop at about every two weeks.
MHI developed a full automatic process control system for onboard use, and it is realized unmanned
operation during normal re-liquefaction. The
whole system could be operated by a ships
engineer at cargo control console, and a staff at
the machine side even at the start up of the
system. No additional staff member or specially
trained engineer is required.
BOG is introduced from the car go tank via a
pipeline, and then supplied into a cold box with a
pressure of about 3 bar(g) by means of double
stage compression. Double stage compression is
done by 2 sets of single stage compressors
connected in series. (Figre3.1) This is to achieve a
higher efficiency by higher condensation pressure.
Supplied gas is cooled by refrigeration nitrogen in
the box. Condensed gas at a temperature of about 150 deg.C is received in the pressure vessel, and
separated liquid led to the sub-cooler for sub-cooling until about 165 deg. C and then returned to the
cargo tank by the pressure itself.
A nitrogen refrigeration circuit is applied for the generation cold for cooling and condensation of BOG.
BRAYTON cycle is adopted for this circuit from the point of view of reliability, simplicity and safety,
comparing with the process of direct compression and expansion. The idea of mixed refrigerant, which is
normally hydrocarbon mixture, was also omitted based on the same point of view.
Fig.3.2 Nitrogen circuit
Fig. 3.1 BOG supply system to boiler
Heat exchangers
Aluminum plate fin heat exchangers were used for cryogenic part. They are nitrogen pre-cooling, BOG
condenser, and LNG sub-cooler. In general, a larger heat exchanger area can achieve liquefaction higher
efficiency, that is, reduce fuel consumption. The cores are so designed to be compact for the arrangement
in an existing cargo machinery room.
A cold box filled with insulating material is applied for the cryogenic heat exchanger, and nitrogen
expander, because the heat invasion on the cryogenic component badly effects on the performance of the
re-liquefaction system.
Steam turbine driving nitrogen compressor
A recycle nitrogen compressor of centrifugal, two stage type and booster compressor of centrifugal, single
stage type is applied for nitrogen cycle.
The nitrogen compressor consumes more than 90% of the systems power consumption. The compressor
is driven by a steam turbine with increasing gear-box, instead of electric motor driving, for a reduction of
energy conversion loss.
Expander driving booster nitrogen compressor
The single stage booster compressor driven by an expander turbine is provided on the downstream of
nitrogen compressor, to utilize generated power during the nitrogen expansion process.
BOG compressor:
S/S LNG JAMAL is not equipped forcing vaporizer because the her project has no intention to use cargo
LNG, However, she also has the spare spaces to install the vaporizer with minimum modification in the
future, considering the flexibility in unforeseeable future market change.
The design condition, which complies the following required condition, is summarized on Table 3.1.
- 100% fuel gas burning at MCR
- Re-liquefaction of normal BOG.
- Treat more than normal BOG by using
both the re-liquefaction and the gas
burning simultaneously.
Table 3.1. Design condition of BOG compressor
Service condition BOG to be
Less t han
3,000 kg/h
2 sets running in tandem
( 3 barg)
Mor e t han
3,000 kg/h
One for boiler ,other for RL
( 1/1.3 barg)
Less t han
3,400 kg/h
1 set running
( 1 barg)
3,400 to 6,800
2 sets running in parallel
( 1 barg)
Nitrogen generation system
Refrigerant nitrogen is generated from air by onboard system. No nitrogen bottle is required.
Fig.3.3 shows the typical operation pattern.
n Start up of the plant
Basically, the re-liquefaction plant is not running at the port. The re-liquefaction plant is started after
departure from the loading/unloading port, and takes about 3-4 hours, for the system to cool down.
The cryogenic component, piping and heat exchanger for example, are first cooled down along with time
schedule, to avoid extreme heat stress. Cooling down shall be done by the system itself, that is, from cold
generated by the nitrogen circuit. A full automatic control system is developed to enhance the operational
reliability using less manpower.
Temperature profile at each point is automatically controlled within allowable range.
