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Name: ______________________ Form 2: ____________

Performance standard

Date: ________________

Understand meanings at word, phrase and sentence level
B2 DT1
Writing informal letter
B2 DT1 E1
Able to write a letter on a topic of interest in about 120 words.

Imagine you have just come back from a holiday at your grandfathers house in the kampong.
Write a letter to your pen pal to tell him what you did there. Use the notes below to write your
letter. Refer to your textbook, page 61, for the format of writing informal letters.

Went there by bus

Arrived early
Had breakfast prepared by grandmother
Helped grandmother to wash the plates
Fed the hens
Swept the lawn
Collected durians from the orchard
Helped grandfather to sell the durians at his stall by the roadside
Met old friends
Went swimming and fishing
Very sad when it was time to leave

Write your letter on the next page

Not Achieved

Teachers name and signature

Date : ____________________________

______________________________ ,


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