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Sharon Garcia

Leadership or Advocacy Plan

EDEC 435
April, 23, 2014
Statement of problem
Ia!ine children "ho don#$ %nders$and "ha$ $hey are &ein! $old or as'ed
&y a $eacher and are (%s$ passed &y $hro%!h $he school sys$e) *hese children
co%ld &e +acin! any iss%es, &%$ "o%ldn#$ i$ &e a "onder+%l i+ $hey "ere in a
school $ha$ o++ered services and classes in $he children#s na$ive lan!a%!e) I have
seen any e,aples "here paren$s +eel $hey need $o s$op spea'in! $heir na$ive
lan!%a!e &eca%se $hey "ere $old $heir children "o%ld no$ &e a&le $o !rasp $he
En!lish lan!%a!e) I have also seen e,aples o+ children "ho "ere ade $o +eel
ashaed and e&arrased +or 'no"in! $heir na$ive lan!a%!e and no$ a&le $o
e,press $heselves) *he pro&le I have seen +or any +ailies is +indin!
reso%rces or schools $ha$ +os$er a child#s na$ive lan!%a!e, $his co%ld &e d%e $o
+ear- +ear o+ no$ 'no"in! "ha$ ay happen, +ear o+ no$ spea'in! $he doinan$
lan!%a!e, +ear o+ losin! po"er and +ear o+ chan!e) All o+ $his acc%%la$es $o $he
+ac$ $ha$ $here are +e" &ilin!%al.d%al iersion pro!ras &ein! o++ered in
Sonoa Co%n$y $ha$ are ephasi/ed d%rin! preschool)
Background Information
*he 1014 Civil 2i!h$s Ac$, +ederal la" re3%ired p%&lic schools $o provide
special services +or En!lish lan!%a!e learners) 4eca%se o+ $he landar' 1054
S%pree Co%r$ decision in La% 6) 7ichols, i$ ade $he schools $a'e 8a++ira$ive
s$eps9 $o ens%re e3%al ed%ca$ional oppor$%ni$ies +or all s$%den$s "ho did no$
spea' En!lish +l%en$ly 8overcoe lan!%a!e &arriers $ha$ ipede e3%al
par$icipa$ion9 in ed%ca$ion :*he La% Consen$ Decree;) Cali+ornia responded &y
a'i!n $he 4ilin!%al<4ic%l$%ral Ac$ o+ 1051, "hich e,pired in 10=5) Proposi$ion
225 "hich p%$ an end $o &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion in p%&lic schools in Cali+ornia "as
e++ec$ive 100=.00) Proposi$ion 225 cae in$o e++ec$ &eca%se a$ $he $ie i$ "as no$
e++ec$ive in raisin! En!lish proci+inecy in s$%den$s) *he proposi$ion +oc%sed on
eleen$ary schools &%$ i$ $a'e a $oll on preschools &eca%se i$ rein+orced $he %se
o+ En!lish lan!a%!e vers%s a child#s na$ive lan!a%!e) In 1005 in San >rancisco a
Lan!%a!e Acadey "as s$ar$ed in S>?SD) *hese pro!ras !ro%ped +o%r a(or
ca$e!ories@ $o$al iersion, $"o "ay developen$, d%al lan!a%!e enrichen$,
and &ilin!%al)
Lan!%a!e is $he 'ey $o s%ccess, i$ is $he 'ey $o co%nica$ion) Lan!a%!e
is a$ $he cen$er o+ "ha$ a'es $he "orld !o ro%nd, i$ does no$ have any !iven
shape or si/e, i$ is a $ool $ha$ can &e %sed $o crea$e and &%ild) Ano"in! ore
$han one lan!a%!e can help !e$ one +%r$her in li+e) I$#s ipor$an$ $o a'e school
con$en$ eanin!+%l- con$en$ "ill &e eanin!+%l only i+ i$ $a'es in$o acco%n$ $he
s$%den$#s prior 'no"led!e and $heir "orld vie") I$s very ipor$an$ $o +os$er $he
