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in Telecommunications
Masters Degree Plan of Study

Last Name: ___________Tsai____________ First Name: __________Chihua___________ Initial: ____
G Number: ________G00670627_________
Phone: _________573-239-8814__________ E-mail: _________ctsai2@masonlive.gmu.edu_________
Address:_______2089 Laura Mews Place, Alexandria, VA 22303________________________________

Date Admitted: _______May, 2013______ _________BRIDGE________ ________________________
Degree Provisional Non-Degree

Catalog Year: _________________________ Expected Date of Graduation: ____________________
Advisor: _________Dr. Peter Paris__________ Certificate(s): _________________________________
Research Interests: ______________Wireless Communications__________________________________

This plan should be kept up to date based on consultation with students advisor. Consequent changes
should be appropriately annotated on the students and TCOM file copy. A final, signed, version must be
submitted by the student with the graduation application.

Type of
core TCOM 500 Modern Telecommunications Fall 2013 3
core TCOM 501
Data Communications and Local Area
Network Spring 2014 1.5
core TCOM 502 Wide Area Networks and Internet Spring 2014 1.5
TCOM 551 Digital Communications Systems Spring 2014 3
core TCOM 521
Systems Engineering for
Telecommunications Summer 2014 3
TCOM 509 Internet Protocols Fall 2014 1.5
TCOM 529 Advanced Internet Protocols Fall 2014 1.5
elective core TCOM 514 Basic Switching Fall 2014 3
TCOM 552 Intro to Mobile Communications Systems Fall 2014 3
TCOM 516 Global Positioning System (GPS) Fall 2014 3
TCOM 526 Advanced Global Positioning System (GPS) Fall 2014 3
TCOM 606 Advanced Mobile Communications System Spring 2015 3
elective core TCOM 750 Coordinating Seminar Spring 2015 3

Remarks: Remediation Required/Substitutions/Waivers/Justifications
Approved by
Advisor: ____________________________ _____________________________ Date: ______________
Signature Printed Name

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