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Evan Harris

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Patient, expressive, imaginative, and hardworking individual
who is dedicated to the learning of all students
----- Education ------
olloy !ollege "raduate #$%&' (achelor)s *egree+ Education and English
South High School "raduate #$$,' High School *iploma
Related Course Work'
!hildren)s -iterature
.oundations of Education
!ritical /ssues in Education
!hild Psychology
Strategies for *iverse -earners
/nstructional 0echnology
Principles of !hemical *ependency
School 1iolence Prevention and /ntervention
0raining in the identification and 2eporting of !hild 34use and 5eglect
*ignity for 3ll Students 3ct
----- Experience ------
After School Aide 6#$$7-#$%89' 3fter school program+ (rooklyn 3venue School and :illiam
-+ (uck School in 1alley Stream through ;ewish !ommunity !enter of the .ive 0owns+
Camp Counselor 6#$$<-#$%#9' Head !ounselor=3ssistant !ounselor 64oys, grades # and 89+
-awrence :oodmere 3cademy Summer *ay Program+
Patricia 3ntonelli+ 3dvisor, South High School &%<->,%-8%$$
(ar4ra .eldman+ *irector, -awrence :oodmere 3cademy Summer *ay &%<-8>?-,$$$
Sharona 3r4eit+ *irector, ;ewish !ommunity !enter of the .ive 0owns &%<-&<,-<>88

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