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Student Name: Ingrid Period: 6

1. For omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d' (&eae de)ri*e t+e %antaie ,eru rea&itie o% t+e -o*.
(fantasy vs. reality)
Fantasy- Only do leg exercises in a therapy gym
o Dont or! ith "#st athletes. $here is a variety of patients.
o %or! on standing &alance' al!ing' o#nd care.
o (alance is the main priority
..W+at i $our )urrent edu)ationa& &e,e&/ W+at )ontinuin# edu)ation and trainin# are re0uired/
(ed#cational level and re)#irements)
Doctorate of *hysical $herap
+, ho#rs of -./s every 0 years
0 ho#rs of ethics as ell
1. P&eae de)ri*e t+e t$(i)a& da$ to da$ a)ti,itie o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d.
(day-to-day activities)
1hoing #p for assigned shift' chec! sched#le' paperor! and eval#ations
2o thro#gh ro#nds and help patients ith therapy
2. 3o! e)ure are $ou in $our )urrent (oition/ W+at do $ou t+in" i t+e %uture o% $our %ie&d/
("o& sec#rity)
*retty good in sec#rity
$he demand is pretty high
Direct access- order from doctor for patients to see therapist first
Re,ied Fa&& .411
Printed Name o% Peron
3m&er 4ext
Ro&e o% Indi,idua&:
55657entor 555Other *rofessional 89 555Other *rofessional 80
P&a)e o% 5uine: Friendship 4aven
5uine Addre: 9:,, 1#nset (lvd
P+one Num*er:
6ate o% Inter,ie!: 0-09-9;
T$(e o% Inter,ie!: 5565 In *erson 555 $elephone< 555.mail<
<Doc#mentation Re)#ired (3ttach .-mail to Intervie =erification *age)
7. W+at i a t$(i)a& 8a,era#e or &o!et to +i#+et9 a&ar$ o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d/
Depends on setting
o 4ome 4ealth
o Reha& facility
o 4ospital
o O#tpatient
:. W+at (otentia& %or #ro!t+ i t+ere in $our %ie&d/
(groth potential)
$here ill &e different credentials
;;;Quetion <-14 !i&& *e )reated *$ t+e ISM tudent.
<.W+at do $ou &i"e mot a*out $our -o*/
4elp people live &etter lives
7a!ing a difference
2et to see res#lts
=. %hat advice o#ld yo# give someone ho is or!ing toards &ecoming a physical therapist@
(e involved
2et yo#r o&servation ho#rs done
2o thro#gh different facilities
>. %hat do yo# li!e least a&o#t yo#r "o&@
1ome dont #nderstand the services *$s are a&le to provide
14. %hat o#ld yo# specialiAe in if yo# had the chance@
%o#nd -are
Re,ied Fa&& .411
Quetion to t+e Student: 8Somet+in# to )onider?9
%hat information from this intervie ill yo# select for yo#r B page typed'
&#lleted list of research informationCto &e #sed in yo#r presentation@
1ome professionals dont recogniAe the services that physical therapists are a&le to provide to
*hysical therapists not only or! ith athletesD they also or! ith the elderly people ith their
standing &alance' al!ing' and o#nd care
(alance is the priority to a physical therapist
$hey or! alongside O$s
*hysical therapists have a doctorate degree
1ome ma"or in !inesiology
$he demand is pretty high for a physical therapist
In the near f#t#re' direct access is going to &e #sed more often. In other ords' direct access is an
order from a doctor for patients to come see a therapist firsthand.
$he daily ro#tine of a physical therapist incl#des shoing #p for a shift' chec!ing sched#les'
paperor! and eval#ations' as ell as going thro#gh their typical ro#nds ith patients
1alary depends on the setting a physical therapist is or!ing in
$he potential groth in the physical therapy field is seeing different credentials in the field
7a!ing a difference and seeing res#lts is hat most physical therapists favor in their "o&
1ome physical therapists can specialiAe in geriatric and o#nd care
Re,ied Fa&& .411

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