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EDUC 202 Teacher Interview Form

Directions: I nterview your cooperating teacher and ask him/her the questions below; then
reflect carefully about your interview, and answer the final question in a
paragraph or two. Utilize your best writing skills.
students name: Tylar McGill cooperating school: Thoroughgood Elem.

grade/subject: 1
cooperating teacher: Mrs. Pamela Rosenmeier

number of years in teaching: Choose an item.

list different schools where he/she has taught: ^^ 26 years ^^ White Oaks and Kingston

previous jobs before teaching: Summer Recreational Camp Leader
Christian Camp Counselor

awards, recognitions, achievements in the field: Reading Teacher of the Year

other school obligations, duties, committees, etc.: Technology, Language Arts, Reading RRT
and Written Cuuriculum committees.

favorite part about teaching: Teaching children to love to read and write independently

least favorite part about teaching: Paperwork

a quote about his/her teaching philosophy: You can tell a child, but showing them allows them
to learn

After youve spent some time with your teacher and interviewed your teacher using the above
questions, using your best writing in a paragraph or two, respond to this question: Why is this
teacher a good model for students going into the teaching profession?

Mrs. Rosenmeier is well versed in all things children. She understands their competency levels
and sets high, attainable expectations for her students. Excellent classroom management skills,
which have come with years of fine tuning, Mrs. R is always focused on the children and getting
them ready for the next level. Highly involved and highly invested, Mrs. Rosenmeier is a perfect
example for aspiring teachers as she simply loves what she does and nothing can outstand a
person with a passion for helping and compassion for their students.

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow

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