System cool down can be done automatically by monitoring from the cargo control console.
n Laden voyage
Cargo tank pressure is automatically controlled in line with the pre-set time schedule at normal re-
liquefaction operation after the completion of cool down.
Monitoring of all necessary information can be done at the cargo control console.
n Ballast voyage
To maintain the cargo tanks temperature within the allowable range, small amount of LNG(hereafter, Heel
LNG) is carried during ballast voyage by liquid spray operation in the tank.
BOG evaporated from Heel LNG can be liquefied and then returned to the cargo tank through spray
nozzle. The cargo tank pressure is controlled automatically in line with the pre-set time schedule provided
by the ship operator, in the same manner as during a laden voyage, of course.
n Line cool down
Cargo loading line is to be cooled down for the preparation of in advance of cargo loading/discharging
operation. The ship executes the line cool down operation before the next port, and the much more BOG
than normal is generated during this operation. When BOG exceeds the capacity of the re-liquefaction
plant, any excessive BOG is introduced and burnt in the boiler simultaneously.
n Cargo loading/Discharging
The re-liquefaction plant is stopped before the ship arrives at port, according to the project requirement,
and not running during loading/discharging operation.
Figure 3.3 Typical operation pattern
4. Proposal of an alternative propulsion system with an onboard BOG re-liquefaction plant
4.1 Overview
Conventional system
A steam turbine and gas/oil-burning (hereafter, dual burning) boiler have been used for almost all LNG
carriers ever built because of the established reliability and flexibility inherent in dual burning capability.
Normally, BOG is generated by heat penetration
through the insulation, dynamic energy caused by
the ships motion, and cargo operations such as
cargo tank spraying and line cool down.
For a 135,000m3 class LNG carrier with BOR of
0.15%/day and ship speed of around 19.5 knots,
the normal quantity of BOG for loaded voyages
corresponds to about a half of the required
propulsion energy at MCR by a steam turbine
plant, so additional fuel oil or fuel gas is used for
covering any higher load. The quantity of
additional fuel oil or fuel gas must be adjusted to
compensate for any difference between the
required steam load and BOG generation. As an
example, Figure 4.1 shows the balance of BOG
and fuel oil consumption.
When the available heat for propulsion from BOG
exceeds the required energy for propulsion, when
maneuvering for example, the excessive heat must
be dumped into steam condenser. Such a situation
sometimes occurs during line cool down before the
ship approaches the loading/discharging port.
Some ships are also equipped with forcing
vaporizer for utilizing the cargo LNG as fuel for
covering the excess boiler load. The use of bunker
can be minimized in this case, although cargo
LNG has to be consumed as fuel.
The forced vaporization of LNG is of course
useless especially in a case where the LNG price is
higher than the bunker price. However, there is merit in the flexibility of fuel selection if bunker oil
becomes higher than the LNG price in the future.
BOG re-liquefaction
How to treat BOG has been a main issue not only for the modification of an existing system, but also for
the study of new propulsion systems. For more than ten (10) years, alternative versions of propulsion
systems for future use have been studied and discussed.
Existing LNG carrier and feasibility studies for alternatives have put emphasis on how to use LNG as fuel
for propulsion, because the value of BOG is sometimes estimated at less than that of LNG, even forced
Fig.4.1 Heat source and energy distribution
Fig. 4.2 BOG supply system (Conventional plant)
BOG, and that was the only way to go. The S/S LNG JAMAL is the worlds first vessel using BOG re-
liquefaction, and based on this experience, MHI developed a BOG re-liquefaction system suitable for a
high efficiency engine propulsion system.
The main features are summarized as follows:
Simple design
Process and process control are simple enough to be operated by normal LNGC onboard engineers who
are not specially trained for processing plant operation. No additional staff is required; the staff size
count is the same as that for a conventional vessel.
Full automatic sequence & control
The fully automatic control system was developed to save ship staff duty time needed for maintaining the
reliability of operation.
