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Tylar McGill

Mrs. McGovern
The sun splits through the curtains, its 7:00am and the first day of junior year.
Upon entering school with ittersweet feelings of a new year and a semi!fresh start, the
weight of e"pectations and goals weigh hard on us. #etween rummaging threw your car
for some $ind of writing utensil and greeting those who you narrowly a%oided at nearly
e%ery possile social outing throughout the past three months, you manage to shuffle
your way to your first loc$. This is one of the more %itals moments of your junior year.
The first impression you are aout to ma$e with your teacher, will enefit you for months
to come. This is the time, to really turn on the charm. &f course many elie%e first
impressions arent e%erything' ut the day ( wal$ed into Mrs. McGo%erns class' ( $new (
was going to li$e it.
Mrs. McGo%ern was my ))
grade *onors +nglish teacher. ,assionate aout
literature with creati%ity spewing from her eing, she wanders throughout the class as if it
were here stage. -he carries herself with nothing less than a smile, ear to ear and you
cant help ut to smile ac$. -he radiates happiness, e%en on days when our class has
strung her last ner%e' her tone is calm, and her demeanor is lessed with patience. (
rememer the first day when ( sat through class and thought .-hes e"cited for school./
*owe%er e%er day throughout the year she still shrie$ed with the same laughter and joy (
saw on the first day.
+nglish is without a dout my fa%orite suject. There are those, who definitely
prefer to e ta$ing multiple math classes than enduring 00 minutes of analy1ing, creating
and discussing. Mrs. McGo%ern ma$es those 00 minutes worth while for each student
while generously tending to their 2uestions and comments. 3hen co%ering reading
material and no%el assignments she is welcoming towards the classroom, allowing us
draw conclusions and statements. 4long with her recepti%e demeanor, she ne%er misses a
chance to implement real world ad%ice and insight to engage her students and help them
find new, clear meanings to pieces.
Mrs. McGo%ern is a %ery compassionate person. -he is so warm!hearted that her
gentleness fills the classroom. (n such a creati%e classroom, Mrs. McGo%ern inspires her
students to search from within themsel%es to create their writings. *er gracious attitude
and spun$ lures in her students during class discussions. ( elie%e that a teacher is one
who has the aility to inspire, encourage, lead and teach e%en those who are reluctant to
grow. *er elegant attitude catches many off guard and it is clear she enjoys what she
does. 3ith her dedication to her students, Mrs. McGo%ern can e seen more than a
teacher, ut as a someone who emraces each day as something to celerate' -he reminds
us that worries should e left at the door, ecause each morning at 7:00 am, when the sun
splits through the curtains, a fresh start is welcomed.

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