Update Manager Error 5

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Update Manager error # -5

Method 1:
1) Click Start, type cmd in the Start Search box, right-click in the Programs list, and
then click Run as administrator.
ote: If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type your
password, or click !ontinue.
") Run #!:$Program %iles$!ommon
%iles$&nstallShield$UpdateSer'ice$&SUSPM.()( *bootstrap+
,) Reboot the computer and the issue should resolve.
Method ":
1) Go to the update folder -!:$Program %iles$!ommon
") Right-clic. on &SUSPM and select /Run as administrator/.
,) Reboot the computer and the issue should resolve.
Method ,:
1) Go to the update folder -!:$Program %iles$!ommon
") Right-clic. on &SUSPM and select /Properties/.
,) Under the compatibilit0 tab mark the check for /Run this program in
compatibilit0 mode 1or: 2indo2s )P ser'ice pac. "/
3) Reboot the computer and the issue should resolve.
Regarding the Mouse issue, I would suggest you to visit the link to check the mouse
settings and provide more information aout your mouse settings to help you etter.

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