c%rric%l%.play $hro%!h $he children#s poin$ o+ vie") 4ilin!%al ed%ca$ion in
preschool "ill no$ only &e a&le $o +os$er and +acili$a$e $he 'no"led!e children
&rin! $o $he classroo, &%$ $ha$ i$ has a hi!h in+l%ence on $he learnin!) I$#s
ipor$an$ $o crea$e an a"areness o+ $he need +or &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion and $he
pos$ive o%$coes $ha$ ay arrise)Bhen $he hoe c%l$%re incl%des ano$her
lan!%a!e i$ %s$ &e $a'en in$o acco%n$, so $here are no &ariers in co%nica$ion
&e$"een $he children and $eachers) Accordin! $o C%ins and Collier $here is no
lon!er $he +ear $ha$ spea'in! a na$ive lan!%!a!e a$ hoe "ill place a s$%den$#s
s%ccess "i$h second lan!a%!e ac3%isi$ion a$ ris') Children !ain a 8sense o+
epo"eren$ "hen $he con$en$ presen$ed and ideas disc%sses are relevan$ $o
$heir e,periences and his$ories9:>ern, Ans$ro C Silco,, 1003;) *he overal
o&(ec$ive is $o a'e i$ possi&le $o incorpora$e $he na$ive lan!a%!es o+ En!lish
Lan!%a!e Learners in $he classroo as a +or o+ in$s$r%c$ion, and $ha$ i$ sho%ld
&e ephasi/ed in preschool and a'e i$ %niversally availa&le $o all) An e,aple
o+ $his is !iven in Da,ine Eon! Ains$on#s 8*he lan!a!e o+ Silence)9 *his
&io!raphy depic$s ho" 'ins$on reained silen$ $hro%!h her school years &ecase
she did no$ 'no" ho" $o co%nica$e "i$h her Aerican $eacher and s$%den$s a$
school, $ha$ even $ho%!h she had her o"n voice inside her, she "as a+raid $o %se
i$ &eca%se she didn-$ 'no" $he lan!a%!e aro%nd her)
Barriers and Challenges
Soe &arriers ay per$ain $o $he n%&er o+ children "ho have access $o
preschool especially +or lo" incoe +ailies) F%ali$y preschool e,periences
provide $he &asic +o%nda$ion +or children#s la$er learnin! in li+e :co!ni$ive and
social developen$;) In 1000, 10 percen$ o+ "hi$e children "ho "ere 3 years old
a$$ended preschool, "hereas only 21 percen$ o+ Eispanic children had s$ar$ed
$heir ed%ca$ion a$ $his a!e :?)S) Depar$en$ o+ Ed%ca$ion, 2003d, p) 23;) Soe
ci$i/ens are concerned $ha$ &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion has no$ &een e++ec$ive in
conver$in! s$%den$s "i$h lii$ed En!lish :LEP; in$o +l%en$ En!lish spea'ers) Bhen
$he in+ora$ion is only availa&le in En!lish or $he +on$ $ha$ is %sed in &roch%res or
phaple$s are $o sall and "e&si$es $ha$ paren$s $ry $o navi!a$e is $o
disor!ani/ed $his can crea$e in+ora$ion and co%nica$ion &arriers) *his s$ops
people "ho are in$eres$ed, +ailies as "ell as allies +ro o&$ainin! $he
in+ora$ion) G$her &arriers coe +ro ci$i/ens "ho "onder a&o%$ $he ao%n$ o+
$ie children#s na$ive lan!a%a!e sho%ld &e $a%!h$ and ho" i$ sho%ld &e $a%!h$ $o
Soe challen!es $ha$ ay arise is $he lac' o+ paren$s# inoveen$ d%e $o
$heir poor En!lish ali$eracy and &ein! $ied %p "i$h eployen$ and $ryin! $o
provide +or $heir +ailies) Soe challen!es $ha$ I co%ld &e +aced "i$h co%ld &e $he
