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Report On
-Dimenion o! Q"#$it% #n& O't#($e to imp$ement TQM)
Course no. EM- 558
Submitted to
Moni*# C+#*r#'ort%
Lecturer, Department of Management Studies
University of Da!a
Submitted by
K#!i M#+moo& N#+in
Student "D # $%-&'-''-$8'
EM() ''
Q"etion,*Se$e(t # pro&"(t or er-i(e #n& &e(ri'e +o. t+e &imenion o! /"#$it%
in!$"en(e it #((ept#n(e0
)ns+er ,ua-ity as nine different dimensions. .ey are
5 Durabi-ity
.ese dimensions are some+at independent .terefore, a product can be e6ce--ent in
one dimension and average or poor in anoter
7o+ +e sa-- describe be-o+ tese nine dimensions of 8ua-ity in terms of smart pone
and o+ inf-uences its acceptance to customer.
.e design of te Samsung 9)L):; S1 defies +at<s possib-e.
Samsung 9)L):; S1 simplifies everyday tasks
.e u-timate productivity device = te Samsung 9)L):; S1 is designed
+it te +e---connected, mu-ti-tas!er in mind. Ca-- a friend, ans+er te pone,
previe+ emai-s and contro- videos +itout even toucing te pone. >en you connect
your Samsung 9)L):; S1 to your ome entertainment system, it can suggest
.? programs based on +at you -i!e. )ccess your persona- @ome Sync system from
a-- devices and remote-y sare +it friends and fami-y.
A )dditiona- 0eatures
9roup /-ay* Sare Music, Sare /icture, Sare Document,
/-ay 9ames
Story )-bum, S .rans-ator, Bptica- 2eader
Samsung Smart Scro--, Samsung Smart /ause, )ir 9esture,
)ir ?ie+
Samsung @ub, Cat B7 C?oiceD?ideo Ca--, Sare screen,
%-+ay ca--ingE Samsung >atc B7
S .rave- )dvisorE, S ?oiceF Drive, S @ea-t
Samsung )dapt Disp-ay, Samsung )dapt Sound, )uto adGust touc sensitivity
C9-ove friend-yE
Safety )ssistance, Samsung Lin!, Screen Mirroring
Samsung H7B: C('( on-yE
)ndroid 1.'.' CIe--y beanE
A Memory
&3 D %' D 319( memory J micro SD s-ot Cup to 319(E, '9( 2)M
Consistency of performance over time .% ;ears +arranty card is inc-uded
4 D"r#'i$it%
Usefu- -ife ,"nc-udes )fter Sa-es Service
2eso-ution of prob-ems and comp-aints ,ease of maintenance and troub-esooting,
)vai-abi-ity of spares
@ig-y responsive to customer satisfaction
.e incredib-y-+ide 0ULL @D Super )MBLED screen fits perfect-y +itin an
s-im beKe- tat<s encased in a specia- po-ycarbonate body, ma!ing tis te
-igtest and most sopisticated 9)L):; yet.
Samsung Smart pone, -eads te g-oba- mar!et in ig-tec e-ectronics manufacturing
and digita- media.
Mar!eting as te responsibi-ity of identifying te re-ative importance of eac dimension
of 8ua-ity. .ese dimensions are ten trans-ated into te re8uirements for te
deve-opment of a ne+ product or te improvement of te e6isting one.
Q"etion 109or*in: # #n in&i-i&"#$ or in # te#m o! t+ree or more peop$e
;&etermine t.o or more o't#($e to imp$ementin: TQM in one or more
or:#ni<#tion $ite& 'e$o.:
#=L#r:e >#n*
'=He#$t+(#re F#(i$itie
(=Uni-erit% A(#&emi( Dep#rtment:
&= Uni-erit% Non A(#&emi( Dep#rtment:
e=L#r:e Dep#rtment Store
!=Gr#&e S(+oo$
:=M#n"!#(t"rin: F#(i$it%
+=L#r:e Gro(er% Store0
Pro'$em #n& o't#($e !#(e& '% M#n"!#(t"rin: F#(i$it%:
Manufacturing prob-ems but tose indicated by tem are crucia- in te conte6t of SME.
.eir main prob-ems
and obstac-es +ere*
? Lack of human resources* .is company<s 8ua-ity department +it &$ emp-oyees as
te overa-- responsibi-ity for 8ua-ity assurance, product testing, "SB 5$$& and
LConfidence "n .e6ti-esM .ested for armfu- substances according to Be!o-.e6N
Standard &$$- 9ermany. Comp-iance and dea-ing +it customer<s feedbac! etc.
A Lack of involvement form non-production functions* Since company<s core business
is te6ti-e manufacturing, maGority of improvement +ou-d come from manufacturing
areas. 7on-production areas suc as mar!eting, purcasing, accounts and maintenance,
comprised of sma-- percentage of tota- emp-oyees and do not Gustify being
invo-ved in 8ua-ity improvement activities. ) company must understand tat everyone in
organiKation ave to contribute direct-y or indirect-y to acieve te 8ua-ity of its product
or service.
A Achieve too much in a short time* ) company -i!e ";. +ic is not a-+ays entire-y
satisfied +it teir current situation +i-- continua--y try to find and adopt ne+ +ays to
enance teir business. .is can be perceived to be trying to do muc, but in rea-ity it
may be gradua- continuous improvement process. During tis end-ess Gourney of
8ua-ity, firm ave to -earn many tings especia--y +en -itt-e as actua--y been done in
past. .ime is needed in order t integrate te appropriate 8ua-ity princip-es and tecni8ues
into te cu-ture of te organiKation .
Pro'$em #n& o't#($e !#(e& '% He#$t+(#re F#(i$it%:
7umerous barriers to successfu- imp-ementation of .,M in te ea-t care services
organiKations ave been identified. )ccording to te survey of ea-t care organiKations,
te -ac! of senior management commitment and invo-vement,
inabi-ity to cange e organiKationa- cu-ture,
inf-e6ibi-ity of or cu-tura- to+ard 8ua-ity canges,
incorrect p-anning Cpo-icy deve-opment and effective goa- dep-oymentE,
-ac! of education and training for emp-oyees and managers,
inade8uate !no+-edge and understanding of .,M pi-osopy,
poor team +or!, poor accessibi-ity of data and resu-ts as +e-- as te -ac! of
attention to te needs of te interna- and e6terna- customers
te -ac! of management commitment and emp-oyee interest,
-ac! of good p-ans and -ac! of focus.

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