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Student Name: Ingrid Hernandez Period: 6

1. For omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d' (&eae de)ri*e t+e %antaie ,eru rea&itie o% t+e -o*.
(fantasy vs. reality)
The fantasies of this job would be people thinking that we always work with athletes. In other settings
like the geriatri area! there are a lot of e"tra things to it.#
.. W+at i $our )urrent edu)ationa& &e,e&/ W+at )ontinuin# edu)ation and trainin# are re0uired/
(eduational level and re$uire%ents)
I have two assoiate&s degrees. 'ou have to have () hrs every ( years to renew your liense.#
1. P&eae de)ri*e t+e t$(i)a& da$ to da$ a)ti,itie o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d.
(day*to*day ativities)
+asially! just getting patients bak to where they started.#
2. 3o! e)ure are $ou in $our )urrent (oition/ W+at do $ou t+in" i t+e %uture o% $our %ie&d/
(job seurity)
I a% very seure. There are %any other plaes I an apply to. I believe tehnology will be $uite an
i%pat to our field.#
Re,ied Fa&& .411
Printed Name o% Peron
Tanya ,illo
Ro&e o% Indi,idua&:
---.entor ---/ther 0rofessional 12 -3--/ther 0rofessional 1(
P&a)e o% 5uine: ,riendship Haven
5uine Addre: 24)) 5unset +lvd
P+one Num*er:
6ate o% Inter,ie!: 6*()*27
T$(e o% Inter,ie!: -3-- In 0erson --- Telephone8 ---9%ail8
8:ou%entation ;e$uired (<ttah 9*%ail to Interview =erifiation 0age)
7. W+at i a t$(i)a& 8a,era#e or &o!et to +i#+et9 a&ar$ o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d/
:. W+at (otentia& %or #ro!t+ i t+ere in $our %ie&d/
(growth potential)
;I !ou&d a$ a &ot' e,en %or T<=.>
???Quetion @-14 !i&& *e )reated *$ t+e ISM tudent.
@. W+at do $ou &i"e mot a*out $our -o*/
I love the tea% I work with.#
A. @hat advie would you give so%eone who is working towards your fieldA
'ou have to be patient if you want to work with the elderly.#
B. @hat do you like least about your jobA
@hen so%eone is not getting the $uality are I e"pet the% to get.#
14. @hat would you have speialized inA
I would atually still be doing what I a% right now. Bothing would hange.#
Re,ied Fa&& .411

Student Name: Ingrid Hernandez Period: 6
1. For omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d' (&eae de)ri*e t+e %antaie ,eru rea&itie o% t+e -o*.
(fantasy vs. reality)
;eality of the job is that you have a lot %ore ti%e on paperwork versus just enjoying the patient are.#
.. W+at i $our )urrent edu)ationa& &e,e&/ W+at )ontinuin# edu)ation and trainin# are re0uired/
(eduational level and re$uire%ents)
I have a .aster&s in 5iene. It is () hours every ( years to renew your liense.#
1. P&eae de)ri*e t+e t$(i)a& da$ to da$ a)ti,itie o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d.
(day*to*day ativities)
I a% a speeh pathologist who works with swallowing! speeh artiulationCdisorders! anything with the %ind or
%e%ory and proble% solving.#
2. 3o! e)ure are $ou in $our )urrent (oition/ W+at do $ou t+in" i t+e %uture o% $our %ie&d/
(job seurity)
I feel very seure beause they are not a lot of speeh pathologists out there. <s of right now! there are
not enough speeh pathologists out there! but having andidates in the field! if they are able to keep up with the
integrity! they should ontinue with the sa%e standards. ,or e"a%ple! they should keep it on a .aster level. If
they are able to keep up the %otivation for the high de%and! the future %ay be that they will introdue it on a
+ahelor level.#
Re,ied Fa&& .411
Printed Name o% Peron
:e<nn D. .assey
Ro&e o% Indi,idua&:
---.entor -3--/ther 0rofessional 12 ---/ther 0rofessional 1(
P&a)e o% 5uine: ,riendship Haven
5uine Addre: 24)) 5unset +lvd
P+one Num*er:
6ate o% Inter,ie!: 6*()*27
T$(e o% Inter,ie!: -3-- In 0erson --- Telephone8 ---9%ail8
8:ou%entation ;e$uired (<ttah 9*%ail to Interview =erifiation 0age)
7. W+at i a t$(i)a& 8a,era#e or &o!et to +i#+et9 a&ar$ o% omeone !or"in# in $our %ie&d/
:. W+at (otentia& %or #ro!t+ i t+ere in $our %ie&d/
(growth potential)
;A &ot o% (ee)+ (at+&o#it *e)ome dire)tor *e)aue o% +o! !e donCt intera)t !it+ (atient a mu)+.>
???Quetion @-14 !i&& *e )reated *$ t+e ISM tudent.
@. W+at do $ou &i"e mot a*out $our -o*/
I love everything about %y job! espeially the patients and the people I work with.#
A. @hat advie would you give so%eone who is working towards your fieldA
'ou have to stik with it and get through graduate shool.#
B. @hat do you like least about your jobA
The paperwork we have to do.#
14. @hat would you have speialized inA
I would speialize in swallowing.#
Re,ied Fa&& .411
0T<&s are often %istaken by others thinking that they only work with athletes.
0T<&s an also work with the elderly people.
To be a 0T<! you have to have an assoiate&s degree in the 0hysial Therapy progra%
< 0T<&s goal is to get the patients bak to where they started.
Tehnology an %ake a huge i%pat in the future of both fields.
It is very i%portant to love the tea% you work with.
/ne has to be patient when working with the elderly.
The reality is that there are a lot of paperwork involved versus enjoying the patient are of the
To be a speeh pathologist! you have to have a .aster&s degree
() hours are re$uired every ( years to renew liense
5peeh 0aths work in swallowing! proble% solving! speeh artiulation! and anything with the
%ind. It is al%ost si%ilar to an /upational Therapist.
There are not a lot of speeh paths in the field! although there are in high de%and.
< lot of speeh paths beo%e diretors
They often don&t see a lot of patients o%pared to others
'ou have to be %otivated in order to be able to have suh a job
Re,ied Fa&& .411

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