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Feng Shui for abundance!

The dining room is such a happy room - it's all about food and family. Which is why,
Feng Shui too gives this room a lot of importance. In fact, if you spea to a Feng Shui
consultant, one of the first places they will start their !investigations! is the dining room.
The dining table
The shape of the dining table can have an influence on the people eating at the table.
This is probably the most favoured shape. In Feng Shui, this table stands for growth
energy so the family that dines here is sure to e#perience growth in every aspect of their
Oval or Circular"
These are good shapes too as it gives fle#ibility to all the family members to face the
direction lucy for them. !
The octagonal shape is great in Feng Shui so it wors well for a dining table too$
Merge the living and the dining
%ouses are getting smaller and smaller and sometimes we can't have a separate dining
room. &on't frea out. It's 'uite oay to have a combined living and dining room. This
eeps the dining area !living! as it is bad Feng Shui when eating becomes a solitary and
isolated event.
(lacing mirrors in the dining room is actually a pretty great idea. It disperses the )hi
around the room. *ust place it so it reflects something pleasant and you're set. If it reflects
food, it is doubling the food - and therefore the abundance.
Dining Room Decor
+ie your other rooms, put some thought into the decor of your dining room as well.
,(lace a fruit bowl -real or fae. at the centre of your dining table to signify abundance.
,Similarly put up pictures of abundance and food in your dining room.
,(lacing persimmons in the Southern sector of the dining room will represent /oy and
,(aint the room in warm, welcoming colours. Tone down the reds and bright colours as
this is overwhelming.
So go on, go ahead and give your dining room a maeover and mae it Feng Shui right$

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