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Title: Graduated Difficulty

Type: Lesson Plan
Subject: ELA/Reading
Grade Range: 4
Duration: 45+ Minutes
Author(s): Lindsey Fredette
Instructional Unit ontent
ontent Area Standard
SS4H5 !e student "ill analy#e t!e c!allenges faced $y t!e ne" nation
e% Descri$e t!e causes and e&ents of t!e 'ar of ()(*+ include t!e $urning of t!e
,a-itol and t!e '!ite House%
TAG Standard
Hig!er .rder and ,ritical !in/ing S/ills
4% Ma/e and e&aluate decisions using criteria
!e focus of t!is lesson is to gi&e students t!e o--ortunity to assess t!eir o"n understanding
of !o" to co0-lete a close reading and 0a/e decisions a$out "!at t!ey need to do to
i0-ro&e t!eir understanding/s/ill%

"nduring Understanding(s)
At t!e end of t!is lesson t!e student "ill understand t!at
a% A close reading consists of de0onstrating a dee-er understanding of t!e aut!or1s
intent2 -ur-ose2 and $ac/ground%
$% Francis Scott 3ey "as 0o&ed $y a $attle in t!e 'ar of ()(* to "rite t!e Star
S-angled 4anner
"ssential 'uestion(s)
Ho" do you co0-lete a close reading5 '!y did Francis Scott 3ey "rite t!e Star S-angled
oncept(s) to (aintain
An understanding of t!e -rocess of "ar
Ho" does an understanding of language !el- to co0-lete a closer reading5
Ho" does an aut!or de0onstrate a -ur-ose5
"%idence o) *earning
'!at students s!ould /no"6
a% !e c!allenges faced $y a ne" nation%
$% !e causes t!at led to t!e 'ar of ()(*%
c% !e effects of t!e 'ar of ()(*%
d% Ho" !e Star S-angled 4anner $eca0e our national ant!e0%
e% Ho" to co0-lete a close reading%
'!at students s!ould $e a$le to do6
a% ,o0-lete a close reading%
$% 7dentify t!e difference $et"een a cause and an effect of t!e 'ar of ()(*%
c% De0onstrate "!at c!aracteristics of !e Star S-angled 4anner led to it $eco0ing our
national ant!e0%
Suggested +ocabulary
P!ase (6 ,oo-
(% 'atc! !e Star S-angled 4anner6 !tt-6//"""%youtu$e%co0/"atc!5&9:(;0eEdF.Sc% Discuss<
!o" does t!is song 0a/e you feel5 '!y do you t!in/ t!is song 0a/es you feel t!is "ay5
7dentify as-ects of t!is song t!at gi&es you t!at feeling%
P!ase *6 Ac.uiring ontent
*% Pose the "ssential 'uestion% ='!y did Francis Scott 3ey "rite t!e Star S-angled
4anner5> Gat!er student res-onses%
?% E@-lain t!at today "e are going to learn a$out Francis Scott 3ey% Gi&e out t!e A0erican
Heritage !andout and Francis Scott 3ey !andout% 7nfor0 t!e students t!at t!ey "ill $e
using t!ese 0aterials to ans"er t!e assess0ent -ac/et%
4% Ase t!e Francis Scott 3ey &ideo to introduce t!e content%
P!ase ?6 D"ID" and Practice and D"ID"
5% E@-lain =Bou "ill no" $e gi&en an o--ortunity to assess t!e infor0ation "!ile you are reading%
4ecause e&eryone learns at a different -ace2 7 "ill lea&e it u- to you to decide "!ic! -ro$le0 set
is 0ost a--ro-riate for you% o !el- you 0a/e t!e $est c!oice let1s consider a fe" Cuestions%>
D% Distri$ute t!e DE,7DE !andout and t!ree o-tions for co0-leting a close reading%
Pro&ide ti0e for students to e@a0ine t!e t!ree sets and decide "!ic! is t!e 0ost
a--ro-riate c!allenge to co0-lete%
E% Asing t!e social studies te@t$oo/ and -assages2 students "ill co0-lete assess0ent o-tion
of t!eir c!oice% Students "!o Cuic/ly and accurately co0-lete t!eir selected set s!ould
try t!e ne@t le&el%
)% '!en all students !a&e !ad an o--ortunity to co0-lete and assess0ent o-tion2 lead t!e
students in a discussion to identify t!e criteria t!ey used to 0a/e t!eir c!oice2 deter0ine
if t!e first c!oice "as t!e $est c!oice2 and deter0ine t!e /no"ledge/s/ills needed to
0o&e to t!e ne@t le&el%
F% Eac! student "ill esta$lis! a learning goal to i0-ro&e t!eir o"n ac!ie&e0ent related to
understanding and using t!e order of o-erations%
Su##ari/ing Acti%ity
?<*<( E@it ic/et6 '!at are t!ree descri-tions used in !e Star S-angled 4anner5
'!at are t"o facts t!at you /no" a$out Francis Scott 3ey5 '!at is one t!ing t!at
you li/e a$out !e Star S-angled 4anner5
Anchor Te0t(s):
Po"er -oint6 .rder of .-erations
Handout (6 DE,7DE
Handout *6 A0erican Heritage !andout
Handout ?6 Francis Scott 3ey !andout
Handout 46 Le&eled Assess0ent Pac/et

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