Signature Assignment

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Dale M.

4915 Murray Blvd. Apt. V21
Murray, Utah 84123
8!1" #9#$8222
May 4, 2!14
New +olle,e -tudent
Dear New +olle,e -tudent/
0h') letter ') to wel*o(e you to -alt 1a2e +o((un'ty +olle,e and your new )*hool e3per'en*e. 4ne
o5 the 5'r)t *la))e) that 6 too2 and th'n2 that everyone )hould ta2e ') 7DU 1!2!. 0a2'n, th') *la)) you
w'll d')*over )everal new way) to ,et your *la))e) and u)'n, t'(e (ana,e(ent to help you ,et thru
your *la))e).
A5ter 6 had &een 'n th') *la)) 5or a 5ew wee2) 6 wa) a&le to )et (y t'(e )o that 6 had t'(e to *o(plete
(y ho(ewor2 and )t'll have t'(e 5or 5a('ly 8 5ood. Be5ore )tart'n, th') *la)) 6 had )everal pro&le()
2eep'n, (y t'(e or,an'9ed, &ut now (y t'(e wor2) 5or (e not (e 5or the t'(e.
6t ha) al)o help (e (a2e &etter *hoo)e) 5or )*hool and ho(e. 0o 2eep (y (oney and 'te() needed
5or *olle,e 'n (y (a'n plan). 6t ha) help (e w'th learn'n, d'55erent way to do pre)entat'on and the
tool) needed to do )o. 6t al)o ha) help (e )et )hort ter( and lon, ter( ,oal) 5or *olle,e, wor2 8
ho(e. 0h') w'll help (e )et (y 5uture 'n order to (a2e (y ,oal) &e*o(e real'ty. 6t tea*he) all 2'nd)
o5 way) to ,et thru *olle,e, wor2 8 ho(e, (a2'n, all o5 the)e run )(oothly. 6 have ,rown a lot and
learned a very ,ood le))on on l'5e and *olle,e.
6 e3pe*ted to rea*h a (u*h h',her level o5 learn'n, w'thout a lot o5 wor2, and 6 )oon learned that
*olle,e wa) not )o ea)y. Be*au)e o5 th') *la)) 6 '((ed'ately learn that 't ta2e )pe*'al tool) to e3*el
'n *olle,e and 6 e3pe*t a ,reat learn'n, e3per'en*e. 6 want to pa)) th') ,reat 'n5or(at'on on to new
)tudent), (y 5r'end) and 5a('ly a&out the 7DU 1!2! +la)) and the ,reat learn'n, e3per'en*e 6 a(
New +olle,e -tudent
May 4, 2!14
:a,e 2
hav'n, and w'll have here at -alt 1a2e +o((un'ty +olle,e and when 6 tran)5er to the Un'ver)'ty o5
Utah 6 w'll u)e the)e )a(e te*hn'*) there al)o.
A) part o5 th') *la)) we *reated or )tarted our 7$port5ol'o 5or our (y pa,e we&)'te 5or -alt 1a2e
+o((un'ty +olle,e, )ee the l'n2 to (y 7$:ort5ol'o )'te/ http/;;dale(newton.wee&ly.*o( 6 have
po)ted a *opy o5 th') letter on (y )'te )o that (ore people *an )ee 't and &e helped &y 't.
Dale M. Newton
Dale M. Newton

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