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Cultural work shops

Smudge workshop- Where Gitanmaax (Anglican Church) When- Feb 6

Thurs 1:00 4:00
Where-kispiox A.B.E When-Feb, 24, Mon 1:00-4:00 Where-Glen vowel health center when-
feb25, tue 1:00-4:00
What is it about; learn what the smudge is for and why we do it .Also the way other cultures
do it so we can see our similarities towards other cultures rather than the differences.
Sweat lodge workshop-Where-Kispiox A.B.E When-Feb, 11th Tue 1:00-4:00 Where-
Glen Vowel health center When Feb 13
Thursday 1:00-4:00
What is it about; this wonderful work shop will inform you of why we do the sweats (yes the
Gitxsan people did sweats), what are the elements that go into making a sweat lodge, who and when
should we go to a sweat and what the four rounds represents. This will be a great work shop for
people who know very little and would like to learn more.
Plant medicine work shop- Where- Kispiox health center When- Feb 20
Thurs 1:00-4:00
Where-Gitanmaax (Anglican Church) When-Feb, 26th Wed, 11:00-2:00 (lunch provided)
What is it about- this informative work shop will teach you the personal space you will need
to be in when gathering plant medicines, how and when to harvest the medicines and what
medicines we use for many of the health problems we are going through today i.e.: cancer,
arthritis, diabetes to mention a few .you will also be informed on some of the spiritual values
the plants carry.
Medicine pouch work shop- Where- Gitanmaax (Anglican Church) When February
Thursday 1:00-4:00 pm
What is it about this fun work shop will inform you of why we use pouches
what goes in them and the history of the pouch, you will also get the opportunity
to make one .(it would be good if you attend the smudge and plant medicine workshops before this one it is
not necessary but it would help). Workshops will be hosted by the I.R.S program and
presented by Ross McRae contact number 250-842-2320
All these workshops will be held in a very open minded way of understanding that there are many different ways
of doing these things. Everyone is welcome to participate in the workshops no matter which community you are
from so please feel free to attend anyone that we are hosting in any of the communities.

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