At the start-up/stop ping: The entire operation can be carried out remotely and is supported by
automatic sequence control.
At normal sea going: The liquefaction operation is automatically adjusted continuously from about
30% to 100%.
Cargo tank pressure and equator control
The tank pressure is maintained automatically within the allowed range for both laden and ballast
voyages. Cargo tank cooling down during a ballast voyage is possible by using the heel LNG as a coolant.
BOG is re-liquefied and sprayed back into the cargo tank using a spray nozzle. The evaporating gas cools
down the cargo tank. The quantity of heel LNG can be reduced and the loading quantities maximized.
Simultaneous operation with gas burning
Gas burning is possible by using the auxiliary boiler for the generation of ship service steam of dual fuel
type, and off gas from the liquefaction plant can be burned and utilized as a heat source of steam.
The steam can be used for the power for the liquefaction itself.
An LNG carrier with a re-liquefaction plant can be has the merit of many different options for type of
propulsion. The S/S LNG JAMAL, a conventional turbine ship, found economical advantages related to
re-liquefaction by using cost advantages related to sea route. Bunkering prices are reasonable in
Singapore, on the way from Japan to Middle East, and the economical advantages of a re-liquefaction
plant could be realized, even though she has a steam turbine plant. Table 4.1 shows the possible
combination of a propulsion system with a re-liquefaction plant. In order to simplify the discussion in this
paper, options requiring fuel other than HFO or BOG are omitted.
Table 4.1 Propulsion systems combined with re-liquefaction plant
fCategory Steam turbine Diesel engine + RL plant
Electric propulsion
Propeller & shaft.
Single screw, FPP,
single shaft.
Twin screw, FPP
Twin shaft.
Single screw, CPP
single shaft.
Single screw(CPP) or twin screw(FPP)
Steam turbine with
reduction gear
2-stroke engine direct
4-stroke engine
with reduction gear
Electric propulsion motor
Engine plant
Steam turbine
4-stroke diesel engine (HFO) generator Dual fuel or gas engine
driven generator (*1)
*1 Dual fuel diesel engine, lean burn gas engine (Gas with pilot fuel), gas turbine etc
The steam turbine plant, and the system equipped with a gas-use (LNG) internal combustion engine
provide flexibility in fuel selection for responding to the market price of HFO and LNG. BOG can be re-
liquefied when its price is evaluated as being higher than HFO, and they can be used as fuel when it is
evaluated as being lower.
But the steam turbine has disadvantages concerning fuel consumption, and the internal combustion engine
has disadvantages related to simplicity and safety. In most cases, a gas-use engine requires much higher
gas pressure than the 20 bar for a gas turbine, and than the 120 bar for a dual fuel diesel engine for
example, while less than 1 bar is required for an existing steam ship.
A pipeline of highly pressurized flammable gas on deck or in an engine room is involved in these options.
Motivation for new propulsion system
While many aspects, such as economy, reliability, safety, maintainability, and environmental issues, have
to be evaluated in the case of a new propulsion system, economy is the most important factor to be
realized. A ships economy is measured by transportation cost, which depends on running cost, and the
initial investment. Apart from the initial investment, fuel economy, i.e., fuel consumption, is a dominant
factor not only for economy, but also in environmental evaluation.
The high efficiency characteristics of a large bore 2-stroke diesel engine promoted its replacement of the
steam turbine for the main engine. For a steam turbine plant, about 30% of generated heat in the boiler is
available for the propulsion. On the other hand, a diesel engine improves the efficiency of the propulsion
system drastically, especially for 2-stroke engines of more than 50%. Also, they still have heat available
for energy recovery in exhaust gases, accounting for more than 26 % of total input heat for 2-stroke
engines, and 30% for 4-stroke engines.
The reasons for the use of steam turbines in the LNG sector are summarized as follows.
1) Onboard LNG re-liquefaction plants did not exist.
2) 2-stroke diesel engines were not regarded as reliable enough for LNG transportation.
