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The Influence of Space

Project Space asks that you form groups of four to consider the
socioeconomics and politics of space within 1984 and also our world. While
space can be defined as urban, community, social, and personal, it may also
be institutional (e.g., the university, hospital, military). Were interested in
how space shapes our conception of world, self, and other. We will read
1984 and look at how space may equate to/ or create country, ideology,
childhood, and understanding.

Project Space Requirements:
Critical reading of 1984/supplementary readings
Weekly Moodle Posts
Space Assignment
Individual Essay (4-6 Pages)

Ethnography/Walking Tour- After a lecture on the rhetoric of space,
students will be asked to write a 2-3 page paper about the rhetoric of a
location of the students choice. Student must go to a specific location and
record at least 1 pages of notes about the space of a location/ and how the
said space changes peoples interactions and etc. (2-3 pages and notes)

Space Assignment- In a group you must discuss the multiple uses of space
in the novel 1984. Id like for each group to come up with a list of the
different depictions of space and then share them with the class. From that
list, each student must choose a depiction of space within the novel to
rhetorically examine. How does the shape of the space in the novel affect the
characters and their interactions? In this mini essay, you should explore what
you think the text is arguing and prove it with some textual examples. (2-3

Essay 1-The Influence of Space(@4-6 Pages)
In this essay, Id like you to rhetorically analyze the use of space in our
everyday world/ and in the literary world of 1984. I would suggest focusing
on a shared theme in the novel and the space you choose (such as
government control, censorship, behavior modification, gender roles, and
etc.) How does the rhetoric of a space change a person and their interaction
with the world around them? You might want to think about: Courts,
bathrooms, libraries, schools, amusement parks, and etc.

What does this mean? You can think of space in 1984 (and in everyday
interactions) as a rhetorical force, which shapes your interactions with
people and their interactions toward you. Examine one of the many
Spaces in Winstons life and your own and describe how this space
influences people. You can do this by providing textual and personal

When thinking about how space rhetorically shapes 1984 and your own life,
consider the space of:
Social Interactions (gender codes, us vs. them, social codes, and etc.)
Institutions (military, education, and etc.)
Physical Spaces (A Court/ Ministry building)
Public/Private (Compare and contrast a public/private space from your
life and the text)
Space of the Dystopian World

Your essay should be about the Rhetoric of Space. In the essay, you
must discuss how space influences your everyday interactions with
people just as much as it does for characters in a novel. You must provide
valid evidence from the novel and observations from your life that
supports your conclusions.

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