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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Bonnie Heykoop

Date 4/24/14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Measurement (Inches) ra!e ""1""""""""""""""
I. Objectives
How does tis lesson connect to te unit !lan"
This unit is on measurement an! inches are one o# the units in stan!ar! measurement$
Learners will be able to#
( ) *p *n + ,-
Measure objects in inches usin% a stan!ar!
) /
Deci!e 0hich unit is better to use 0hen measurin% !i##erent objects 0ith a stan!ar!
I!enti#y 0here inches are on a stan!ar! an! app.y that kno0.e!%e to measure !i##erent
1ork to%ether in %roups to measure !i##erent objects in inches
(2 *p /
/ /
Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# ,,SS$M*TH$,34T+4T$1$MD$*$2
Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units
+/press the .en%th o# an object as a 0ho.e number o# .en%th units2 by .ayin% mu.tip.e copies o# a shorter object (the .en%th unit) en!
to en!5 un!erstan! that the .en%th measurement o# an object is the number o# same'si6e .en%th units that span it 0ith no %aps or
9articipate in co..aborati&e con&ersations 0ith !i&erse partners about grade 1 topics and texts 0ith peers an! a!u.ts in sma.. an!
.ar%er %roups
(4ote# 1rite as many as nee!e!$ In!icate ta/onomy .e&e.s an! connections to app.icab.e nationa. or state stan!ar!s$ I# an objecti&e app.ies to .earners
0rite the name(s) o# the .earner(s) to 0hom it app.ies$)
-remember2 un!erstan!2 app.y2 ana.y6e2 e&a.uate2 create
II. 'efore (ou start
Identif( !rere)uisite
*nowledge and s*ills.
Stu!ents shou.! kno0 by this .esson ho0 to use a stan!ar! to measure objects in
Stu!ents shou.! kno0 to start at : on a 0hen measurin% an! not 1
Stu!ents 0i.. be ab.e to use their rea!in% ski..s to #o..o0 !irections on han!outs
Stu!ents shou.! kno0 ho0 to recor! their resu.ts on a piece o# paper
Outline assessment
(app.icab.e to this .esson)
Pre-assessment (for learning):
I ha! my stu!ents !o a 0orksheet 0here they 0ere aske! to measure ; objects usin% a to see i#
they un!erstoo! ho0 to use one$
Formative (for learning):
I 0i.. be 0a.kin% aroun! the room makin% sure they are measurin% on their 0orksheets correct.y
(startin% at : an! not 1 an! usin% the inches si!e o# the$
Formative (as learning):
Stu!ents 0i.. use their o0n rubric to track their pro%ress/comprehension o# measurin% inches 0ith a
Summative (of learning)<
7ook o&er the han!outs that stu!ents turne! in an! &ie0 their rubrics to %et an i!ea o# their
comprehension o# the .esson on measurin% in inches$ *#ter the .esson I 0i.. make notes o# pro%ress in
+at barriers migt tis
lesson !resent"
+at will it ta*e ,
emotionall(- etc.- for (our
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
Action and E.!ression
Provide /ulti!le /eans of
9ro&i!e options #or perception'
maing information perceptible
In!i&i!ua. han!outs2 %ar!en too.
cut outs2 in!i&i!ua. 0orkbooks
9ro&i!e options #or physica. action'
increase options for interaction
1ritin% !o0n resu.ts o#
measurements2 0orkin% to%ether
an! ta.kin% about resu.ts 0ith tab.e
%roups2 statin% their ans0ers to the
rest o# the c.ass
9ro&i!e options #or recruitin%
interest' choice! relevance! value!
authenticity! minimi"e threats
Measurin% items ki!s see o#ten (ice
cream scoops) in inches2 a..o0in%
#or a sa#e en&ironment to share
students to do tis lesson"
9ro&i!e options #or .an%ua%e2
mathematica. e/pressions2 an!
symbo.s' clarify # connect
Some terms to c.ari#y are<
inches! standard units!
prediction$estimate! feet
9ro&i!e options #or e/pression an!
communication' increase medium
of expression
1ritin% !o0n measurements on
paper (0ritten)2 co..aboratin%
0ith each other 0hi.e 0orkin%
on han!outs (&erba.)
9ro&i!e options #or sustainin% e##ort
an! persistence' optimi"e
challenge! collaboration! mastery-
oriented feedbac
Stu!ents 0i.. 0ork to%ether an!
