Test 1 Vocabulary

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abbigliamento clothing
2. ammirare to admire
3. aristocratico aristocratic
4. armatura armor
5. battaglia battle
6. buratini puppets
7. burattinaio puppeteer
8. cantastorie storyteller
9. carattere character
10. dedicare to dedicate
11. elmo helm
12. guerra war
13. infatti indeed
14. ispirarsi to inspire
15. letteratura cavalleresca chivalric literature
16. marionette marionette
17. paladino paladin
18. personaggio personality
19. popolare popular/ of the people (adj.); to inhabit
20. pupi puppets
21. rappresentazione teatrale play (theater)
22. scena scene
23. sconfiggere to defeat
24. scudi shield (plural)
25. soldato soldier
26. sostituire to substitute
27. spada sword
28. spettacolo show
test 1 vocabulary
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