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SAIL Placement Paper

1.) Terminal colors of Rainbow?

a: Violet&Red
2.)First lady in "Indian National on!ress"?
a: Indira "and#i
b: $aro!ini Naid% etc
&.)First N%clear 'lant in IN(I) is sit%ated in
a : Trombay
b: Nellore etc
*.)2 ca'acitances are in 'arallel !i+es , micro farad & in series !i+es 2- w#at will be t#e +al%e of
indi+id%al ca'acitance.
-.).#o in+ented "T/0R1210T0R"?
)ns: Fa#ren#eit
,.)0lectrostatic 'otential is a $calar 3%antity or Vector 3%antity?
4.) )mon! +al%es 1 to155 6robability of occ%rrence of n%mbers endin! wit# 7 is?
9.)$i:"e lie in ;;..bloc< of 'eriodic table
a: III
b: V
c: IV)=)N$)
d: IV >
7.)some e?%ation was !i+en @A25 sin 1-4t t#en calc%late fre?%ency
15.).#ic# Filter is %sed for 'assin! only #i!# fre?%ency
a: Badder
b. rystal
11.)In Cener brea<down is 'ro'ortional to
)ns Ne!ati+e coefficient of tem'erat%re
12.)If water is #eated from 5de!ree to 15 de!ree effect on +ol%me
a: increase steadily
b: remain same
c: decrease steadily
1&.)If we di! 0)RT/ FR21 Nort# to $o%t# 'ole and a stone is dro''ed in it t#en effect on its +elocity
a :increase contin%o%sly
b: First increase and become Cero in center
c. It .ill $tart 2scillate
1*.)(andi marc# was related t5 ;;..
a: $alt
b: s%!ar etc
1-.)Radiation 'attern of loo' antenna
a: cardioids
b. semicirc%lar
c. circle
d. none
1,.) "(0N1)RD" lie in w#ic# continent
14.)oo<s island is sit%ated in w#ic# continent?
19.)Ran!e of )1 $i!nal?
17.)In an 0lectrolyte if rod is immersed t#en mass on rod will be 'ro'ortional to
)ns: c%rrent 'assed in it
25.)Bar!est %nit in ener!y
21.) $'ellin! c#ec< of $)T0BBIT0
22.)6l%ral of "(I>IE)"IN /IN(I
2&.)Find o%t $ar+nam
2*.)R)((I$/ is a
a: modified root
b: b%lb
cF stem
2-.) G Rays are ;;.Rays
)ns emw
2,.) ass:bray::s#ee':bleat

SAIL Latest Job Interview Placement Paper (Technical, Reasoning, English & Aptitue!

1.w#ere does a body #a+e least wei!#t?
a) at t#e e?%ator
b) at t#e 'oles
c) at eart#Hs center
d) none of t#ese
2. w#at is t#e millmanHs t#eorem?
&. w#at #a''ens if a dc motor is fed an ac si!nal?
*. calc%late electron mobility.
-. 'ower 12$F0T is +olta!e controlled or c%rrent controlled?
,. if % want a ,*5 < R)1: w#at s'ecification s#o%ld % s'ecify in t#e dri+e?
4. ma@ efficiency of a class a am'lifier?
9.w#at r resistors in I made of?
7. , !irls and , bos sittin! randomly in a line. w#at 'robability of !irls bein! to!et#er?
15.w#at is t#e 'rob. of two friends #a+in! birt#days in same mont#?
11. =(I2 J *)yA <@ w#at if 6I?
12. lim @Kinfinity sin@8@
1&. e@'ress @8=@J1) as taylorHs series
1*.'rinci'le of Let en!ine
1-. w#y #ydra%lic systems %sed ina aircrafts instead of electrical?
1,. steel J ? A corrosionKresistant material?
14. w#at #a''ens to s'eed of em wa+e as fre?%ency increases?
19. w#ic# c#ar. of em wa+e does not c#an!e w#en it tra+els from one mdi%m to anot#er?
17. circ%it !i+en. find atten%ation in db.
25. circ%it !i+en. #ow m%c# feedbac<?
21. =sK1)8=sJ1) is #i!# 'ass filter8 low 'ass filter?
22. fastest lo!ic family amon! rtl: dtl: ttl?
2&. in common emitter confi!. c#an!e in i on c#an!in! +>0?
2*. w#at #a''ens if !ate +olta!e of an 2N scr is decreased?
2-. fermi le+el c#an!e wit# tem'erat%re in n ty'e semicond%ctor?
2,. mosfet #as t#res#old +olta!e 1+ w#en nJ 'olysilicon is %sed in !ate. w#at is t#res#old +olta!e w#en
'olysilicon %sed is of nJ ty'e?
24. sim'le c<ts %sin! Mener diode.
29. w#at is t#e 'J s%bstrate in an isolated 'n L%nction ic connected to?
27. o'am' circ%it !i+en. o'en loo' !ainA155. closed loo' !ainA?
&5. w#ic# ty'e of 'arameters= #8y8M) s%itable in 'artic%lar a''lication?
&1. !i+en 'arallel B c<t. find an!le between c%rrents in branc#es at resonance.
&2. w#at is 3 of series RB c<t? =+olta!e !ain8 admttance etc.)
&&. resonant fre? of 'arallel RB c<t. ?
&*. t#in metal foil inserted between ca'acitor 'lates. foil connected to one 'late. c#an!e in ca'acitance?
&-. ?%es on reflection of em wa+e at airA dielectric interface. dlc constA7
&,. w#at is brewsterHs an!le?
&4. w#y microwa+e fre? not %sed for ionos'#eric 'ro'a!ation?
&9. %#f ran!e?
&7. fre? ran!e %sed in satellite com%nication?
*5. w#ic# ionos'#eric bands %sed for commercial '%r'oses?
*1. ?%estion on transmission line im'edance matc#in!?
*2. fli'K flo' d: t *&. con+ert &2 < '%lses to 1 #M '%lses %sin! decade co%nters etc.
**. ?%es on sets and relations
*-. inte!ration
*,. ran< of matri@
155 tec#nical ?%estions in 1 #r. J18K.2-