%i&e #ee!back to each other by
comparin% resu.ts an! sharin%
them 0ith the rest o# the c.ass$
9ro&i!e options #or comprehension'
activate! apply # highlight
,omprehension 0i.. be
e/presse! throu%h their 0ork on
their 0orksheets an! in their
9ro&i!e options #or e/ecuti&e
#unctions' coordinate short # long
term goals! monitor progress! and
modify strategies
I 0i.. be 0a.kin% aroun! to the
!i##erent stations checkin% to
see i# stu!ents are measurin%
proper.y 0ith their ru.ers$ They
0i.. monitor their pro%ress
throu%h checkin% their ans0ers
0ith their peers an! by usin%
their rubrics$
9ro&i!e options #or se.#'re%u.ation'
expectations! personal sills and
strategies! self-assessment #
+ach stu!ent 0i.. use their
rubrics as a se.#'re#.ection
be#ore2 !urin%2 an! a#ter the
.esson to check ho0 they are
processin% the in#ormation$
/aterials1wat materials
$boo*s- andouts- etc& do
(ou need for tis lesson
and are te( read( to
+ach stu!ent 0i.. nee!< 0ith inches an! centimeters on it2 ice cream 0orksheet2 #eet/inches
0orksheet2 penci.2 eraser2 inch0orm acti&ity stan!ar! measurement 0orksheet2 crayons (re!2 b.ue2 an!
%reen)2 stu!ent rubrics2 0hiteboar!2
1orkbook< %hin Math& pa%es 2;= an! 24:
Ice cream 0orksheet< http<//000$e!ucation$com/0orksheet/artic.e/ice'cream'scoop'measurement/
>eet/inches 0orksheet< http<//000$e!ucation$com/0orksheet/artic.e/estimatin%'.en%th/
(ubric .ink< http<//teacherstakeout$b.o%spot$com/2:1;/:?/stu!ent'se.#'assessment'rubric'#reebie$htm.
(ubric< (.inke! be.o0)
How will (our classroom
be set u! for tis lesson"
The stu!ents 0i.. be sittin% at their tab.e %roups o# @$ There are @ %roups o# @ set up$
III. 2e Plan
2ime Com!onents
3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities
for eac com!onent of te lesson. Include im!ortant iger order tin*ing )uestions and5or
6 min
'Begin by saying 'remember (hen (e measured
lengths of lines and ob)ects in centimeters* +ell
today (e are going to use the other side of the
ruler (hich is inches&,
'ha&e stu!ents #i.. in their rubrics #or the be#ore
.esson on their kno0.e!%e o# measurin% inches on a
'ha&e them .ook at the inches an! centimeters on
the an! !ra0 one centimeter an! one inch on
their paper5 then ask '(hich is bigger* -ne
centimeter or one inch*,
'stu!ents #i.. in their rubrics be#ore the .esson
be%ins on inches
'stu!ents measure an! mark one inch an! one
centimeter on their paper
'stu!ents ans0er the Auestion B0hich is bi%%erCD
7 min
7 min
8 min 3evelo!ment
(the .ar%est
component or
main bo!y o#
the .esson)
'!istribute the inch0orm 0orksheet an! %ar!en
too.s an! ha&e stu!ents 0ork to%ether to measure
the too.s usin% inches on their
'0rite the abbre&iation #or inches on the boar!
'0a.k aroun! an! see i# they are measurin%
'stu!ents share the %ar!en too.s an! 0ork to%ether
to measure in inches usin% a an! recor! their
ans0ers on their 0orksheet
correct.y (startin% at : on the an! usin%
inches5 not centimeters)
'ask 'do (e remember (hich garden tool (as the
shortest$longest the first time (e measured them
(ith the inch(orms* .o( about this time (hen (e
measured them (ith a ruler* /s the
longest$shortest still the longest$shortest* /t loos
lie they are but (e )ust used a different unit of
measurement to find that out,
'pass out the ice cream an! #eet/inches 0orksheet
an! ha&e a stu!ent rea! the !irections to the c.ass
out .ou!5 in#orm them that each tab.e %roup 0i.. be
aske! to say their ans0er to the c.ass so make sure
they a.. a%ree on the same ans0er
'ha&e stu!ents mark themse.&es on their rubric to
see i# they are un!erstan!in% the materia.
'0hen they are !one ha&e them 0ork on the
#eet/inches 0orksheet on their o0n
'0a.k aroun! as each stu!ent !oes their o0n
'co..ect a.. han!outs as stu!ents are openin% up
their 0orkbooks
'!o 0orkbook pa%es 2;= an! 24:
'!o the #irst prob.em to%ether an! ha&e the stu!ents
comp.ete the rest on their o0n
'stu!ents ans0er the Auestion o# 0hich %ar!en too.
is the .on%est/shortest
'stu!ents 0ork on their ice cream han!out to%ether
an! share their %roupDs ans0er 0hen you ca.. on
'stu!ents #i.. out the rubric to check their
un!erstan!in% !urin% the mi!!.e o# the .esson
'stu!ents 0ork on the #eet/inches 0orksheet by
'stu!ents !o the #irst prob.em to%ether as a .ar%e
%roup in their 0orkbooks
'stu!ents 0ork in their 0orkbook on pa%es 2;= an!
