Postmodernism in Big Fish Quiz

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Fill out this worksheet while you watch the video. Questions about Big Fish and Postmodernism will be
on the final test. If you can answer these questions (which we will review in class! then you will be in
"ood sha#e for the test.
$. %hat is a #astiche& 'ive an e(am#le of a #astiche and e(#lain how it is eclectic.
). %hat does *metafiction+ refer to& 'ive an e(am#le of this.
,. -ist two s#ecific causes for the emer"ence of #ostmodernism that we covered in class. () #ts
.. /dward! %illie! and 0enny all tell stories about /dward 1loom2s life in Big Fish. How does this
relate to #ostmodernism&
3. How does Big Fish demonstrate #ostmodern narrative structure&
4. Identify what the #ostmodern conce#t of *truth+ is! and e(#lain what that means.
5. 6##ly the #ostmodern conce#t of *truth+ to analy7e8e(#lain why /dward 1loom uses fantastical
elements to tell his stories. 9our answer should demonstrate your understandin" of #ostmodern
truth! as well as how that relates to the film. :ontinue onto the back if necessary.

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