The Giver CH 3 Guide

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May 5, 2014

Secret Message: What would Loochs Assignment be?

The Giver - Chapter Three Guide

After We Read: Comprehension Questions

1. What similarity does Lily notice between Jonas and Gabriel?

Both Jonas and Gabriel have pale eyes, which is considered funny or unusual in the

2. What does Jonas see in Gabriels eyes that he does not see in the eyes of others?

Jonas sees depth in Gabriels eyes.
He was reminded that the light eyes were not only a rarity but gave the one who had
them a certain look as if one were looking into the clear water of the river, down to the
bottom, where things might lurk that hadnt been discovered yet. He felt self-conscious
realizing that he, too, had that look (21).

3. Why does Mother say that Lily should not want to be a Birth Mother?

Mother says that there is little honor in the job.
She tells Lily that Birth Mothers have three years. Three births, and thats all. After that,
they are Laborers for the rest of their adult lives Is that what you want, Lily? Three lazy
years and then hard physical labor until you are old? (22).

4. Why did Jonas take the apple after playing catch with Asher?

Jonas took the apple home in order to study it more closely, even though this was against the
rules. Jonas wanted to study the apple to try to figure out why, when he threw it, it seemed to
But suddenly Jonas had noticed, following the path of the apply through the air with his
eyes, that the piece of fruit had well this is the part that he couldnt adequately
understand the apple had changed. Just for an instant. It had changed in mid-air (24)
May 5, 2014
Secret Message: What would Loochs Assignment be?

5. What is different about the apple compared to apples in our world?

The apple in Jonas Community has no color; in our world, apples are red, green, and yellow.
Jonas apple is also a perfect sphere. In our world, apples are imperfectly shaped. and all look
different from each other.
It changed in mid-air, he remembered. Then it was in his hand, and he looked at it
carefully but it was the same apple. Unchanged, the same size and shape. A perfect
sphere. The same nondescript shade, about the same shade as his own tunic (24)

Looking Ahead: Predictions

Maybe people with the weird eyes (pale in color with depth) can see the change to the
Since the people with the pale eyes are different, maybe they are able to see glitches in
the world of Sameness
One of the Communitys goals is to keep a steady population (not to increase or decrease
the number of citizens living there) Connection to Sameness
When the apple changed in front of Jonas eyes, maybe it turned into a real apple, like the
ones we have in our world
Jonas and Gabriel are related by blood (have the same Birthmother?)
o Gary Says: Because birthmothers are only active for 3 years and there is a 11 year
difference between Jonas and Gabriel, it would be impossible for them to have the
same mother
Polly Says: Maybe their birthmothers are related in some way
The reason why they ride bikes in the Community is to prevent the citizens from leaving
Perhaps the person who started the Community wanted Sameness because in the world he
lived in before, all the differences between people caused chaos and havoc
o Perhaps Sameness began as a way to improve the world

May 5, 2014
Secret Message: What would Loochs Assignment be?

Looking Ahead: Questions

What color are pale eyes?
Are there any bigger reasons (besides the ones Mother pointed out) why someone should
not be a Birth Mother?
At what age do you enter the House of the Old?
Are there any repeat Assignments among the Twelves?
What do the pilots do? Where do they fly?
Why are mirrors forbidden in the Community?

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