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Jake Bowen

Conclusion revision
Original: Throughout this paper I have explored how smart phones are effecting college students. While
some people claim that they cause a negative effect, there is more proof that they are more beneficial
to education especially when they are integrated into the course. The reason this style of learning hasn't
completely been adopted is because it is a drastic change from how traditional learning is. Faculty would
have to be retrained to start teaching with more technology instead of what they are used to(Economist
Intelligence Unit). Another main reason is because it would be very expensive, it would cost a lot to
obtain all the technology necessary and it would continue to cost money because the technology would
have to be constantly updated(Economist Intelligence Unit). Hopefully as technology progresses, the
educational system will be able to overcome these obstacles and fully adopt Mobile Learning since it has
the potential to be way more effective than traditional teaching methods.
Revised: Mobile learning has the potential to be a huge hit in the educational community. There are just
a few problems that need to be fixed first. One of the biggest problems would be how drastic of a
change this style is compared to traditional teaching styles. Faculty would have to retrained to start
teaching with more technology instead of what they have previously had available to them(Economy
Intelligence Unit). Another problem would be the cost of switching over. It would cost a lot to obtain all
the technology necessary and it would continue to be costly since the technology would have to be
constantly updated(Economy Intelligence Unit). I do believe that someday we will completely make the
switch over to Mobile Learning though. Technology is constantly becoming cheaper and when this is
combined with the strong desire for this style of learning by both teachers and students, then it is safe
to say that this will definitely happen in the future.

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