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To protect the rights of all students and

myself, there must be a system of

consequences in place in case any
misconduct might occur. I do not enjoy
disciplining students, so dont expect to
be sent to the office for every little thing.
However, I enjoy wasted rehearsal time
much less than discipline, so always come
to class ready to learn and be productive.
First offense: Non-participant activity
(worksheets, piano scales, etc.)
Second offense: Non-participant activity and
after class discussion.
Third offense: Non-participant activity and
to class ready to learn and be productive.
For many infractions, I will, provided by
my right as director to make the rules,
have some form of creative punishment to
teach you why what you did was wrong.
Also posted in the choir room will be a
sign-up sheet for Choir Internment
Activities (CIAs) that can serve as
punishment for most offenses. Here is a
list of standard punishment procedures
for when the aforementioned methods
are not adequate.
Third offense: Non-participant activity and
parent-teacher conference.
Fourth offense: Office referral.
All offenses following the fourth will be
met with an office referral and could result
in failure and/or removal from the class.

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