Underwater Art Lesson Plan

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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Underwater Grade Level*: Fourth
Lesson Overview/Summary*:
Students will explore the theme of underwater by learning about the artist Carlos Hiller and read the book
Im the Best Artist In the Ocean! leading students to be inspired to create an underwater creature such
as octopus/giant squid/jellyfish creature from the book. Students will further explore the science
perspective of underwater exploration and practice verbs and nouns.

Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

1 2 3
Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know.*
1. Visual Art: Students will know particular underwater sea
creatures through the creations of Carlos Hiller.
2. Literacy: Students will know how to create a structured
sentence about an underwater creature through the book
Im the Best Artist in the Ocean!.
3. Science/Underwater Exploration: Students will know
underwater sea creatures and their habitat.

Essential Questions (3-4)*:
Literacy: How can students create a connection between nouns and verbs by making
underwater sea creatures?
Science: What is the importance of an underwater exploration?
Visual Arts: How can you meaningfully represent an underwater creature and their

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at http://www.teachervision.fen.com/curriculum-planning/new-teacher/48345.html?for_printing=1&detoured=1): What you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to create an underwater creature with the inspiration of Carlos Hiller and by using Visual Thinking Strategies on his
artwork, Tortuga y Nube.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to understand literacy concepts through the book, Artist in the Ocean and read more about the author Carlos Hiller.
3. Science/Underwater Exploration: The students will be able to understand underwater exploration by learning new underwater sea creatures and their

Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4)
1. Visual Art: 4.2.B
2. Select and use principles of art for their
effect in communicating ideas through artwork

2. Literacy: 4.1 A
Follow a writing process to
Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art form with the other identified
content areas:

Exploration: An investigation between unknown regions.
a special environment for living in over an extended period, as an underwater research vessel.
Verb: Expresses action, state, or relation between two things.
Noun: Name of a person, place, or thing.
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

a. independently use a simple prewriting strategy
b. generate a draft
c. reread, revise for audience and purpose, ideas and
content, organization, and sentence structure, and word
choice (refer to W2A, W2B, W2C, W2D)

3. Science: 4.4.1
Scope and Sequence
Interactions Among Organisms and Their Environment
a. Identify the ways a specific organism may interact with
other organisms or with the environment (e.g., pollination,
shelter, seed dispersal, camouflage, migration, hibernation,
defensive mechanism)
b. Identify and describe different environments (i.e. pond,
forest, prairie) support the life of different types of plants
and animals with their environments

Content Areas Integrated*:
1. Visual Art: Carlos Hiller
2. Literacy: Im the Best Artist in the Ocean
3. Science/Underwater Exploration

Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):
1. Teacher is to show the anticipatory set which includes the YouTube video of an underwater
exploration, getting students familiar and excited with underwater sea creatures and their
2. Next, on the first day, the definition of exploration will be taught and studied. During
science class, underwater exploration will be taught and what a habitat is. This allows
students to make a connection between underwater creatures and the importance of their
habitat. Particular underwater creatures should be highlighted including an octopus, squid,
and jellyfish. It is important to highlight their surrounding environment and habitat.
3. Still on the first day, the book, Im the Best Artist in the Ocean will be read to introduce
underwater creatures, important literacy terms such as a noun and verb, and get familiar with
their project for the next day.
4. The next day, it is important to review the key concepts and vocabulary from the previous
day that is important in student learning.
5. After, the teacher is to introduce the artist, Carlos Hiller. This can be done by watching a
YouTube video of one of his underwater scenes,
6.Then, as a class, we would take a look at the picture, Tortuga y Nube. Visual Thinking
Strategies would be used in order to dive deeper into exploration and understand what is
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