cri$icis and a$$i$%des +ro people "ho oppose &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion, "ho $hin' i$
"ill &e $o e,pensive $o s$ar$ a coali$ion) Gr $ha$ people "ho are in$eres$ed in
&ilin!%al ed%ca$ion are lac'in! in soe "ay) Soe sys$ea$ic
challen!es.&arriers are policies, prac$ices and proced%res:En!lish only
oveen$; $ha$ descriia$e.ipede a!ains$ &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion and $hose "ho
are no$ En!lish spea'ers)
Stakeholders and $heir perspec$ive
Soe con$i$%$en$s 8Care a&o%$ $he iss%e and "ill &e direc$ly
a++ec$ed9:Aie++, p)105; "o%ld incl%de $eachers- $he ra$e o+ pay "o%ld increase i+
$he $eachers "ere &ilin!%al) *his also incl%des copensa$ion +or $eachers i+ $hey
"en$ &ac' $o school $o learn ano$her lan!a%!e)Ho& sec%ri$y "o%ld &e an
ipor$an$ iss%e +or $hose "ho are only par$<$ie) *he $eachers "o%ld &e a&le $o
voice $heir o"n concerns, and sho" respec$ and $r%$h+%l co%nica$ion o+ "ha$ i$
"o%ld $a'e $o a'e $his happen and "ha$ $ha$ "o%ld ean +or $he $eachers)
Ano$her cons$i$%$en$ "o%ld &e $he +ailies o+ $he chidlren, $hey "ill no$ only +eel
$ha$ $hey are &ein! val%ed, ipor$an$ and accep$ed &eca%se $heir children "ill
no" &e $a%!h$ $heir hoe lana%!e) >ailies "ill &e a&le $o have a voice and "ill
&e a&le $o ne$"or' "i$h o$her +ailies and $eachers "i$h siilar vie" poin$s,
&eca%se $here &elie+s are &ein! val%ed and $a'en in$o considera$ion) Preschools
are cons$i$%en$s $ha$ "o%ld hi!hly &e a++ec$ed &y $his iss%e &eca%se i$ "o%ld
ean a res$r%c$%rin! $he schools, o+ incorpora$in! ano$her lan!%a!e and ho"
$ha$ "ill &e ipleen$ed in each classroo) Preschools $ha$ already o++er d%al
lan!%a!e iersion "o%ld need $o +ollo" %p on ho" $hey "o%ld &e a++ec$ed i+ all
preschools "ere &ilin!%al, and "ha$ $ha$ "o%ld ean +or reven%e +or $he
preschool) Ed%ac$ional leaders.pro+essors "ho are adaen$ on &ilin!%al
ed%ca$ion and ho" children can &ene+i$ +ro i$, "ill care a&o%$ $he iss%e no$ only
&eca%se $hey "o%ld &e in+ored and con$ri&%$e $heir e,per$ise in cer$ain areas
$ha$ "o%ld a'e presvhools ore e++icien$)*he las$ cons$i$%en$s $ha$ "o%ld
!rea$ly &ene+i$ +ro &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion are $he s$%den$s.children, $hey have $he
ri!h$ $o e3%al ed%ca$ion oppor$%ni$ies)*his incl%des lii$ed En!lish spea'ers
:LES; and non En!lish spea'ers :7ES;) In 2aire/ e$) Al :1001; *his s$%dy
$raced $he pro!ress o+ ore $han 2,000 Spanish<spea'in! ELLs in nine school
dis$ric$s in +ive s$a$es over a +o%r<year period) I$ +o%nd $ha$ s$%den$s in
developen$al &ilin!%al pro!ras si!ni+ican$ly o%$per+ored $heir co%n$erpar$s in
3%ic'<e,i$, $ransi$ional &ilin!%al pro!ras and in all<En!lish iersion pro!ras
"hen all $hree !ro%ps "ere $es$ed in En!lish) Children "o%ld have $he
oppor$%ni$y $o no$ only learn a ne" lan!%a!e, &%$ have $heir na$ive lan!%a!e
rea+ired as ipor$an$ and "or$hy o+ learnin!)
