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Aprll 10, 2014 5*30/506
8amon Pardy

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SL. lranclsvllle, LA - lalLh, Pope and Love Worshlp CenLer would llke Lo welcome
members of Lhe WesL lellclana communlLy Lo commemoraLe Lhe resurrecLlon of our
Lord and Savlor, !esus ChrlsL ln our annual LasLer servlce. 1he servlce wlll be held on
Sunday, Aprll 20, 2014 aL 10:30 a.m. aL lalLh, Pope and Love Worshlp CenLer, 3647
Commerce SLreeL SL. lranclsvllle, LA 70803.

LasLer ls always a sacred Llme for Lhe ChrlsLlans." explalns 8lshop 8onald L. Pardy Sr.,
lalLh, Pope and Love's asLor. 1hls ls Lhe Llme LhaL we geL Lo commemoraLe Lhe
resurrecLlon of our Lord and Savlor, !esus ChrlsL. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL we, as ChrlsLlans,
Lruly reverence such a mlraculous acL. So we're lnvlLlng Lhe communlLy Lo come [oln us
as we celebraLe Lhe resurrecLlon of !esus ChrlsL."

lalLh, Pope and Love's LasLer servlce wlll feaLure muslc, dance, a spoken word by
8lshop Pardy and a warm and frlendly aLmosphere. lalLh, Pope and Love ls a mlnlsLry
LhaL feels llke home." So lf you are looklng for a church Lo aLLend on LasLer, come Lo
3647 Commerce SLreeL SL. lranclsvllle, LA, Lo experlence an awesome move of Cod.

lor more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe LasLer servlce or any oLher lalLh, Pope and Love evenLs
call 223-633-4692

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