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The Madeline Hunter Model TPA Expanded

Teacher Name: Rebekah Branby Lesson Date and Time: September 17

, 11:20- 12:20
Number of Students: 20
Miscellaneous Information (special considerations for instruction):
This lesson is meant to give the students an opportunity to CHOOSE how they will demonstrate their
knowledge of bus safety. There should be a strong connection to the video watched the day before as
well as the personal and relevant reasons for bus safety.

Instructional Context:
What do I know about my students that will inform this lesson?
I know that these third graders will be excited to choose their assignment but will require explicit
modeling in order to begin working.

How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lesson(s) or learning?
This lesson will directly connect with the bus safety video and next lessons in the bus safety unit
because we will be discussion and exploring the same ideas.

How do you expect to build on this lesson in subsequent lessons?
I expect to be able to lean on this lesson as we talk more about bus safety as well as responsible and
well-done work.

Materials and Resources:
Anchor chart with Bus Safety Tic-Tac-Toe

Poster paper available
Crayons and other art supplies

What is the lesson objective?
Content objective: I can choose, begin, and work on a project that shows what I have learned
about bus safety.
Language Objective: The project I am working on is _____________. It shows what I know about
bus safety because __________.

Standards addressed and expectations of students:
Map Story Play
Game *Quiz* Poster
Song Drama Model
HE.4 Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance
health and avoid or reduce health risks

Anticipatory Set:
Who likes to choose things? *discuss why choices are fun to have.* Yesterday we got to watch a cool
video about bus safety. Who can remind me why we would want to learn about being safe on the bus?
*discuss reasons for safety* Lets take a look at our objective for today. Ooooit says we are going to
start working on a project! But it also says you get to choose. Whoo hoo!! We are going to take some
time now so I can show you what kinds of projects you could do and how we will choose them. *Walk
through Bus Safety Tic-Tac-Toe explaining each type of project and giving them time to decide what they
want to do* Give them a sign-up sheet and check for understanding.

Academic Language/Language Function Objectives:

Teaching/Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (procedures and timelines):
(Teacher talk/Input, modeling, and checking for understanding)

Time Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks Purpose
5 minutes Hook and discussion about choice and safety Intro and
Model the bus safety tic-tac-toe board by looking at every box and
giving ideas for what the project would look like. Examples:
Map- draw a simple map on the whiteboard and talk through
putting a bus on a street and adding kids walking in a single file
line ten feet in front of the bus. Explain as you draw a car
stopped and waiting.
Story- Talk as you write a three sentence story about a girl
who didnt give herself enough time to get ready in the
morning and dropped all her books. By the time she got to the
bus she was almost late and she tripped on the curb and had
to get a band-aid from the bus driver. She decided to get up a
little earlier so could walk safely to the bus from then on.
Play- Talk while you write a script about two kids who are
chatting about bus safety. Maybe one says, Im so excited to
ride the bus today! Ill race ya there! and the next says, I
dont think thats a good idea Why not? Well, we learned
in bus safety that you should never run near the bus. Someone
could get hurt. How? etc.
Poster- Show an example poster on the SMART Board
Model- Talk while you make a small bus from folded paper and
label a few of its parts. Put it on a piece of paper and label the
Explanation and
Includes children
with spatial
Danger Zones.
Drama- Explain that there could be a few in this group working
on a project together and that they would have a chance to
share on Friday. Model a quick drama about a bus driver giving
the signal for the students to cross in front of the bus.
Song- Model this to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:
Bus driver, bus driver, there you are. Put your sign out to stop
the car. We will wait for you to say, Ok kids, go on your way
Bus driver, bus driver thanks so much. We will see you after
Game- Draw a game board on the whiteboard and talk
through using a dice to move ahead spaces and stopping near
a bus or waiting a turn for the bus drivers signal or extra
points for walking to the bus stop or losing a turn for messing
around at the bus stop.
After modeling, explain that when they choose their tic-tac-toe line,
they will need to choose one project to start with and do their best
work. If they only get one project done, but they do it well, that is
completely fine.

5 minutes After modeling, give students their own tic tac toe board and have
them write their name and draw a line for the projects they would like
to do and circle the project they will start with. Have them turn that in
sheet before beginning work. Check for understanding.

Independent work time, material collection, monitoring Work time,
Have students put their projects in a safe place and clean up their
materials. Discuss what the purpose of these projects is (to show what
they know about bus safety). Remind students of the importance of
being safe and responsible on the bus as well as in the school.
Transition to lunch.
Closure and re-

Guided practice and monitoring and assessments:
Check for understanding throughout intro and modeling.

Independent Practice/Assignment:
Lots of time to develop their projects. Be sure to encourage peer advice as well as teacher availability.

Restate the importance of bus safety and these projects. Remind students that it will help teachers
know they are ready to be safe and responsible on the bus.

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