Allies 8are people "ho "ill s%ppor$ yo% &%$ no$ &e direc$ly involved9 :Aei++,
p) 105;) Soe !overnen$ a!encies, represen$a$ives and le!isla$ors "o%ld
s%ppor$ &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion) *hey "o%ld have $o "or' on le!isla$ion $o incl%de
ore eployen$ +or $eachers, diversi$y o+ $he ed%ca$ion sys$e and any
le!ali$ies $ha$ ay arise) *hey "o%ld have $o "ri$e ne" ac$s, and s$eps $o lead $o
presvhools &ein! &ilin!%al) I &elieve 7e"spapers :$he Press Deocra$, e$c); are
!rea$ allies "hen $hey "ri$e ar$icles $ha$ de$ail $he &ene+i$s and have s$a$is$ics o+
$he ipor$nace o+ &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion a$ an early a!e) 7e"spapers &rin! $he
ca%se %p +ron$ and 8real9 $o people) 4lo!!ers, social edia is a !rea$ allie $o !e$
$he ca%se o%$ $o $he people in di++eren$ par$s o+ $he "orld, "here $hey can sho"
$heir o"n s%ppor$) Social edia has &een proven $o press%re le!isla$ion
concernin! a ca%se $ha$ deals "i$h ri!h$s o+ $he individ%al and &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion
does (%s$ $ha$) 4ilin!%al ed%ca$ion pro!ras or schools li'e Cali Calecac
Lan!%a!e Acadey in Bindsor have s$a$ed in a phone in$ervie" $ha$ 8*"o<Bay
4ilin!%al Iersion pro!ra no$ only e3%ips s$%den$s "i$h &ilin!%al, &i<li$era$e
and &i<c%l$%ral s'ills, &%$ $hro%!h hi!h individ%al e,pec$a$ions, ins$ills in s$%den$s
personal and social responsi&ili$y9) >lo"er Eleen$ary School has &ilin!%al
pro!ras $ha$ are "or'in! and +%nc$ionin!, people "ill loo' $o $he +or $heir
e,per$ise and i$ "o%ld &e a !ood idea $o have $he vo%ch +or $he e++ec$iveness o+
&ilin!%al ed%ac$ion) Paren$s no$ only are cons$i$%en$s &%$ also allies, "ho are
in$eres$ed in 4ilin!%al ed%ca$ion, &%$ "o%ld no$ "an$ $o &e involved d%e $o social
s$i!a or $he e++ec$ i$ "o%ld have "i$h $heir e,$ended +ailies)
*here are any di++eren$ $ypes o+ opponen$s 8people "ho "ill "or' $o
preven$ $he ca%se9 :Aei++, p) 105; $eachers,a!encies, represen$a$ives, le!isla$ors
and +ailies) Dany le!isla$ors and ci$i/ens &elieve $ha$ En!lish sho%ld &e $he
only lan!%a!e children sho%ld learn in &eca%se $hey are in $he ?ni$ed S$a$es, and
En!lish is needed $o pers%e eployen$ and hi!her ed%ca$ion) 2on ?n/ is $he
a%$hor o+ 8En!lish +or $he children9 s$a$es $ha$ &eca%se $he ins$r%c$ion is in $he
child#s na$ive lan!a%a!e $he child "ill never &ecoe li$era$e in En!lish) Ee
&elieves in $he $r%e el$in! po$ :all children %s$ &e $a%!h$ in En!lish a$ all $ie;)
Networks & Coalitions
I &elieve no$ only havin! ne$"or's locally &%$ na$ionally and &ein! involved
in di++eren$ or!ani/a$ion "o%ld &e a !rea$ "ay $o 8spread $he "ord9 a&o%$
&ilin!%al ed%ca$ion) In Sonoa Co%n$y &ein! par$ o+ SCGE :Sonoa Co%n$y
G++ice o+ Ed%ca$ion; and !e$$in! $o 'no" each depar$en$ head and &ecoin! a