24: by themse.&es
9 min
: min
7 min
9 min
6 min
6 min
'ha&e the stu!ents check their ans0ers 0ith a
partner an! put stars ne/t to the ones they %ot ri%ht
'0a.k aroun! an! make sure their ans0ers are
'ha&e stu!ents comp.ete their rubric #or the a#ter
.esson check
'!o the cha..en%e on pa%e 24: (i# thereDs time)
'stu!ents check each their ans0ers 0ith a partner
an! p.ace a star ne/t to the ones they %ot ri%ht
'stu!ents mark their rubrics at the en! o# the .esson
on ho0 0e.. they un!erstoo! measurin% in inches
'stu!ents 0ork to%ether to !o the cha..en%e
Auestion 0ith crayons (i# thereDs time)
7 min
<our reflection about te lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement
for ne.t time. (1rite this a#ter teachin% the .esson2 i# you ha! a chance to teach it$ I# you !i! not teach this .esson2 #ocus on the
process o# preparin% the .esson$)
This .esson starte! o## rea..y %reat$ The stu!ents 0ere en%a%e! an! payin% attention to the !irections$ 1hen I aske! them to re&ie0
the !i##erent types o# items 0e measure! 0ith they 0ere ab.e to te.. me e/ such as paper c.ips2 ru.ers2 an! 0orms$ *#ter
.esson 2 I rea.i6e! ho0 important it 0as to !emonstrate 0here centimeters are on a an! ho0 to measure2 so this time I starte!
o## by sho0in% the stu!ents 0here inches are on a an! measure! one o# the %ar!en too.s to sho0 them ho0 to measure in
inches$ 1hen I announce! that 0e 0ere %oin% to be re'measurin% the %ar!en too.s that 0e use! #rom the #irst .esson I hear! a #e0
%roans$ Maybe they !i!nDt rea.i6e they 0ere %oin% to use ru.ers this time an! thou%ht it 0ou.! be borin%$ I am not sure$ 3nce I
passe! out the too.s an! ru.ers they 0ere a .itt.e more e/cite! to measure$ Some 0ere sti.. con#use! as to 0hich si!e 0as inches an!
%et easi.y #rustrate!$ I #oun! that as I 0as 0a.kin% aroun! se&era. stu!ents 0ere ea%er to sho0 me their papers an! 0ere e/cite! that
they kne0 0hat they 0ere !oin%$ 1hen 0e 0ent o&er 0hich too. 0as the .on%est an! 0hich 0as the shortest there 0ere a coup.e
stu!ents 0ho !i!nDt a%ree 0ith their peersD ans0ers$ I then aske! them 0hy they !i!nDt a%ree an! #oun! out that they ha! measure!
in centimeters rather than inches$ It 0as e&i!ent to me that not e&eryone un!erstoo! ho0 to measure in the %i&en unit$ I am
0on!erin% i# maybe they !i!nDt #o..o0 !irections or i# they sti.. !i!nDt kno0 0hich unit is 0hich on the$ Most o# my stu!ents
un!erstoo! 0hat to !o an! 0ere success#u. in their measurin%$ I shou.! ha&e been 0atchin% more care#u..y to see i# they 0ere just
copyin% !o0n the ans0ers o# their nei%hbor or i# they 0ere a.. measurin% by themse.&es$
I on.y ha! 2@ minutes to teach this .esson so the on.y part 0e %ot to 0as measurin% the %ar!en too.s 0ith ru.ers$ I e.iminate! the
0orkbooks #rom the .esson an! 0as hopin% to %et to them the ne/t !ay2 but my teacher to.! me to %o ahea! an! teach my #ourth
.esson$ *s I 0as teachin% the .esson I 0as rea.i6in% that the pace ki!s 0ork at &aries !epen!in% on the stu!ent$ There 0ere some
0ho #inishe! rather Auick.y an! !i!nDt ha&e anythin% to !o 0hi.e they 0aite! #or the others to #inish up$ I rea.i6e I shou.! ha&e ha!
somethin% e/tra #or them to !o 0hi.e they 0aite!$ I !i!nDt 0ant to mo&e on unti. I %a&e each stu!ent enou%h time because those
0ho nee! more time 0ou.! %et #rustrate! an! !isen%a%e themse.&es #rom the .esson$ I think this happene! 0ith the s.o0est %roup o#
ki!s2 but I #e.t .ike I ha! to mo&e on because the others 0ere !one an! %ettin% chatty/rest.ess$ *t the en! o# the .esson my teacher
su%%est that maybe ne/t time I ha&e an e/tra acti&ity #or those stu!ents 0ho 0ork Auick.y to !o 0hi.e 0e 0ait #or the others$ This
0ay the s.o0er 0orkers 0onDt %et #rustrate! by not ha&in% enou%h time to comp.ete their task2 but at the same time the Auicker
stu!ents 0onDt become a !istraction to others 0hi.e they are 0aitin% to mo&e on in the .esson$ 3&era.. I thou%ht the .esson 0ent
0e..2 but I 0ish I ha! more time to teach it$

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