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Black History Month Museum Display

Obj: You are going to research an important African American individual who has
contributed to the American Story and make a Museum Display.
1) itle and !icture of the individual you were assigned to
") A timeline of dates and events that e#plain the significant events that helped shaped the
life of the individual$minimum 1% events)
&) hree images with captions that best represent the contributions that the individual is
most known for' symbolism is key. hink critically about what images would best
describe the accomplishments' goals' or dreams of the individual.
() A written one page )ulogy speech $if person is deceased)
Or a one page *ifetime Achievement +onorary Award speech $if person is alive)
he intro of the speech should be a brief biography $background and upbringing)
he following paragraphs should answer what they are known or remembered
for, -ere there any other people or organi.ations that influenced them to get
involved in the efforts to bring positive change to society, -hat goals did the
person set out to accomplish, -hat problems in society were they trying to fi#,
-ere they successful in bringing the positive changes to society,
At the end of the speech e#plain why this person should be remembered,
+onored, Studied in school, And obviously not forgotten, -hat is the legacy
that they left behind, /n what ways are our lives better today because of their
0eat12olorful !oster with itle and !icture 1% pts
2omplete1Accurate imeline 1% pts
3riginal12reative /llustrations 1% pts
/nformative1houghtful Speech -ritten in Your Own Words 1% pts
otal4 (% pts
-ho were you assigned to4 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 Due Date4

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