(Section $!# section $ consists o%#
a. !eneral awareness =#istory: !eo!ra'#y: ci+ics: economicsK basic on india)
b. en!lis# ='assa!e: synonym: antonym: !rmmatical error detection etc)
c. reasonin!
d. a'ti all sectionsH and all 'arts of sec 2Ns c%tKoff s#o%ld be cleared.
Sample Paper#
1) ) 2 di!it n%mber is formed by eit#er s%btractin! 1, from 9 times t#e s%m of t#e di!its or by addin! 25 to
22 times t#e difference between difference of di!its.find t#e n%mber?
2) It ta<es 1, days for 2* men to 'lo%!# 1- acres of land:t#e #ow many days wo%ld be re?%ired for &2
men to 'lo%!# &5 acres of land?
&) ) .or< can be done by 9 men and 15 women in 2- days: t#e same wor< can be done by 15 c#ildren
and - women . In #ow many days 2 c#ildren and & men can do t#e same wor<?
*) 2ne man or two women or t#ree boys can do a wor< in ** days t#en one man: one women and one
boy to!et#er can finis# t#e same wor< in Kdays?
-) * years from now :'ra<as#Hs a!e will be * times #is sonHs a!e.12 years from now:#e will be 2.- times
#is sonHs a!e.find t#eir 'resent a!es?
,) In #ow many ways can a loc< be o'ened if t#at loc< #as t#ree di!it n%mber loc< if
i) t#e last di!it is 7
ii) and s%m of t#e first two di!its is less t#an or e?%al to t#e last di!it.
4) If t#e n%merator and denomenator of a certain fraction are increased by 2:t#e fraction becomes &8-.If
n%merator and denomenator are increased by 1:it becomes 182.find t#e fraction?
T#ere are 4, 'ersons. -& can read #ind%:*, can read times:&7 can read deccan and 1- can read all.If 22
can rea
d #ind% and deccan and 2& can read deccan and times t#en w#at is t#e n%mber of 'ersons w#o read only
times and #ind% ?
7) In '%re mil< if 25O re'laced by water and in t#is a!ain 25O is re'laced by water and a!ain 25O is
re'laced by water t#en w#at is t#e 'ro'ortion of mil< in t#at mi@t%re?
15) )fter 15 years ) will be twice t#e a!e of > before 15 years.and now if t#e difference is 7 years
between t#em t#en w#at is t#e a!e of > after 15 years?
11) 6ra+eenHs 'resent a!e is twice t#at of 1a#es#Hs a!e * yrs a!o.6ra+een wo%ld be twice as old as
1a#es# today.Find s%m of t#eir 'resent a!es?
12) T#e cost of 2 balls:& bats and 9 'air of !lo+es is 2-55..#ile cost of * balls:- bats and 15 'air of
!lo+es is *555.Find cost of eac# bat?
1&) From a 25 l mi@%tre conatinin! mil< and water in t#e ratio &:-: * litres of mi@t%re is re'laced wit# *
litres of water .T#en w#at is t#e final ratio of mil< and water?
1*) T#e cost of * a''les is e?%al to t#e sellin! 'rice of , a''les.find t#e 'rofit8loss 'ercenta!e?
1-) Ni<#il bo%!#t 12 <! of cas#ew for Rs.&,5./e was forced to sell t#em at a loss of as m%c# money as
t#e sellin! 'rice of &<!.find #is sellin! 'rice?

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