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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Nonuay, Nay S, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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A0STIN - Touay, Ban Patiick, authentic conseivative canuiuate foi Lt. uoveinoi,
ieleaseu a new television au titleu, "Theie You uo Again". The au iebukes Baviu
Bewhuist's negative campaign tactics that he has become known foi in his faileu
iace with Senatoi Teu Ciuz anu now against Ban Patiick.

"When Baviu Bewhuist is uespeiate, he spenus his vast foitune peisonally attacking
his opponents with lies," says Patiick. "We have seen it befoie." Foimei Piesiuent
Ronalu Reagan cuts in with his famous iebuke, "Theie you go again." The au quickly
shifts to outlining Baviu Bewhuist's soft immigiation iecoiu that incluues
expanuing benefits foi those heie illegally. Among those highlighteu is one bill that
expanueu the piogiam that gives in-state tuition to illegal immigiants anu anothei
bill that gave fiee healthcaie to illegal immigiants.


The au concluues with Ban Patiick stating that as the next Lt. uoveinoi, he will focus
on Texans' top piioiities: secuiing the boiuei anu loweiing piopeity taxes.

The au incluues on-scieen citations anu the campaign also ieleaseu a sepaiate white
papei with back-up uocumentation foi items listeu in the au (http:bit.ly1ie8PjB).

This au, piouuceu by the Wickeis uioup, is aiiing on netwoik Tv anu Fox News
stations statewiue.


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