Johnson Amanda

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Name: Amanda Johnson 1103 (PP)

1Rubric: Project Two ~ Genre Morphs Collection

Grade Sheet
It is curious curious, that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so
rare. ~ Mark Twain
Reflective Introduction
25 pts / 25
I absolutely love that you incororated your !rou discussion o" innovation and hysically brou!ht in the ima!e o" your
!rou#s $hite board% &he entire re"lection is e'traordinarily $ell(cra"ted "rom start to "inish) and touches uon retty much
every ma*or concet it needed to) and does it in hi!h "ashion% I $ill be as+in! you i" I can archive a coy o" this ro*ect "or
trainin! $or+shos%
Images Collected (ten required)
10 pts total / 10
Reort Included
The image gallery is far ranging in content and at times is fanciful, others artistic.
Image One
Image Two
Image Three
Image Four
Image Five
Image Six
Image Seven
Image Eight
Image Nine
Image Ten
Rhetorical Analsis (first! required)
15 pts / 15
PARA.I/0% &he choice "or 12+ateboard 3lyin!4 is !reat% Analy5in! such an ima!inative ima!e !ives you much to $or+
$ith) and you $or+ $ith it $ell% -ach comonent is thou!ht(out6 everythin! you state is lo!ical and sensible% I $ould only
as+ "or a little bit o" develoment $ith the motivation section to elaborate uon your stated idea%
Rhetorical Analsis (second! required) 15 pts /
&RA7-% -ach asect is $ell resented) includin! identi"yin! the 8u""in!ton Post as the a!ency behind the authorshi%
2u!!estion "or you under constraints a "urther constraint $ould be $hether eole actually see this as ure "antasy or
accet it as a ossibility o" science% 2ince you cover that in e'i!ence) the ideas still $or+ and "lo$ to!ether to create a
$ell(rounded analysis%
"enre #orph $ %&planation (first! required) 15 pts /
/I3 set o" 1Robot(8uman Interaction4% .e"initely elaborate uon your messa!e section to e'lain% &he ne!ative resonse
!iven is e'tremely short and cuts o"" any "urther thou!ht the reader may have in becomin! involved in your iece%
"enre #orph $ %&planation (second! required) 15 pts / 15
/I3 set o" rosthetics% -ach iece o" the e'lanation is $ell reresented and no "urther elaboration is needed here) as the
choice o" ima!e and the /I3 morh are ideally lin+ed%
(i)liograph (one required)
05 pts / '
Please note this screen should be labeled 1biblio!rahy4 not 1citation a!e4%
Rough *raft/+eer ,or-shop #aterials ./A
3ull round o" stic+y notes) an e'cellent eer revie$) eer $s 9 artners%
100 pts / 121
%C Accumulated2 0RAC%2 (310)
"enre #orph2 #orph "if2 (310)
#A (34)
#A2 (35)

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