vol%n$eer "ill !e$ e in $he door, &%$ also !e$ people $o $r%s$ e and see $ha$ y
passion +or %niversal &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion is a solid idea) Co%nica$in! "i$h
Child Care Plannin! Co%nci-l Carol Sions, or Aa$hy Parnay, sendin! ar$icles
$ha$ I have "ri$$en on $he s%&(ec$ and havin! $he pos$ i$ on $heir ne"sle$$er, or
o++er a "or'shop or con+erence "i$h o$her collea!%es "ho are also in +avor o+
&ilin!%al ed%ca$ion and o++erin! i$ +or +ree "o%ld also spread $he "ord) 4ecoe a
e&er a$$end "or'shops $ha$ are o++ered in $he ne"sle$$er no$ only "ill !e$ e
in con$ac$ "i$h o$her collea!%es in ed%ca$ion &%$ I "o%ld &e a&le $o +ind +ello"
cons$i%en$s or allies) 7e$"or'in! "i$h Colle!e cap%ses San$a 2osa H%nior
Colle!e, Epire Colle!e, ?niversi$y o+ 7or$hern Cali+ornia, Borld Colle!e Bes$
e$c) A$ $hese colle!es I "o%ld !e$ a hold o+ $he D%l$ic%l$%ral Cl%&#s, EGP:S;,
Decha cl%& pro+essors "ho are passiona$e a&o%$ 4ilin!%al ed%ca$ion, !e$ a hold
o+ $he +%$%re $eachers o+ Sonoa Co%n$y "ho "an$ $o a'e a di++erence "ill no$
only connec$ e $o $he &%$ also +ailies in o$her par$s o+ $he co%n$ry) Sendin!
s$a$een$s, +ac$s and ar$icles $o &ilin!%al 7e"spapers li'e La 6o/ 7e"spaper,
$ha$ is o"ned &y Ani Beaver) I had sen$ her an eail a&o%$ &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion
and she sen$ e $o a pro+essor a$ Sonoa S$a$e ?niversi$y Dr) Ellie Galve/<
Eard) *his is a "ay o+ connec$in! $he "e& o+ ne$"or'in! &eca%se I had already
e$ "i$h her and disc%ssed $he iss%e) I "as a&le $o have an eail
co%nica$ion "i$h Lily Ba$ers :Early Learnin! Sys$es Coach; +or $he Child
Si!ni$%re Pro!ra "ho s$a$ed 8Bhile "e do ins$r%c$ in En!lish, "e also %se $he
child#s hoe lan!%a!e) I$ 'ind o+ &ecoes an in+oral &ilin!%al classroo<
En!lish spea'ers are also hearin! Spanish %sed, and o+$en develop Spanish
s'ills &e+ore $hey ove on $o Eleen$ary school)9 Ds) Ba$ers is a person "ho
has no$ only !iven e in+ora$ion &ased on her opinion &%$ also $he o++icial
lan!%a!e policy o+ 4C#s) Also &ecoinG e&ers o+ or!ani/a$ions li'e Eispanic
Cha&er o+ Coerce :Pedro *oledo<presiden$; or 7A4E :7a$inal Associa$ion
+or 4ilin!%al Ed%ca$ion; and sendin! $he eails $o 'no" $his ca%se.plan is no$
!oin! any"here- i$ is real and i$ is s$ayin!)
Bhile ne$"or'in! i$#s ipor$an$ $o %se reso%rces $ha$ are na$ional and are
reco!ni/a&le, li'e 7P2 clip 84ein! &ilin!%al ay &oos$ yo%r &rain po"er)9 Social
edia is a !rea$ "ay o+ !e$$in! people a"are o+ an iss%e) >ace&oo' i+ yo% !e$ a
person $o 8li'e9 yo%r lin', $hen $ha$ lin' "ill sho" %p on $he "all o+ $ha$ person and
i+ $ha$ person has 25, 50, 100I +riends $hen all $hose people see i$ and "ill ei$her
&e c%rio%s $o see "ha$ $he iss%e is a&o%$ or &ecoe and allie) Ge$$in! $o 'no"
o$her &lo!!ers, Jo%$%&ers is a !rea$ "ay $o ne$"or') 7o$ only "ill $hey &e "illin!
