People in Bunker

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1. James Stanley 7. Gerald White

age: 43 age: 35
IQ: 112 IQ: 98
health: good health: air
ed!"ation#training: ed!"ation#training:
2 yrs "ollege$ 2 yrs military. high s"hool di%loma.
&or' e(%erien"e: 15 years &or' e(%erien"e: 4 years
arming$ s!""ess!lly. )rmy *inantry+$ 1, years
general "onstr!"tion la-orer.
2. Janie Stanley 8. .artha Gray
age: 13 age: 25
IQ: 12, IQ: 142
health: e("ellent health: good
ed!"ation#training: ed!"ation#training:
middle s"hool st!dent. /h0 in m!si" theory.
&or' e(%erien"e: none. &or' e(%erien"e: 2 years tea"hing on
"ollege le1el.
3. Wanda 2ri"e 9. William Gray
age: 5, age: 8
IQ: 14, IQ: 15,
health: air health: good
ed!"ation#training: ed!"ation#training:
.aster3s degree in %sy"hology. elementary s"hool st!dent.
&or' e(%erien"e: 15 years as &or' e(%erien"e: none.
mental health "ase4&or'er
4. 2ill Waters 1,. John 0a1is
age: 27 age: 33
IQ: 1,4 IQ: 125
health: e("ellent health: air
ed!"ation#training: ed!"ation#training:
te"h s"hool grad!ate "ollege degree in "hemistry
&or' e(%erien"e: 1, years &or' e(%erien"e: 12 years
hea1y "onstr!"tion and &elding high s"hool "hemistry tea"her

5. .i"helle /atterson 11. .ar5orie 2laylo"'
age: 19 age: 39
IQ: 1,5 IQ: 133
health: air health: %oor
ed!"ation#training: ed!"ation#training:
high s"hool grad!ate. medi"al s"hool grad!ate.
&or' e(%erien"e: 3 years &or' e(%erien"e: 1, years
e(%erien"e in retail sales. general amily medi"al %ra"ti"e.

6. 7ay Wilson 12. 8red 8redri"'
age: 6, age: 54
IQ: 127 IQ: 132
health: good health: e("ellent
ed!"ation#training: ed!"ation#training:
4 years "ollege$ ma5ored in -!siness highly trained in ele"troni"s.
&or' e(%erien"e: -an' teller 1, years$ &or' e(%erien"e: 25 years 9S :a1y
inan"ial ad1isor and -an' %resident ele"troni"s te"hni"ian; 1, years
2, years %ri1ate ele"troni" re%air.

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