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Jim Crawford April 30, 2014

WVSU 4th Grade/Health

Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease

Students will be able to identify six risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease by writing them
on a graphic organizer.
WE.S.01-Students will comprehend and demonstrate concepts related to wellness promotion and
disease prevention that apply to daily living experiences.
Health Education Standard 7.5.3-Students will demonstrate a variety of behaviors that avoid or reduce
health risks.

ACEI Standard 2.6 and 2.7-students know and understand major concepts to practice skills that
contribute to good health.

ISTE Standard 1-teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology
to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face
and virtual environments.

Overall Time: 35 minute lesson
Time Frame: 8 minute opening to explain the reason 4
graders should learn about cardiovascular
disease along with a video and discussion of a heart attack
10 minute discussion of risk factors
14 minute activity
3 minute closing

Teacher Demonstration
Guided Instruction
Pair Activity
For students who struggle in the completion of the activity, I will provide guided discussion to assist
them. I will construct the lesson with short-term project steps and only assign one part at a time for
students with attention differences. For additional information, see the attached adaptation sheet for
students special needs.

Introduction/Lesson Set
After giving the students the name of the lesson, I will have them say cardiovascular at least a couple
of times to help them pronounce it correctly. I will then mention that this disease is the number one
killer of men and women in the United States. So, I am sure that some of my students will be wondering
why I would have a health lesson that pertains to older people. Research shows that build-up in arteries
can begin as early as two years of age. I plan to then utilize a YouTube video to explain what happens
during a heart attack.
Body & Transitions
A graphic organizer will be given to each student to list the six risk factors of cardiovascular disease
according to the American Heart Association.
High Blood Pressure-the heart has to work harder than it should to push blood through the
circulatory system. The condition has no warning signal which is why everyone should have
their blood pressure checked regularly.
High Cholesterol-everyone has cholesterol. But when it is high due primarily to eating foods
that are high in fat, the opportunity for deposit in your arteries increases.
Smoking-cigarettes are extremely harmful to your body. They can cause damage to your
arteries which can lead to buildup of fatty deposits.
Physical inactivity-lack of physical activity increases the risk for heart disease. Try to walk or do
some type of exercise for thirty minutes per day. If you cannot do thirty at the beginning, start
with ten minutes and work toward doing it for thirty minutes.
Overweight-being overweight increases the risk of heart disease and raises blood pressure and
increases the risk of diabetes. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables each day.
Diabetes-Insulin is a hormone that helps the body use sugar. If you have Type II diabetes, a
healthy diet and exercise may even eliminate this disease.
Students will participate in an activity that will combine exercise with a review of the content material.
First, a station will be established at each table (six) prior to the students arrival. These six
stations will correspond to the six cardiovascular risk factors.
Students at each table will choose a playing card from a stack of five (Ace-5).
The student with the highest card value will be the table spokesperson.
There are two questions at each station. The spokesperson picks a question.
The spokesperson will ask each member of the table the question and determine if it was
answered correctly.
The teacher will announce the exercise to be executed. If the question was answered correctly,
the physical exercise will be repeated five times. If it was answered incorrectly, the student
must do the exercise ten times.
Upon the teachers signal, students will move to the next station.
This process continues until all six stations are completed.
After the activity, I will have an enlarged version of the graphic organizer on the poster board at the
front of the classroom. Students will be randomly chosen to complete one of the six risk factors on the
Ask students questions, as a large group, regarding the heart, type of muscle, part of what system, in
order to assess their prior knowledge and understanding.

As I am going through the six risk factors, I will start at the top of my list again to allow the students to
help me remember the factors. I will do this at least a couple of times. I will also walk around the
room as I am teaching the lesson to ensure the students are completing their graphic organizers.
At the end of the class, I will review the content by asking questions of the group. In addition, I will have
a large poster of the graphic organizer on the board. Students will be randomly chosen to name one of
the risk factors and write it on the poster. I do not plan to utilize a formal assessment today since there
are more lessons scheduled on cardiovascular disease. When these lessons are completed, the risk
factors will be a question on the formal assessment and will be worth two points each for a correct
factor. However, a rubric has been included to assist the student/teacher if it is decided that a formal
assessment would be appropriate.
Link to YouTube video
Graphic organizer
Station Sheets or Posters
Questions related to the six risk factors

If Student Finishes Early
This is a group activity and I do not anticipate that any student will complete the activity early.
However, if a student would finish early, they could aid other students that did not complete their
graphic organizer.

If Lesson Finishes Early
Students will work in small groups and verbally review the six risk factors. Each member of the small
group will also write the six risk factors on a sheet of paper. This will reinforce the knowledge gained
regarding cardiovascular disease.
I will do a quick reflection of the lesson to determine ways that it can be improved for the next time it is
taught. I will also look for changes that can be made to tomorrows lesson to make it more appealing to
my students.

Adaptation to Students Special Needs for
Differentiating Instruction
Please describe all that apply:
Needs-Based Planning
Learning Differences
Students that learn better by doing will enjoy this
assignment. The graphic organizer will help the
student keep organized notes.
Sensory Differences
There is a student that is hard of hearing. I have
moved her to a front table to enable her to hear
instructions and participate in learning activities with
her classmates. In addition, I will stand near her to
enable her to see my words being spoken.
Attention Differences

Behavioral Differences
I will walk around the classroom and interact with each
group to encourage students to stay on task.
Motivational Differences

Ability Differences
I will provide more detailed instruction on how to
complete the graphic organizer and/or modify the
number of risk factors the student has to identify.
Physical Differences

Cultural Differences

Communication Differences

Multiple intelligence addressed (check all that apply):
X Verbal/linguistic Naturalist
X Spatial X Interpersonal
Logical/mathematical X Intrapersonal
X Bodily-kinesthetic Existential
Musical Others (explain):

Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease




The following rubric will be utilized to grade this lesson. Even though you are working in a group,
individual grades will be assigned based upon your effort and knowledge.

Collaborative Work Skills : Cardiovascular Disease

Teacher Name: Mr. Crawford

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Points Earned
Knowledge of
Risk Factors
Student was
able to identify
all six of the
risk factors.
Student was
able to identify
4-5 of the
risk factors.
Student was
able to identify
3-4 of the
risk factors.
Student was
able to identify
less than 3 of
risk factors.

Brings needed
materials to
class and is
always ready to
Almost always
brings needed
materials to
class and is
ready to work.
Almost always
brings needed
materials but
needs to settle
down and get to
Often forgets
materials or is
rarely ready to
get to work.

Student will
assist others in
identifying ways
to reduce the
risk of
Student will
inform others of
ways to reduce
the risk of
Student will
identify ways to
reduce the risk
Student, with
assistance, will
identify ways to
reduce the risk

Working with
Almost always
listens to,
shares with, and
supports the
efforts of others.
Tries to keep
people working
well together.
Usually listens
to, shares, with,
and supports
the efforts of
others. Does not
cause \"waves\"
in the group.
Often listens to,
shares with, and
supports the
efforts of others,
but sometimes
is not a good
team member.
Rarely listens to,
shares with, and
supports the
efforts of others.
Often is not a
good team

16 POINTS 12 POINTS 8 POINTS 4 POINTS _______ out of 16

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