Dual fuel boilers and the idea of a gas-use internal combustion engine have been derived from the first
provision, that is, boil off loss of cargo is inevitable. It was a special aspect of LNG transportation
because of its cryogenic properties. However, the situation is changing since the successful result for the
4.2 Proposal: Diesel engine propulsion system with re-liquefaction plant
Based on the experience of the worlds 1
liquefaction plant, MHI developed a BOG re-
liquefaction plant suitable for a high efficiency
engine propulsion system. Table 4.1 shows the
main features of the equipment, an example of a
new LNG carrier following the specifications of the
latest typical vessel.
Propulsion and auxiliary system
Main engine
The concept of a multi-engine design is applied to maintain the equivalent reliability with existing
propulsion systems. There are two alternatives, one is the twin direct driving engine, and the other is
electric propulsion. (See Figure 4.1)
Table 4.1 Main features
Type: 135-145KM3 class LNGC
Ship speed: 19.5 knot
of the ship
Boil off rate: 0.1 - 0.15%/day at laden voyage
Main engine
2 or 4-stroke diesel engine
(HFO type)
Electric power
4 stroke diesel engine generator
(HFO type)
Auxiliary boiler Gas/Oil firing 1 set
Steam condition : 2.0MpaG sat.
Engine plant
steam gene.
HP, LP, and SH section 1 set
2.0 / 0.6MpaG
Re-liq. plant 1-cold box x 2-nitrogen circuit,
2-BOG compressor.
Cargo heater
& vaporizer
1- LNG vaporizer
1- LNG gas heater
Figure 4.1 Multi-engine concept
Steam generating system and nitrogen circuit
LNG liquefaction requires higher power inputs than that of other gas carriers. The drive power of the
nitrogen compressor, which is the main consumer for liquefaction, requires more than 2,000kW for
normal BOG. The idea of a dual fuel auxiliary boiler involves a heat recovery system (hereafter, DFHR)
combined with a re-liquefaction plant and is proposed for the two purposes below.
1. Reduction of additional power (fuel) for re-liquefaction
2. Enhancement of flexibility of fuel utilization, especially for liquefaction.
Originally, an auxiliary boiler and an exhaust gas economizer were provided for the heating duty of cargo
heater, vaporizer and fuel oil tank. The exhaust gas economizer supplies steam to the F.O. heating during
normal sea going. The exhaust heat from main diesel engine is recovered by low/high pressure steam type
economizer for efficient heat recovery to drive the steam turbine. The system could recover about 1,000
kW of the power assistance for driving the compressor.
On the other hand, because of the circumstances that the fuel market does not make re-liquefaction by
using HFO attractive, that is, price of HFO is evaluated higher than BOG, the dual fuel boiler supplies
driving steam for re-liquefaction by burning a part of the BOG.
Fig.4.2 shows the several alternatives for the nitrogen component. Type T is developed particularly for
steam turbine ships, and was used for the S/S LNG JAMAL. MT is an advanced type of combined with
heat recovery steam circuit. A steam turbine and electric motor drive the nitrogen compressor
simultaneously, which is the main power consumer. MX type, which is combined with an expander and
booster compressor, has the advantage in minimizing the mechanical and pressure loss of the piping
between them. The MT type is adopted for the proposal for the DFHR system.
Re-liquefaction plant
The re-liquefaction plant, shown in Figure 4.3, is proposed from the point of view of redundancy and
operability. Two sets of nitrogen circuits are provided with one set with cold box involving one set of
plate fin cores. According to the requirements of IGC, a total of more than 125% of rated capacity and
two or more sets must be installed. The total capacity of refrigeration must be more than 125% of the
design quantity of B.O.G. Also, one set must be able to treat normal BOG during laden voyages.
Two (2) sets of B.O.G. compressor equipment are provided, and the capacity of each is designed to treat
normal BOG under the condition of tandem operation (Double stage compression).
The auxiliary boiler of the dual fuel type is to be free from the full dumping of BOG, because the
liquefaction plant provides full redundancy to treat BOG.
