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The Writing is on the Wall: More of

the Civil Service is to be sold off

To pay for the Credit Crunch large swathes of
the Civil Service are likely to be privatised
unless we organise to stop it.
Privatisation can be defeated and it is essential
that the PCS work to defend our jobs and
services during the next decade.
Plans are already being made to transfer over
30,000 Civil service jobs into privately run
public service companies, as well as selling off
assets like Royal Mint and Ordnance Survey
The attack on the Civil Service
Compensation Scheme is just the start!

Don’t let the Civil Service be dismantled!

Keynote Speaker PCS Vice President John McInally

Chair PCS Midlands Regional Chair Tony Conway

Plus In depth briefings from PCS Research/Policy Officers John Medhurst and
Enrico Tortolano, & presentations from successful campaigns in our region

Why? To use the comprehensive information and leading edge research data to
debate how we learn from the past present and future of privatisation to
develop our industrial & political campaign against these new threats

When? 11.00 am -3.30pm 16th November 2009 at The Unite Offices

Transport House 211 Broad Street Birmingham B15 1AY

How? Book your place now by contacting Jean Cooper ( 0121 643 4342 or fax the attached form to
0121 643 8801 or post it to The PCS New Oxford House 16 Waterloo Street Birmingham B2 5UG

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