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Health Promotion

Obesity and Diabetes in the Native American Population

By K.Lee Barnes, Cody Kryfka, Adam Bennett, Aubry Hire

Cultural Decisions the Impact Health
Cultural Descriptions that Impact Health
Biases Toward Native American
Genetic, Environmental, Socioeconomic Risk Factors
Healthy People 2020 and Native Americans
Cultural Descriptors that Impact Health
Traditional Way

Highly active


Following herds to hunt


Tribal dances
(Gille, n.d.)
Modern Cultural Descriptors that Impact

Decreased need to hunt

Larger portion sizes

Lack of access to convenient fresh
fruits and vegetables

Increased fat intake

(Gille, n.d.)
Impact on Health Video
Native American Demographics
(OMH, n.d)
Biases Towards Native Americans
Become rich due to gambling revenues
Live on Reservations
Have similar physical characteristics
o dark skin
o black hair (in braids)
o high cheekbones (Fleming, 2006)
Health Risk Factor: Genetic
More prone to acquiring type II
Thrifty Gene hypothesis
Low metabolic rate
Polymorphisms in the -3
adrenergic-receptor gene
Increase in diabetes in pregnancy.

Health Risk Factor: Environmental
Only the Past 1-2 generations of Native Americans have started to
developed diabetes and obesity.
diet changes
Accessibility to high fat foods.
Change from active to sedentary life style.
Use of unhealthy cooking ingredients.
Reservations are poor in natural resources
Violent crimes (Williams, 2012)
High stress lifestyle leads to weight gain
Secluded Native American reservations.
Health Risk Factor: Socioeconomic
Low socioeconomic status
Violent crimes (Williams, 2012)
Poor entrepreneurial skills
Poor education on reservations
Higher-than-average rates of obesity have also been linked directly
with low-income status
43% of children living on reservations under the age of 5 are living
in poverty
31% on Native Americans are living in poverty.

Neuman Systems Model

The Neuman systems model is a nursing theory based on an
individual's relationship to stress, the reaction to it, and
reconstitution factors that are dynamic in nature

Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony
with the whole of the client.

Statistics related to Risk Factors for
Diabetes: Males 35%, Females 39%

Obesity: Males 40%, Females 69%

Hypertension: Males and Females 26%

Smokers: Males 43%, Females 24%

Hypercholesterolemia: Males 19%, Females 14%

14% had no risk factors

52% had two or more risk factors

(Public Health Reports, 1995)
Healthy People 2020: Overarching
Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease,
disability, injury and premature death.

Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health
of all groups.

Create social and physical environments that promote good health
for all.

Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors
across all life stages.

Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable
disease, disability, injury and premature death.
Diabetes mellitus can be prevented by low weight,
proper diet, exercise, and yearly health screenings.
o Exercise regime and lifestyle changes can reduce the
risk of diabetes by 58%.
o Amputations, renal failure are results of diabetes
that can be prevented by lifestyle changes.

Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve
the health of all groups.
Offer fresh fruits and vegetables on the reservation.
o Access at the supermarket.
o Trees for Tribes
Provide diabetes education.
o Screenings on reservation
o Community support
Chicksaw Diabetes Center
Childrens Camps Camp Survivor
Create social and physical environments that promote
good health for all.
Nikes N7 fund

First Nations Development Institute

Trees for Tribes

American Indian Services

One World Futbol

An indestructible football from One World
Futbol being delivered to a local Native
American tribe by Ferris students.
Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors
across all life stages.
National Relief Charities
American Indian Education Foundation
American Indian Relief Council
Council of Indian Nations
Southwest Indian Relief Council
Sioux Nation Relief Fund
Navajo Relief Fund
Native AMerican Aid
Rescue Operation for Animals of the Reservations
Projects include community gardens
Diabetes and obesity rates among Native Americans are still high, but
preventative measures have slowly begun to decrease the number of
Native Americans affected. A big part of this prevention is
understanding the different components that contribute to these
American Indian Services. (n.d.). What We Do. In American Indian Services. Retrieved April 20, 2014
First Nations Development Institute. (2014). Native American Foods & Health. In First Nations Development Institute . Retrieved April 20, 2014
Fleming, W. C. (2006, November 7). Myths and Stereotypes About Native Americans. In Phi Delta Kappan. Retrieved April 15, 2014
Gille, M. (n.d.). The Role of Culture in Native American Food Choices and Perceptions of Physical Activity. . Retrieved April 18, 2014
National Relief Charities. (2013). The NRC Programs. In National Relief Charities. Retrieved April 17, 2014
National Survey on Drug Use and Health. (2007, January 19). Substance use and substance use disorders among American Indians and Alaska Natives. In The NSDUH Report.
Retrieved April 17, 2014
N7 Fund. (2014). About. In N7 Fund. Retrieved April 15, 2014
Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors in a southwestern Native American tribe. (1995, November 1). Public Health Reports. Retrieved April 18, 2014
Story, M., Evans, M., Fabsitz, R. R., Clay, T. E., Rock, B. H., & Broussard, B. (1999, April). The epidemic of obesity in American Indian communities and the need for
childhood obesity-prevention programs. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 69(4), 7475-7545. Retrieved April 15, 2014
The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. (2005). Reservation Preservation. In The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation. Retrieved April 19, 2014
Obesity and American Indians/Alaska Natives. (n.d.). OMH Content. Retrieved April 18, 2014
U.S. Department of Commerce. (2013, February 20). American Indian and Alaska Native poverty rate about 50 percent in Rapid City, S.D., and about 30 percent in five other
cities, Census Bureau reports. In U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved April 16, 2014
Williams, T. (2012, February 20). Higher Crime, Fewer Charges on Indian Land. The New York Times.

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