$o pos$ or coen$ on $he plan &%$ also I "o%ld &e 8connec$in!9 "i$h all $he
people "ho +ollo" $hose people)
loca$in! and &%ildin! coali$ion aon! diverse s$a'eholders is an ipo$na$
iss%e &eca%se local and s$a$e e++or$s are "ha$ really &rin! people $!e$her and !e$
people $al'in! a&o$ an iss%e) *he ipor$ance o+ paren$s par$icipa$in! +ro
every"here !ives $he iss%e po"er and a &read$h) Involvin! paren$s is very
ipor$an$ &eca%se $hey have a lo$ $o say a&o%$ ed%ca$ion, especially +or $heir
children,) Paren$s "an$ $o ne$"or' and &e in+ored) Coali$ions &e$"een schools
and paren$s a&o%$ a &ill.proposi$ion li'e "hen prop 225 passed)
ong term goals
>or y lon! $er !oals I "o%ld li'e $o develop na$ional lan!%a!e
reso%rces "hich incl%de $he %se o+ ed%ca$ional $echnolo!y in classroos)*he
%se o+ ne" $eachin! a$erials :reso%rces +ro o$her co%$ries;$ha$ +oc%s on
%l$ic%l$%ralis) Chan!e $he "ay $es$in! is per+ored in schools, $a'e in$o
considera$ion $he "ay children learn and %nders$and ideas +or o$her co%n$ries) I
"o%ld love $o see $he incorpora$ion o+ $eacher $rainin!s as "ell as
adinis$ra$or,ho" children learn $hro%!h sensory, in$erpersonal, 'ines$he$ic e$c)
*o sho" ed%ca$ors, $eachers, adinis$ra$ors and ed%ca$ion leaders ho"
$o plan, ipleen$, oni$or &ili$eracy $ha$ &%ilds on s$%den$s# lan!%a!es) I "o%ld
li'e +or $eachers $o learn $o develop &ili$eracy in$r%c$ion %ni$s, lesson plans, and
assesen$s $ha$ place ephasis in Spanish and En!lish and a'e $he e3%ally
ipor$an$) *o &rin! c%l$%ral a"areness and apprecia$ion $o $he na$ion) *o
es$a&lish a %l$ic%l$%ral a"areness a$ an early a!e and no$ only +or speci+ic
holidays) I &elieve $he +o%nda$ion is se$ d%rin! in+ancy and $oddlerhood
:preschool a!e;) A$ $hese s$a!es children learn "ha$ is e and "ha$ is no$ e)
Children &e!in $o iic' ad%l$ &ehaviors and s$ar$ $o delve in$o classi+ica$ion)
Accordin! $o $he An$i<4ias C%rric%l% :10=0; 8 $he !oals are $o +acili$a$e chidlren#s
a"areness $ha$ $heir racial iden$i$y does no$ cha!ne, $o help $he %nders$and $h$
$hey are par$ o+ a lar!e !ro%p "i$h siilar charac$eris$ics :no$ #di++eren$# +ro
everone else; and $o +os$er $heir desire $o &e e,ac$ly "ho $hey are)9
Short term goals
*he $hree shor$ $er !oals I &elieved "o%ld !e$ y plan across "o%ld
involve no$ only cons$i$%en$s &%$ also allies) I ade a &roch%re de$ailin! "hy
4ilin!%al ed%ac$ion is ipor$an$ speci+ically d%rin! $he preschool years) *his
&roch%re co%ld &e placed in preschools, in eleen$ary schools in %niversi$ies as
"ell as in ca+e#s) *his &roch%re is a "ay $o !e$ people c%rio%s a&o%$ &ilin!%al
ed%ca$ion, i$ doesn#$ +orce any$hin! on anyone i$#s (%s$ $here $o in+or) Dy !oal
"i$h $his &roch%re "as $o !e$ people in$eres$ed in $he s%&(ec$, $o see i+ $here
"o%ld &e any responses a&o%$ +%r$her in3%iry) I ade i$ so $ha$ people "ho are
