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1 Psychology: A
Science and a
Psychology: Definition; Scope; Goals; Its grand issues and key
2 Psychology 2000: Major Subfields; the Multicultural perspective.

3 Psychology & the Scientific methods; Research methods in psychology
4 Intelligence Intelligence : Contrasting Views of its Nature;
Measuring intelligence;

5 Multiple Intelligences
6 Emotional Intelligence

7 Creativity
8 The role of heredity and the role of environment;

9 Motivation 4 Theories of motivation & Maslows theory of hierarchy of needs

10 4 Kinds of motives: Hunger, Sexual, Achievement, Aggression;
Intrinsic Motivation
11 Emotion The Nature of Emotions: Some Contrasting Views (Theories)
The External Expression of Emotions.

12 Emotion and Cognition: How Thoughts Shape our Emotions
13 Subjective Well-Being
14 Personality Trait theories
15 The Psychoanalytic Approach: Freuds Theory of Personality; Other
Psychoanalytic Views
16 Learning Approaches to Personality
17 Humanistic theories
18 Perception Perception: Putting it all together
19 The plasticity of perception: Innate/ Learned
20 Extrasensory perception
21 Health, Stress &
Behavioral and Psychological Correlates of Illness
22 Cognition Thinking: Forming Concepts and Reasoning

23 Memory Human Memory, kinds of information stored in memory

24 Forgetting, Memory distortion and memory construction

25 Social Thought Thinking about other people: Attribution; Social Cognition; Attitudes.
26 Social Behaviour Prejudice

Topics covered briefly/by slides:
Biological Basis of
The Nervous system, the Brain and Human Behaviour
Heredity & behaviour
The Nature-Nurture controversy
Learning Classical conditioning,
Operant conditioning,
Observational learning,
Memory Memory in Everyday life.
Cognition: Making decisions
Problem Solving
Health, Stress & Coping Stress: Its Causes, Effects & Coping,
Health psychology: Promoting Wellness.
Social Behaviour Social Influence,

Topics covered by group discussions but NOT included for final exam:

Psychology of the
Deception on the Internet; Groupness; Effects of
Frustration; Liking and loving online; Altruism
Existential Intelligence Different Worldviews in different belief systems

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