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Curtis Brackus HLAC---1145--004 5/5/14

Name Course Prefix Number--

Lifelong Wellness Application Paper
!rite a paragraph on each of t"e fo##o$in%&
1' !"at (i( )ou #earn about *#ife#on% $e##ness+ from takin% t"is ,enera# -(ucation c#ass.
/ #earne( t"at bo$#in% is a %reat $a) to "a0e fun $it" frien(s1 but at t"e same time it
can be
a (ifficu#t an( sometimes frustratin% %ame' 20era## / rea##) en3o)e( t"e c#ass an( t"e
s4ort in %enera#'
5' Ho$ $ou#( )ou a44#) t"is information to )our #ife.
Sometimes $"en )ou6re (o$n on )our #uck an( t"e 74ins7 (o not fa## t"e $a) )ou
$ou#( #ike t"em1 it tau%"t me to maintain t"e course an( t"ere $ou#( be #i%"t at t"e
en( of t"e tunne#'
8' !"at is )our intention to continue to 4ractice $"at )ou "a0e #earne( in )our #ife an(
/ inten( to uta#i9e $"at / #earne(' / a#$a)s tr) to be a s4on%e so to s4eak an( tr) to
soak u4 as muc" kno$#e(%e as 4ossib#e' / t"ink t"at is in our "uman nature'
4' ,enera# i(eas for im4ro0in% t"is course.
/ (on:t "a0e an) i(eas to im4ro0e t"e course' / t"ink it ser0e( it6s 4ur4ose an(
o44erate( 3ust as inten(e(' / t"ink Ste4"en is a %reat teac"er of t"e %ame an( $i##
continue to bo$# at 2#)m4us Hi##s on t"e $eeken(s $it" m) frien(s an( fami#)'

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