a!ains$ $he iss%e "o%ld reali/e $ha$ $his is a ca%se $ha$ "ill no$ !o a"ay, and "ill
'eep s%r+acin!) *he second shor$ $er !oal "as $o have a disc%ssion a&o%$
&ilin!%al ed%ca$ion) A+$er !e$$in! $he co%ni$y c%rio%s a&o%$ &ilin!%al
ed%ca$ion, I "an$ed $o a'e a p%&lic +or% availa&le +or anyone "ho "an$ed
ore in+ora$ion) I "an$ed $o !e$ ed%ca$ors "ho are also passiona$e a&o%$ $he
ca%se $o !e$ involved so $ha$ $he co%ni$y can see $ha$ $his iss%e involves
people "ho are ed%ca$ed as "ell as schools $ha$ have &een a&le $o a'e
&ilin!%al ed%ca$ion a s%ccess) I "as a&le $o se$ %p an in+oral disc%ssion
session a$ Sonoa S$a$e ?niversi$y $ha$ $o%ched %pon &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion and
$he opinions o+ $he co%ni$y, I "as a&le $o have ed%ca$ors +ro Cali Calecac
lan!%a!e Acadey and >lo"er Eleen$ary school a$$end) People +ro all "al's
o+ li+e a$$ended, a&o%$ 15 people a$$ended soe "ere $eachers, paren$s and
+riends) *he a+$ernoon "en$ "ell, I &elieve I ade any allies $ha$ day) 7o$ only
had I ade $he co%ni$y co%rio%s "i$h y +irs$ shor$ $er !oal, $hen I "as a&le
$o a'e i$ personal and 8real9 in y second shor$ $er !oal &%$ no" I "an$ed $o
a'e i$ 'no" $o y sena$ors) I "ro$e $"o le$$ers $o &o$h $he sena$ors o+
Cali+ornia, 4ar&ara 4o,er as "ell as Diane >eins$ein) I$ &ro%!h$ $he "hole idea o+
y plan $o li+e, &eca%se I "as a&le $o send $he a le$$er s$a$in! $he ipor$ance o+
&ilin!%al ed%ca$ion, speci+ically in preschool and $ha$ $he iss%e sho%ldn#$ &e
+or!o$$en especially since $he iss%e o+ %niversal preschool is a ho$ $opic ri!h$
'no") *his also rea+ired y allies $ha$ I# no$ doin! $his +or (%s$ a class or +or
(%s$ a co%ple o+ on$hs, $ha$ I# in $his +or $he lon! ha%l %n$il i$ &ecoes a reali$y)
Dia/ So$o, L), Sre'ar, H) L) C 7e'covei, D) L) :1000;) Preservin! Eoe
Lan!%a!es and C%l$%res in $he Classroo@ Challen!es and Gppor$%ni$ies)
Direc$ions in Lan!%a!e C Ed%ca$ion, 7a$ional Clearin!ho%se +or 4ilin!%al
Ed%ca$ion, 13) KGn<lineL) Availa&le@
>ern, 6), Ans$ro, A) C Silco,, 4) :1003;) Ac$ive Learnin! and *he Lii$ed
En!lish Pro+icien$ S$%den$) Direc$ions in Lan!%a!e C Ed%ca$ion, 7a$ional
Clearin!ho%se +or 4ilin!%al Ed%ca$ion, 1 :2;) KGn<lineL) Availa&le@
?)S) Depar$en$ o+ Ed%ca$ion, 7a$ional Cen$er +or Ed%ca$ion S$a$is$ics) S$a$%s
and $rends in $he ed%ca$ion o+ Eispanics) Bashin!$on, DC@ A%$hor- 2003d)
:7CES 2003<00=;
Ain!s$on, Da,ine Eon!) M*he Lan!%a!e o+ Silence)M
2aire/, H) D), J%en, S), 2aey, D), C Pas$a, D) :1001;) Lon!i$%dinal s$%dy o+
s$r%c$%red En!lish iersion s$ra$e!y, early<e,i$ and la$e<e,i$ &ilin!%al ed%ca$ion
pro!ras +or lan!%a!e<inori$y children :>inal 2epor$, 6ols) 1 C 2;) San Da$eo,
CA@ A!%irre In$erna$ional)

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