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Comenius Project to Germany

At the start of March, 2014 i went to Esterwegen, Germany thanks to

the Comenius Multilateral Project
! ha" tons of fun an" enjoye" the week #e mainly staine" at a school what
ha" joine" the $roject
At first to get to Esterwegen we ha" to fly from %allinn to &rankfurt,
than to 'remen an" (y (us to Esterwegen
At the school we ma"e frien"s with the stu"ents !t was really fun to see
how e)ery(o"y manage" English
*ne "ay we "ro)e out of the )illage to a town an" went on to$ of a
tower to ha)e a look at the town #e also went to a weather museum there
#e ha" freetime to look aroun" an" go sho$$ing
%he school we staye" in was (ig !t consisten actually of "ifferent
(uil"ings Also German stu"ents ha)e marks "ifferent from ours + , is worst
an" 1 is (est
#e were in some classes, like history, German, maths an" others %he
Classrooms were "ifferent from ours
*)erall !-m )ery .ery ha$$y that ! went there an" !-" like to go there
again ! ha" loa"s of fun an" a (it sa"ness, (ut ne/t to the fun, sa"ness
"oesn-t matter0
%hanks to e)ery(o"y for making it ha$$en an"
A G**1 E12CA%!*3 E42A56 A G**1 7*'

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