Glossary of Terms For Adhd

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Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)- a condition characterized by an

inability to concentrate, pay attention, and/or control ones actions.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- the medical term for attention
deficit disorder (ADD)
Behavior odifications- a treatment often !sed to chan"e behavior in
people #ith ADD
$erebral $orte%- the o!termost layer of the brain. &e !se it to thin',
remember, ma'e decisions, and control the movements of the body.
$ombined (ype- a 'ind of ADD in #hich a person sho#s both
inattentive and hyperactive-imp!lsive symptoms
Dia"nosis- identifyin" a medical condition from its symptoms
Distract- to conf!se, to have tro!ble foc!sin" attention on one thin"
Dopamine- a ne!rotransmitter chemical that #or's in the brain to help
foc!s attention
)rontal *obes- the part of the brain that helps yo! concentrate, ma'e
plans, and thin' before yo! act.
+ene- a material inside the body that carries information abo!t a
persons characteristics
Hyperactive-,mp!lsive (ype- a 'ind of ADD. A hyperactive person has
more ener"y that most people. An imp!lsive person acts #itho!t
Hyperactivity- havin" more ener"y than normal
,mp!lsive- a s!dden, !ne%plained action
,nattentive (ype- a 'ind of ADD in #hich the person as diffic!lty payin"
,nherited- passed on by "enes from parents to children
-e!rotransmitter- a chemical that carries messa"es from one part of
the brain to another
.verdia"nose- to identify a certain illness more often than it act!ally
/italin/0trattera- dr!"s !sed to treat ADD, especially the hyperactive
0elf-1steem- ho# yo! feel abo!t yo!rself
0tim!lant-a dr!" that ma'es most people feel more alert and ener"etic

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