Electric power generating system
H.F.O. fueled 4-stroke diesel engines are used for prime movers for electric generators.
Electric power is consumed mainly for ship propulsion, ship service, and the drive power for the re-
liquefaction equipment.
For the case of electric propulsion, the natural gas fueled internal combustion engine, dual fuel (NG/HFO)
diesel engines, NG/MDO fuel lean burn engines, and NG fueled gas turbines are examples.
Cooling water system
A central fresh water-cooling system is used for cooling duty for the heat exchangers for propulsion and
auxiliary equipment, except for the following.
- Auxiliary turbine condenser
- Steam dump condenser
Comparison of economy
Fuel consumption is evaluated for these options, including existing systems.
Steam turbine plant + RL
Twin, 2 stroke main engine and 2 shaft +RL
Fig. 4.2 Nitrogen component Figure 4.3 Liquefaction equipment
Twin, 4 stroke, diesel engine, single shaft +RL
Electric propulsion-use 4 stroke diesel generator engine +RL
The fuel cost for a round voyage is shown on Fig4.5a. (Fuel cost is based on HFO consumption for each,
and is converted by using HFO price rates.) Both BOG re-liquefaction and BOG utilization for
propulsion are shown by dot line, for steam turbine and electric propulsion. BOG consumption is
evaluated as the equivalent fuel oil rate, and added on the fuel price based on the price ratio.
A vertical scale price ratio of 0 indicates the fuel oil consumption for options where BOG has no
commercial value, and a vertical line on 1 indicates total fuel consumption based on the input heat.
The 2-stroke diesel option has the highest efficiency, and the difference between the re-liquefaction and
gas utilization is negligible for steam turbine and electric propulsion.
Fig.4.5b is also the same, but takes into account the profit for preserved cargo as a reduction of fuel cost.
Saved LNG is evaluated using the corresponding fuel oil rate based on the ratio between prices of fuels.
Fuel cost is lessened by this profit, and its reduction is remarkable and can be seen from the positive
direction on the horizontal axis, i.e., higher BOG price. BOG utilization for propulsion is not attractive for
wide ranges in the price ratio, from the standpoint of fuel cost.
A BOG re-liquefaction plant can be combined with any propulsion systems, with an expected
improvement in efficiency through heat recovery, and flexibility of fuel selection by the provision of dual
burning auxiliary boilers. This idea is also effective for conventional steam turbine ships, such as the S/S
A combination of an oil fueled 2-stroke diesel engine for propulsion and 4-stroke diesel generator engine,
the same as an LPG carrier, may be the best solution as a future option, even though higher power
consumption is necessary for LNG re-liquefaction. This system can realize a drastic improvement of
Fig.4.5a Fig.4.5b
Dual fuel diesel engine is applied to electric propulsion for BOG
utilization, as example.
efficiency, and the separation of the BOG treatment system from the ships propulsion system.
Electric propulsion with HFO fueled 4-stroke diesel generator engine is the third. However, its high fuel
flexibility and reliability may attract some projects. The longer investment recovery period as a result of
higher cost of electric propulsion compared to the steam turbine or diesel direct ones, is another aspect of
this option.
5 Summary
The steam turbine plant has maintained an unchanging position on LNG carrier, because of its high
reliability supported by long experience, and this may continue.
On the other hand, MHI have been paid much attention to alternative options to meet future needs, and
the worlds first trial is one example of our efforts. We recognize that alternative propulsion system have
now achieved a higher degree of reality than ever before because of the S/S LNG JAMAL.
MHI is building its latest LNG carriers with both major containment systems, namely, the MOSS
spherical tank type and the Gaz Transport membrane tank type. Finally we would like to say that we look
forward to continuing to supply LNG carriers that meet the needs of owners worldwide.
Lastly, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to Osaka Gas, Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Chiyoda
Corporations and the Classification Society for their cooperation in developing BOG re-liquefaction

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