Best Motivational Speaker Middle East Kevin Abdulrahman - Mind Nutrition Expert Speaks About Cetainty and Uncertainty

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Certainty- A fallacy
different, trying things differ- is a roller coaster. Unless of course
ent. Learn to feel uncomfort- you are the designer who designed the
able. Make a move, when roller coaster, for the majority of us who
most people won’t because haven’t, life will be filled with unex-
they are gripped by the fear of pected ups and downs. What’s great is
uncertainty. Tomorrow will that if you embrace uncertainty as part
always bring with it its uncer- of business and life, it will be like riding
tain events. You might as well the same roller coaster a second, third
ever, with the advent of accessibility develop the mind of a winner and learn and a fourth time. You will be certain to
Kevin Abdulrahman sheds and I’m sure much more. Yet by now,
you must know that there is no such
more importantly embrace it. Choosing
to think otherwise will be akin to will- and technology to almost everyone, the how you can adapt. By starting to think expect the twists and turns, and there-
light on the concept of thing. This certainty that is desired by ingly, fighting a battle you can’t and rate of change that is happening in this
world is down to months, if not weeks.
in a winning way, you will realise that
uncertainty brings about with it amaz-
fore, dare I say, enjoy the ride. Have a
Winning Day.
many is a fallacy. won’t win. The escapism that you could
certainty and uncertainty We all yearn to know that things will be certain about the current business As a winner and as a leader you must ing opportunities. You may simply need

and leads us to explore not only expect but be quick to adapt to stretch your mind. Practice it in both
be ok, and yes, it usually will be ok over contracts you may hold, or taking your
to an ever changing landscape that you business and life.
time, but there will always be an interest- employment for granted is blinding. Yes
the world of opportunities ing journey to get there. That journey will you would like to be certain about the live and work in. A leader is always, Expect failures, expect the requirement
to change tact, expect for your plan to de-
through the unknown. hardly be in a straight forward line. After continuation of your business contracts, understanding and accepting of the fact
that change happens, and because of it, velop holes through it, or even having to
all, even though we crave for certainty, and yes you would like to know that
nothing is certain. come up with a new plan all together, but
many of us wouldn’t want too much of it, your weekly pay check will be there,
More importantly, you must always what ever you do, enjoy the process. Af-
otherwise life will become plain old bor- but those who continue to hope for cer-
Life will always throw us challenges. be on the look out for change, so that you ter all this is the business of life.
ing. Where would the fun be in that? tainty have always been, currently are,
Some we will expect, most we won’t. are at the forefront rather than the tail A lot has happened in the last few
The reality as we know (when we de- and will always be disappointed.
As humans we have a number of needs. end of it. You can’t continue to work on years. People have enjoyed a boom and
cide to be true to ourselves) is that life, Uncertainty is brought in our lives
Two of those needs include the need for old thoughts, old beliefs, old platforms have had to encounter a bust. We might
will indeed be filled with uncertainty. through change. Change is happening
certainty and the need for uncertainty. and old methodologies to compete in not be able to choose what happens to
We must be wide awake to accept it, and at such a fast pace. More so now than
Although the need for certainty brings the 21st century and beyond. Those us, but we certainly can choose how we
about peace of mind, the need for uncer- who embrace and turn change in their deal with it. In the midst of turmoil lies
tainty brings about the spark of life. favour will come out as the winners in an opportunity. In the jaws of defeat re-
mains a win, waiting to be clenched.
We desire the need to have certainty. “We all yearn to know that things will be ok, this competitive global market.
Uncertainty indeed brings about dis- You can use the need for certainty to
It is something many of us long for, the
guarantee that we will know what will and yes, it usually will be ok over time, but comfort. The fear of the unknown, the your advantage. You can train your mind
to know that no matter what ever hap- Kevin Abdulrahman is The Man Inspiring Millions. He
fear of failure, the fear of feeling unable or
come up next. We wish to know that
everything will be fine, that our busi-
there will always be an interesting journey unworthy, the fear of what others might pens, what ever challenges you face, what
is an International Author of THE BOOK on Winning
The Game Of Life, a Keynote Speaker, Mind Nutrition

ness will continue to do well, that we to get there; that journey will hardly be in a think of you or even what you think of ever you may be hit with, you have the Expert, world class Mind Coach to the elite and an in-
demand Trainer. Kevin helps organisations, universi-
will have the next pay check from our yourself, to name a few. But winners certainty to reach your goals. You can be
straight forward line”
ties, sports teams and individuals become globally
certain that no matter what uncertainty competitive by developing A Winning Mind.
employment, that our kids will grow know for certain that they must practice If you want to go to The Next Level, you can contact
up to be contributing members of soci- making uncertainty part of their game. you face, you will get to your destination. Kevin Abdulrahman by jumping on http://www.The-
We have all heard of the saying, life or email his team at info@
ety, that we will be liked by everyone, Practice uncertainty by doing things

54 August 2009 August 2009 55

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