happening in their habitat.
7. After VTS, it is important for the teacher to re-read the book, Im the Best Artist in the
Ocean. This will allow students to make a connection between underwater exploration and
particular creatures that the class will be making.
8. After the book is read again, it is important to stop and take notice of what the noun and
verb is in each of the sentences. This will allow students to create the ending sentences
9.The teacher will then introduce the project: Every student will have materials to create an
underwater creature such as an octopus, squid or jellyfish and make a background that
represents their habitat. Students will also write a one sentence word, using a noun and verb,
that represents their creature and what they do in their habitat. This is similar to the sentence
structure in the book that was previously read.
10. The teacher needs to make sure he/she is walking around the room. This allows the
teacher to take a quick assessment on each student to make sure the student understands
not only the assigned project, but also the connection of underwater exploration.
11. After each student has completed their underwater scene and sentence, they will have an
opportunity to share their creature to their class. The sharing involves what their creature is,
why the drew their habitat the way they did, and share their sentence to the class.
12.The teachers summative assessment is the students final art piece.
Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*:

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):
Every student is to present their artwork and explain why they created the specific habitat
and how it relates to Carlos Hiller.

Formative Assessment strategy:
Student Check-in
Teacher is to check-in with every student throughout their
art process to make sure they are understanding the basic
concepts and portraying their underwater creature
Summative Assessment strategy*:
Students final art piece
Crucial to take notice if the underwater sea creature was portrayed correctly, especially if
their environment and setting were correct. Also, the sentence written on the bottom or top
of the page had proper noun and verb agreement.

What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?

Students will need to have prior knowledge of nouns and verbs. This will allow them to create their sentence on their artwork about their underwater sea
creature. This lesson will draw upon knowledge of underwater creatures, but also develop knew learnings.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 4

How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson?
The students will be engaged starting with the anticipatory set video, then through the book, as we explore Carlos Hiller and his art piece, Tortuga y Nube.
All of these very visual pieces should allow students to get excited about exploring underwater, the specific creatures, and imagining the creatures habitats.
When students are creating their underwater scenes, they will have an opportunity to experiment with different creatures and their surrounding habitats.
Also, when creating their one sentence about their creature, this allows them to dive a little deeper and explore more about their creature.

How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Students are to learn about underwater creatures and their habitat. After reading the book, Im the Best Artist in the Ocean, students will be able to
connect underwater creatures to their habitats. It is up to the student to make a connection between the creature and habitat. They have opportunities to
learn this connection through the book, the lesson on exploration during science class, the exploration YouTube video, or through Carlos Hiller and his
painting. Students have many resources to make sure their assignment is on task.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?
Throughout the lesson, the students have to integrate many different learning aspects by using a scaffolding method. This allow students to build on their
knowledge and reflect on what they just learned. For example, students learn about underwater creatures and the teacher ties this new knowledge to Carlos
Hiller. This visual connection permits students to reflect on underwater creatures through a visual aspect.

How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abeled students?
If students are physically handicapped, more specifically cannot use their hands to draw, they can either pair up with a partner and explain what their
creature would look like or present to the class what they are thinking. They are to still come up with an underwater creature, their habitat, and their
sentence. If students are hearing impaired, students will still be able to visually look at the images that portray what they are suppose to create. This lesson is
great because students have the opportunity to create their underwater create and their habitat in a way they want to.

What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
Throughout the class period, the teacher will be walking around making sure students are clearly understanding the assignment. Students will have the
opportunity throughout the assigned time to make improvements or change anything. Students will also have the opportunity to think pair share their
sentence with a partner to make sure their sentence is using the correct noun and verb and makes sense.

What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
Their final artwork should express their underwater sea creature in the correct habitat and through their sentence. The students will have the opportunity at
the end of the class to share their artwork, their sentence, and their underwater creatures habitat.
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 5

Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
Im the Best Artist in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kj_vwleR6Q Underwater Film of Various Sea Life in the Pacific: Video
Carlos Hiller
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsrIAXoabeA Carlos Hiller, Black Tip Sharks
Carlos Hiller VTS Paiting http://www.carloshiller.com/shop/tortuga%20y%20nube.html

* Include this information during the Popplet presentation.
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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